
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · Urban
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31 Chs

Child Of Sin-Pt3

Chapter 3

"What are all these notifications about" the boy uttered as throughout his nirvanic experience he had not heard the monotone system voice amidst his enlightenment.

[Multiple Notifications Detected!!]

Choosing to open the messages he was bombarded with a ton of system notifications.

[High Soul Instability Detected]

[Soul Fluctuation Interference]

[All conditions have been met]

[Awakening….. In progress]

[Devour has been awakened]

[New Ability Gained!]


[Interference Detected]

[Protocol Initiated]

[Resolved…. Protocol Resolved]

[New Ability Gained!]

[High Sovereign's Intellect]

[Congratulations on your awakening]

¨UOR show me my records¨

[Opening records]

[Name: Mahald Emrys ||Age: 17 (Biological years)||Species:Homo Sapien(Pure)|| Faction:None||Alignment:True Neutral]

State Of Being:[Mortal](Tier 2)

Attributes: [STR:10 || AGI:10 || STA:10 || E:25]

Abilities:Devour(Grade:???)(Awakened!), High Sovereign´s Intellect(Grade:???)||

Remarks:You have recently become aware of your significance in the universe this is a good sign for the years to come, Do beware although you have attained enlightenment something majority of beings go eons without experiencing. You are still pittfully weak, quickly raise your strength and establish yourself as a sovereign in this wide universe.

´Hmm that's interesting, It seems I am capable of holding more than one ability, although I already theorized I would be able to hold more than one seeing I am able to take the abilities of the beings I devour, but that also leads me to wonder why I got no abilities from those creatures?It is also highly likely they had no abilities to begin with, Or maybe one has to have reached a certain level of sentience? Evolution? Or maybe they simply were not lucky enough to receive one.´ Mahald was not conceited enough to believe he had been ´chosen´ out of sheer luck. It was obvious there was something way bigger than he could even fathom working behind the scenes and he could now vaguely sense it due to his transcendence. From his transportation to this new universe to awakening of the [Universal Origin Records] to his chase down by the wolves and his subsequent awakening and the skill acquisition and right down to the interference with the system itself. He could tell there was something much larger going on here. But he vowed to grow strong enough to never be toyed with by beings beyond his reason.

There were numerous unanswered questions abound such as.

´Who made the system?Why was I chosen among the possibly infinite options?What exactly is the UOR? What is with the question marks behind my abilities grades? What is the new ability?Who interfered with the system?´ all these questions raced through his mind as he quickly suppressed them and he returned to this once stoic disposition.

´There is no use pondering upon questions I currently don't have the means to answer, One at a time Mahald all shall be clear in due time. I should instead focus on things I do have the means to solve, Such as what is the new ability exactly´ he thought within his mind as he once again willed the screen to appear in front of him as he quickly began to research the new information about his abilities.


[Devour(Grade:???)(Awakened): The user of this ability has the power to effectively 'eat' the State of Existence of any being the ability is used on, The user gains all abilities, skills, knowledge and intrinsic existence of the devoured.

Note: This ability is currently at (Stage:D) thus the user can only devour the stats and abilities of the intended target, The user has to be making physical contact with the intended target for the ability to manifest, Once something is devoured it is nigh impossible to bring back as the user as essentially become 'one with that being']

[High Sovereign´s Intellect(Grade:???): The user gained the mind and intellect of @#$%@#$#$%

Thus the user is able to reach conclusions and solve problems that would normally be impossible to be solved by any being that is omniscient. The user is also able to enter a state known as bullet time due to the sheer speed information is able to be processed.

Note: This ability is currently at stage (F).Due to the incompatibility of mind and body the user is restricted to 1 minute in this state, The user is also unable to move after the duration of the ability has been reached, The user is also advised to not use this ability more than one per day.]

'Hmm, There is plenty of information here as it seemed my ability [Devour] seemingly awakened. But I am currently unaware of what that means. I will also find out what it means later. Also the stage upgrade I wonder what's the deciding factor for that? It could be how connected it is into my soul? Or it could be my comprehension towards the nature of the ability itself? Because I felt seemingly endless amounts of hunger welling up inside me after the incident. But otherwise the ability [High Sovereign´s Intellect] while being highly helpful and a great ability seems shady. Its appearance seems way too convenient to be natural. It also never mentioned whose intellect I was superficially seemed to 'borrow.'

It also seems that with each ability I start off at the same stage and the weakness of [Devour] were removed as the restriction for my target to be alive was removed. But the other restriction was for the target to be making physical contact was still applied. I guess it counts even though I was being eaten alive. But yet I cannot shake this feeling, The feeling that this is all too perfectly aligned. I am still not foolish enough to believe that the universe is like those stories where everything seemingly works out for that one character. I need to get to the bottom of this quickly as it seems to be eating me alive.' and gathering his bearings as he hopped up and collected all the thoughts running around in his mind and quickly regaining his stoic disposition.

He felt the power coursing through him as quickly accounted this to the devoured monsters and thus he began his journey once again this time not as a nameless mob unaware of the reality of things. But as Mahald Emrys a being who will sacrifice anything and everything to reach what lies beyond infinity. A transcendent demon who has officially begun his journey. A journey for what lies beyond eternity. A journey to clear all those who stand in his way. A journey to reach the absolute zenith of existence!!

"So many questions, So little time but it's ok because for one that will soon be eternal time is but a fleeting and insignificant concept. Let's find out what lies beyond the infinite." he uttered as he took his first steps towards human civilization once again.


Let's follow the journey of not the nameless ignorant and useless mob from before But the journey of Mahald Emrys. The Mad Deity!, A being who will do anything in his acquisition for his goals and plans. A being who would raise hell to satiate his unending and unnerving curiosity. Let's follow his path to transcend not only in mind but in body. As the Infinite one has thus begun his epic journey of not fun searching or thrilling but a journey of Conquest, Death, Destruction and Immortality.

"Let us begin."



Pretty tough chapter ngl kept wondering how I was gonna write it so I kept rewriting over and over again till I got something I think is acceptable as a whole.

With thus we finally see how much the mc has changed from his previous self to an absolute chad of a being. I also wanted to use this chapter to show how calculative and how much thought mahald puts into his plans and thoughts. So this gives the readers a new lens to view the story. Now we are soon witnessing mc's interaction with the outside world and the world building that's about to come will be a headache to write but anything for my readers. I'm also getting the hang of this writing thing. I wrote two chapters today amassing a total of three. Well that's all you're getting from me this week till next week. TATA cuties.



Mwah love you nerds.

Lieu The Undying.

Word Count:1241.

Day 2 of writing still.