
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · Urban
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31 Chs

Child Of Sin-Pt6

Chapter 6.

All members of the council sat there with their mouths agape unable to react to the information presented before them.

"Oi Lord Akasa, This has to be a joke right, Please don't joke about something like that I almost had a heart attack from that information" said Armin the representative of the Allied Nations in a stern voice.

"Remember your place Arwin. Your presence here is a mere formality, do not overstep your bounds as any one of us could destroy that little Alliance of yours. You only exist because of our joint desire to start an unnecessary war. And also it is not a joke the prophecy has been said to have begun already" said Akasha in a stern tone as he used a bit of his [Existence Suppression] on the Alliance leader.

"I am sorry Lord Akasha. My emotions got the better of me that time" Said the Alliance lord Arwin through gritted teeth as he tried to fight against the pressure being imposed upon him.

"Akasa, How sure of this information are you?" said the Witch of Damnation in a questionable tone.

"100 Percent" he replied aloofly.

The ominous message the prophecy foretold was what scared the Emperors the most as anyone with a decently sized brain would be able to figure out what this line meant.

{There comes a day when rocks will rain from the blessed sky a fall bringing to life the blessed toppling of leaders.}

Although they were unable to tell what was 'meant' by rocks they were still scared nonetheless of a being who would be able to bring down all the world's major powers.

"I would advise you all to prepare and stay alert as to withstand the coming calamity, And I will be relying on you to spread this information to the other continents" The Void Emperor said cooly as he looked towards the other Emperors and proceeded to teleport out of there.

"Akasa is really taking this way too well."The Witch of Damnation Tiree spoke, still obviously stunned by the news as she also proceeded to take her leave.

"Well I guess this meeting is adjourned" Empress Lucciene said as she too took her leave as a slight smile could be seen planted on her face.

And the rest of the Emperors left as the room was left hollowing.

Pov: Mahald Emrys.

I crouch down as I try to reign it the memories of the two men I had just devoured, I could feel them become a part of me. I had become Landin Vomer and Cain Lorwe. Yet I had kept my individuality a gift that I am very thankful for. Now on to the devoured men he had gained a lot from these two men aside from the feeling of something strengthening inside him which I assume to be my soul, a sensation I also got after devouring the wolves. I also feel like I got stronger physically but that was where the enhancements stopped. Not that I really care about those meager enhancements, what I really cared about is the information I have desired at last. I categorized it into a more reasonable system to see what I am lacking.

{Planet Name:Thiastea.

Population: Estimated to be around 400 billion

Continents: 5 and the inhabitable Vinwich(The Land of Extinction)

Civilization level: Full extent unknown but estimated to be very advanced(Technological Era)

Power System: Energy used to cultivate [Existence Levels]

Current location: Within the human domain, Bordering two kingdoms that are allied with AFOK.

The Gesian Kingdom.

The Madya Kingdom.}

It seems my original theory was correct as according to these guys' memories there are other people with abilities as every sentient being gains one considering they have achieved the required energy levels.

Those guys were what you would call [Deficents] beings unable to meet the energy criteria for the unlocking of their abilities. Hence why I did not get any abilities from them but the information I got is more than enough to plan accordingly.

Another point that I need to take into account is to stop devouring unless I need to and I am absolutely sure the person I devour is of no importance. As the threat levels of the beings that inhabit this planet is currently beyond me. So I have to be smart in what I do and watch my every step accordingly, plan 10 times ahead and never take unnecessary risks and always be cautious.

I think as I call out for my records to be shown.

[Name: Mahald Emrys ||Age: 17 (Biological years)||Species:Homo Sapien(Pure)|| Faction:None||Alignment:True Neutral]

State Of Being:[Mortal](Tier 3)

Attributes: [STR:14 || AGI:15 || STA:12 || E:30]

Abilities:Devour(Grade:???)(Awakened!), High Sovereign´s Intellect(Grade:???)||

"It seemed they did improve my stats slightly, from this I can deduce the human average should be 5-7 for an average adult male. There is still more information to be gathered about this world now with the bare minimum at hand. I can register myself as a true denizen of this world without anyone being suspicious.

Now I need to take my time to gain power although I could devour all future foes. Come a day where I am without my ability my reliance becomes a weakness and that is something I cannot have. I believe this is how I should progress. I need to clear all these conditions.

Create an identity.

Devour a person with sufficient energy levels to disguise my two main abilities.

Enroll myself in an academy to learn more about the world.

Find my way into Government.

Rise in political rank.

THose are my current goals. They will change as I meet with unexpected circumstances but their main point should always remain.

Lay Low till I have sufficient power. Enough power to wander the universe unhindered.

I think to myself as I quickly board the vehicle the two men seemingly came with. It seems they came out with it to hunt and get some hide to sell and get money. A truly profitable business. With little to no difficulty I am quickly able to learn how to operate the vehicle due to the mens memories.

And thus he began to drive into the city as his path to conquest had truly begun.


Meanwhile….. In a forest within the Trioblen(The Land of the Gods) there was currently a woman on what looked to be a flying beast however if one looked closely enough they would see she was on a Dragon. A mystical being said to have long gone extinct, But now a woman who appeared to be an elf was riding on its back and they seemed to be fleeing from a group of people who also seemed to be riding upon a dragon as their figures were clad in black making it impossible to see their features.

"Stop at once,Moirdi, if you turn back now you may still be forgiven for your crimes by the elders!!However, that impure halfbreed riding atop you will have to die." Shouted one of the figures that rode upon the dragon.

"I am sorry brother, But I cannot do such a thing for she bears my child and I have grown quite fond of her"replied the dragon that the half breed woman rode upon sternly.

As the dark clad figures quickly caught up to the dragon and his half breed panther he spoke to her.

"Iethynth, You must take the child and flee and drop him within the human domain, suppress his Elven and Draconic heritage in order to make his human one more prominent." Said the Draconic figure as he began to slow down and prepare to fight his brother.

"But Dear is that truly the wisest choice?" Asked the half-elf mate of the dragon.

"It might not be. But it is better than having that young life meet its cruel end here. Now, quick hurry!! We do not have much time to waste." said the draconic figure in a solemn tone.

Nodding her head in accordance, The Half-Elf begins to cast a spell upon the child. A spell that sealed his two most prominent heritages as with the completion of the spell the spawn of the two beings looked no different than a regular human infant.

"Now we must send him away, I know a human clan that owes me a favour. You can teleport him there. I trust he is in great hands." Said the draconic figure after stealing one last glance at his child.

"My child, although your heritage has been sealed, never forget your royal blood. You are destined to stand above all others and rule them. Soren Roth that is your name. Never forget it and embed it deep into your soul my child." Said the Half elf with teary eyes as her child turned into motes of light that flew into the night sky towards the human domain.

"He is coming. Let's end this dear we shall drag him down to hell with us" said the draconic figure with a smile planted across his face.

"I Would go anywhere with you, Including hell" Replied the Half Elf as they readied themselves for a fight that would cost them their lives.