
Loyalty: Obey Me

She had fallen into a novel she disliked and became the side character, Faenia Lutatia Roscius. To prevent her unreasonable death, she had to change the plot, but how easy was it inside of that piece of garbage novel? With no strings attached and no intention to take revenge for the original character, she planned to get out of the piece of garbage novel and go back home. But something was terribly wrong with the novel. She couldn't change her fate of death no matter how much she tried. Succeeded to prevent the original death of the side character? No need to worry, that wasn't the end. There would be a second strike, a third strike, a fourth strike... It was as if the novel refused to let her stay alive.

Xivo · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Face Full of Tears

The crown prince watched her approach him and was about to speak again but she suddenly fell towards him and pushed him back. Since he wasn't on his guard the impact managed to make him fall. What was out of his expectation was that he fell into the pond! He had thought the girl also fell with him but unexpectedly she was standing on the ground completely unharmed as if she had never tripped, to begin with. Anger flooded his veins and he was about to reprimand her when he heard voices coming towards them.

"Oh my gosh, Your Highness!"

"Someone help him!"

It was the Emperor and the Marquess of Orephia with a group of servants. The servants quickly ran to help the crown prince, but he disregarded them and got out of the pond himself.

He ran his hand through his wet hair that had blocked his sight. He watched the girl run to her father with a face full of tears. She cried loudly and hugged her father's thigh.

"Ah, Father! It was Faenia's fault! I-I was so clumsy and tripped… H-His Highness saw it and tried to prevent me from hurting myself but because of that he took my place and—and…!"

Lord Orephia was surprised and immediately took out his handkerchief and wiped off his daughter's tears. "Little Fae, don't cry. Everything is fine. It was just an accident, wasn't it?"

He turned to face the Emperor and bowed. "I apologise, Your Majesty. My daughter has caused troubles to His Highness."

The Emperor sighed and waved his hand once. "My son doesn't seem to be hurt. I am glad he has a big heart and saved your daughter from getting hurt. It's not a big deal, no one has gotten injured." He looked at the little figure next to him.

Faenia, with her big, teary eyes, looked back at the Emperor and expressed her sincerity. "I am sorry, Your Majesty and…" She nervously moved her gaze to the drenched crown prince and said, "...Thank you for saving, Your Highness."

The Emperor nodded at her behaviour. "Yes, do not worry, child. My son is not fragile. He is fine, am I not right?"

The crown prince couldn't imagine the situation had turned into this, he held back his anger and agreed to his father's words. "Imperial Father is right. It's great you're unharmed, Lady Roscius."

Faenia covered her mouth and hastily said, "That is good to hear. I hope Your Highness won't bear this against me…"

"Of course I won't."

As such, the small incident ended well, the crown prince was escorted back to his room to get changed and was unable to do anything against Faenia. Faenia and her father excused themselves and bade farewell to the Emperor and returned home.

At the moment, the crown prince had gotten back to his room after he was summoned by the Emperor. He grabbed a book and threw it at a wall.

He was furious about what had happened. Thanks to someone, he was seen so pathetically by others. He looked at his palm and frowned. He was certain the girl had done it intentionally, but why? Why would she do that to him? Then he recalled the time she acted like a victim and a wave of irritation pricked at him.

He hoped she wouldn't see him again because he would make sure she would regret it!

"But… how did she know…?"

When he went to his father, he was told that his playmate wasn't going to be the daughter of Lord Orephia and that it would be someone else. His Imperial Father had changed his mind and that shocked him. Just what made him change his mind? Did she predict this or was it just a coincidence?

"Little Fae, are you unhappy that you won't be able to play with His Highness anymore?"

Faenia shook her head. "It's regrettable but it's okay. By the way, how did you do it, Father?"

"Oh? Nothing much, I just had a sincere talk with him."

She looked at her father doubtfully. She didn't know how but she was happy at the outcome. Luck was on her side this time! She could almost see her red flag blowing in the wind, farther and farther away from her.

She knew that the male lead was still only a child and that it wasn't too late to change his future if she decided to help him. However, she didn't want to help him change for the better. If he ended up being the world's most asshole person, then that was on him. For what reason did she have to help him? It wasn't her fault he would end up like that, nor was she obliged to guide him to a healthier path.

She smiled happily for many reasons. One was that she was able to watch him fall into the pond and no one even suspected her, and another one was that she could clearly see he was furious but he couldn't do anything about it.

If she didn't take revenge on him when he was only a kid, then she was surely going to regret it in the future. After all, she would barely have a chance against him as an adult, when he would be a lot stronger. But at the moment, not only was he a child but she was also. At best, people would think of this as a harmless fight between children.

If she was going to get killed by the male lead anyways, she might as well make him suffer before that. Since she wasn't his playmate, she wouldn't see him as easily until she got older so her taking small revenge on him infrequently wouldn't impact the future.

She, Faenia Lutatia Roscius, was now clumsy and pitiful whenever she would be close to the crown prince!

'Yes, suffer, you fool. This is what happens when you go against me.'

Laughter escaped from her lips and her father looked at her concernedly.

'Did she receive that much of a shock? That won't do, I'll let the butler prepare some desserts for her once we get home…'

A bit shorter chapter

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