
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · Urban
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31 Chs

Child Of Sin-Pt4

In the vast and infinite universe there lies a planet suitable for harbouring life but that place currently harbours a recently and newly born monster walking around in a desolate forest.

In a forest filled with large trees with an imposing height of more than 15 meters. A human shaped shadowy figure raced through the forest jumping from tree to tree at speeds the eye could barely keep up with.

With a plop he gracefully lands on the ground and glances towards the sight in front of him. A city, a fairly large city at that, crouching down he once again looks towards the city and back at the forest with nostalgic eyes as he had been reborn from his past self.

'I wonder what kind of civilization I am going to encounter?. From the wolves' memory it only showed me the existence of humans and not their technological prowess or anything of the sorts.' he thought with a blank stare across his face as he slowly walked towards the city while formulating a plan to get in.

'Hmm there are roads here so that signifies at least some level of development, I should continue walking down this path and see where it leads me and I need a solid story that explains my sudden appearance in a forest and lack of clothes.' he said as he looked down towards his torn up apparel.

After walking for a while he finally encounters some people who seemed to be in a truck shaped vehicle as he walked up to them slowly so as not to make himself seem suspicious towards the men.

"Hello there" he said as the men stared at him in confusion for a while after his unexpected appearance and greeting.

"Who are you!! How are you at this place?" The men quickly retorted, seemingly surprised at the boy's quick appearance.

'Hm we speak the same language, this is surprising seeing as the odds are extremely odd for that to happen. Or perhaps somebody implanted knowledge of the language into my head? Or it may perhaps be the records doing here?' All these thoughts were quickly shuffling through his mind as he carefully picked out his following words as they would be important for the validation of his story.

"Uhm Sirs I would also like to know the answer to this question, Could you please direct me to the nearest shelter. I seem to have forgotten a large portion of my memory sadly" he asked while solemnly staring in their direction.

"Memory loss? That doesn't explain how you were able to survive a D tiered forest filled with monsters." said the second man as an expression of disbelief was written across his face.

"Sirs you have to believe me, although I was injured by the wolves I was able to make it out safely" the boy said with concern across his face as the two men weren't buying his story.

"Boy I don't believe you, Now tell me where you're truly coming from!! What are your intentions!!" Shouted the first man obviously fed up with the deceptions so far.

'I didn't want it to escalate to this but they haven't bought my story and to get the information I want I have no choice but to devour them. But I am unaware of the abilities they possess or if they possess any at all. They seem fairly average. I should be able to take one down with the makeshift weapon I made in the forest; the other one seems to be the issue. I have to get close enough to make physical contact and I am still unaware of how long it takes to devour an object. I tried devouring objects in the forest but it constantly showed up as [Invalid] he wondered if it had to be a living being with sentience of some form as all he tried to devour were trees and leaves. I could also try using [High Sovereign's Intellect] bullettime to properly gauge and assess their threat levels. Although this would be my first time using it as I did not have enough time in the forest to test it out' the boy thought as he seemed to enter a world of his own quickly returning back to reality he activated his ability.

"[High Sovereign's Intellect]"

Upon uttering those words time itself seemed to have slowed down as the world seems to be enclosed in a heavy shade of grey.

"W-what is this, This feeling its so intoxicating, I can see it all the available paths before me. There were so many better options to take such as sneaking up behind the men and taking them out one by one or he could have used [Devour] on the men before they even registered his existence" the boy thought as he was in a euphoric state upon being given the intellect of someone far beyond his reasoning.

But suddenly he felt his body begin to grow weak and he felt his consciousness slowly fading

"Hmm it seems my body is unable to bear the burden of the ability for extended periods of time like the notes said . I should wrap this up quickly" The boy said as he looked in the direction of the men who seemed to be frozen in time as he charged towards them with the little strength he had left and as he made contact with both of them he said.


As their body dematerialized as if their very atoms were ripped apart, They dematerialized into a black mass that quickly flew towards the boy as if guided.

"Ha-Ha" the boy let out stifled breaths as he felt the feeling of absolute control gradually slip away from him. But he quickly felt the devoured energy fill his body at a fast rate. As he maintained his position as he quickly went through all the information he had received from this little fight of his.

He looked towards the vehicle, the only witness to his one manned slaughter that occurred here.

But unknown to him a Mad God's eyes were set on him as a grin graced his demonic visage and he looked towards the boy who stood upon the land and said.

"Yes Yes ,Grow, little parasite. Devour all that stand in your way be it Gods or Demons, Bare your fangs at this cruel and wretched universe and set us free from our misery. I will be awaiting the day you remember your promise Mahald Emrys.HAHAHAH '' The being laughed in a seemingly hysteric and reminiscent tone as he looked towards the boy who held untold secrets. Secrets that could rock the universe to its very core.

The boy looked in a direction where there seemed to be nothing but a vast expanse of land and he muttered.



Mcs first battle. We see how much he thinks things through and what kind of person he is. He's Not adverse to killing as long as it is for his goal.

And more mysteries surround our cute little parasite. What promise did he make? What does he have to remember? Shockers everywhere the next few chapters are going to be worldbuilding so be prepared heheheh.

But you know who are truly the parasites you guys i sacrifice my sanity and time to entertain you and YET YOU GIVE ME NOTHING IN RETURN YOU DAMNED LEECHES I CURSE ALL SEVEN OF YOUR GENERATIONS TO BE IMPOTENT CUCKS. I HOPE YOU GET HIT BY A BUS .

Kill yourselves you parasites

Word count:1141

Mwah from Lieu The Undying

Off topic i've been recently watching code geass and its good asf like lelouch is such a mastermind he anticipates his enemies moves before they even do them bro single handedly declared war on the world and lead a rebellion against an empire with control of ⅓ of the world bros mega chad we can't even begin to comprehend his intellect.