
Loyalty: Obey Me

She had fallen into a novel she disliked and became the side character, Faenia Lutatia Roscius. To prevent her unreasonable death, she had to change the plot, but how easy was it inside of that piece of garbage novel? With no strings attached and no intention to take revenge for the original character, she planned to get out of the piece of garbage novel and go back home. But something was terribly wrong with the novel. She couldn't change her fate of death no matter how much she tried. Succeeded to prevent the original death of the side character? No need to worry, that wasn't the end. There would be a second strike, a third strike, a fourth strike... It was as if the novel refused to let her stay alive.

Xivo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Everybody Hide!

The morning came and she woke up to be greeted by the maids again and the routine was the same as yesterday, except for the part where she was preparing for the party. She hadn't gotten used to the luxurious service yet, so when the maids prepared her she felt awkward with the touches.

Nonetheless, the day has only begun, she was ready to explore her own home. This time she wasn't going to get lost as she would be accompanied by a maid. It wasn't Isidora but a maid named Ella; she was cheerful and talkative. Thanks to her, Faenia was able to gather more information than she had planned.

"The lord and lady are so busy with work, we have to entertain our young lady as much as we can!"

Holding hands with the maid as they walked through the garden, Faenia raised her head and inquired, "Work?"

Ella nodded her head hard. "Yes, work! The lady has to take care of the household management and respond to the letters, she also has to attend tea parties, and host one every now and then. As for the lord, he is responsible for the defence of the borderlands so he needs to train and lead his men, as well as doing paperwork and attending meetings. So there are a lot of things that need to be handled."

After she finished talking, she cried out, "Ah, I'm sorry, young lady! You probably don't understand the things I'm saying!"

Faenia shook her head and smiled. "It's okay, Ella! I want to listen to Ella talking, please tell me more about my mother and father."

Ella couldn't help but squeal. "Ahhh, the young lady is so adorable! Okay, okay, your Ella shall continue!"

Faenia laughed sweetly and Ella happily kept talking, both of them enjoyed their time.

"Young lady, did you know that the Roscius family is so amazing that you have the most men at arms in the entire empire!"

Faenia was astonished by the fact, it was never stated in the novel so that was new to her. Granting that her family was a marquess household, she knew that they would have at least more men at arms than most of the nobles but the empire had more than one marquess, at least ten more. For the Roscius family to be at the top blew her mind off. It didn't make sense, she thought. How could they be executed so easily if they were so powerful? Especially due to a ridiculous reason.

"Even more than the emperor?"

Ella scratched her cheek. "That… Of course not!" she exclaimed, "But except for the emperor, the Roscius family has the largest army and is very powerful."

"I don't understand but it means that father and mother are really amazing, right?"

"Yes, you are right, young lady!"

As they kept having a conversation while walking, they finally almost reached to the backyard area where the knights of Roscius would sometimes practice their swordsmanship. The further Faenia walked, the louder the sound of swords clashing could be heard. Faenia was curious but she wasn't able to walk forward, as Ella had restrained her from doing so.

With a worried face, Ella anxiously said, "That… Young lady, we shouldn't go there. Let's go somewhere else, okay?"

Faenia tilted her head, confused as to why she couldn't go there. Ella understood her from seeing her expression and she hesitantly explained.

"Well… You might not remember but last time you went there, you became so afraid you hid behind Isidora and I. Then, you quietly told us you didn't want to go there again."

The original Faenia when she was only a child tended to be easily scared and seeing tall men swinging big metals around did frighten her, even made her cry. The last time she saw them was when she was three years old and from then on, she had never spotted a knight at home. The current Faenia figured out her parents found out about it and ordered them to avoid her, afraid that their daughter would become terrified again if she saw them.

However, that was then, right now, she was eager to see how the knights in this novel looked like. Even though she did see the imperial guards in the palace at the party, she never really placed her attention on them at that time. She had never touched real armours before, even back in her original world, as well as the swords used to defend and offend. Not just that, she also wanted to try wielding one, to see how much it weighed. Albeit, she doubted she could even lift it in her current state.

Above all, she wanted to see just how good looking the knights are. Since it was a novel full of good-looking people everywhere, the knights in the Roscius household must also be included. Otherwise, it would be a pity.

Faenia tugged Ella's hand, her lips lifted upward, reaching her big, innocent eyes, and she said, "Don't worry, I'm not a baby anymore! Also, don't I have Ella to protect me?"

A slight blush appeared across her face, Ella felt like she was almost swept by the adorableness of her young lady.

Gesturing her free hand as if she was a soldier saluting her lord, she cheerfully said, "Understood, Lady Faenia. Ella is by your side, always!"

After saying those words, both she and Faenia laughed. And together, they marched forth to see what awaits them behind the trees and bushes. A scenery of a group of half-naked young men swinging their swords synchronously emerged in her sight, sweat streaming down against their fine muscles. Saliva leaked out of her mouth, slowly running down on her soft skin, and she subconsciously wiped it off with her sleeve. Just as she was doing it, she met a knight's gaze. With his jaw so low it looked like it could drop to the ground, the man straightaway shouted:

"Lady Faenia is here—! Everybody hide!"

All at once, the men that were just swinging their swords diligently had vanished into thin air as if they were never there. Faenia was utterly speechless, she didn't know how to react and just stood frozen in her tracks.

Ella spoke, "You guys can come out."

However, there was no sign of movement or sound. She repeated herself, but to no avail. Ella sighed, amazed at how unyielding they were with their task.

Placing one hand on her hip and the other beside her mouth, she raised her voice, "Don't worry, the young lady wants to see you all! So, come out before you make her sad!"

At the words, the knights finally came out one by one, although with slight hesitation. Some of them looked worried and anxious, and others looked expectant with a ray of hope illuminated in their eyes.

As soon as Faenia saw them gather in one with mixed feelings, all had their eyes on her, waiting for her to do anything. Their actions looked very silly and Faenia couldn't help but giggle out loud, instantly breaking the tension in the air. The sound was quiet but vibrant and heartwarming, tickling the hearts of those who listened to it. Ella witnessed the knights fall for their young lady's charm, and silently wiped a tear.

Everyone in the household knew that the knights had always been by their young lady's side, protecting her in the dark, but they could never let her know their existence, in fear of frightening her again. There was an instance where the young lady became willful and tripped herself but before she could fall to the ground, a knight came to the rescue, prevented her from falling, and then returned in the dark before she could catch sight of him.

Now, not only did their young lady see them, she even laughed, seemingly no longer afraid of them. Facing this kind of moment they all longed for, how could their hearts not melt with joy?

"Ah, ah, it's our lady Faenia! So cute, so adorable! Look, she's laughing at us!" The elated voice belonged to the same young man that had warned the others to hide.

"I-I-I... can't believe this… Is this a dream? This is a dream, right? No, it isn't but what if it is… But it's not—?" another one asked himself in disbelief.

"Finally, finally, my prayers have been heard!"

"Thank Lord, thank heaven, thank food, thank everything good!"

Their expressions and comments made Faenia laugh more, she didn't expect them to be funny, thinking that they would be more mature and firm.

"You all heard that? She's laughing at us again! Wow, isn't she just the cutest?"

Somehow, Faenia pitied them. They became so happy just from her laughter, they must have been miserable. She almost wanted to ask out loud: "Who hurt you?"