
61. O Tannenbaum

Chapter 59 - O Tannenbaum

The most wonderful time of the year has arrived in America. Winter season in mid December. And close to that is Christmas time. People were getting ready for their favorite holiday. Especially the Boonchuys and the Loyalitats. Christmas time is their favorite time of year that both families plan to go out on decorations.

Thanks to Darrel's magical abilities, the Loyalitats were able to decorate the entire house before the fifth day of December. Tint and Cronaxx were so surprised with what's going on, they approached Darrel and his sisters. "Darrel, is this a special occasion?" Cronaxx asked. "Yeah, what's going on?" Tint asked.

Darrel smiled, "It's Christmas." "Christmas?" asked the salamanders. "Oh yeah, I bet they've never heard of Christmas," said Amelia. "Christmas is the time of year where families get together, exchange gifts, songs, fruitcake, and make fond memories."

"And this year is going to be perfect," said Jane. "Because mommy is well enough to help us get ready!" Darrel smiled, "This is the first Christmas in a couple years where she can help without tiring herself from her illness." This made Tint smile too. "I'm proud of you, nephew," said Cronaxx. "Thanks, Uncle."

At the Boonchuy's house, Mrs Boonchuy was also going out on Christmas. She decorated her house, their cat, and her family head to toe with Christmas cheer. The Plantars however, were very confused. "Anne, what's happening?" Hop pop asked. "Are we under attack!?" Sprig panicked. "Are these fortifications? Booby traps? Weapons?"

"Dude, calm down," said Anne. "It's just Christmas." "It's what?" The Plantars asked. Then, Anne realized that the Plantars never heard of Christmas. "Oh shoot, I never explained this? Christmas is one of the biggest Earth holidays. And us Boonchuys go BIG!"

"Ah, a holiday. Neato," said Sprig. "So what's it about?" Before Anne could respond, the home phone rang. Mrs Boonchuy picked it up, "Happy holidays from the Boonchuys. Yes, this is she." Whoever was over the phone made Mrs Boonchuy very excited.

"Really?!" She gasped, and turned to her family. "It's the Downtown LA Christmas Palooza Parade," she said. "There was a last minute opening!" Anne and her father gasped while the Plantars shrugged.

"It's the annual holiday parade," replied Anne. "Local businesses, schools, and sports teams all make floats. It's always been my mom's dream to have one for the restaurant."

"The heck is a float?" Polly asked. "Every answer brings more and more questions," replied Hop pop. No matter how much they learn about Earth, there's always something new to discover.

"Could this finally be the year?" Mr Boonchuy asked. He and Anne jump in excitement. "Thank you so much, I just can't believe it! But I'm going to have to say no." Mr Boonchuy and Anne were shocked. "What!?"

"Mom, why'd you say no?" Anne asked. "Honey, as much as I would love a Thai Go Float, and I love Christmas more than anything, it would draw way too much attention to us," said Mrs Boonchuy. Anne comes to realize that their presence with the Plantars could grab the people's attention. Especially with the amount of close calls that they had.

"Yeah," said Anne. "But-" "I mean three frogs from another dimension parading in front of all of LA?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Even in disguises, it's hard to keep a low profile." "True," said Mr Boonchuy. "Especially not with that evil king coming after you and Darrel."

"Honestly," said Mrs Boonchuy. "We're just happy you're home to spend the holiday with us. That's more than enough for me." Anne would not let that stand. "But this is your dream," she said. "Yeah, well, we can still do all the normal traditions; carols, cookies, decorating the tree, gifts, the family Christmas card."

"Oh that reminds me," said Mr Boonchuy. "I picked the theme for this year's card: Candid. It's gonna be groundbreaking." "What was last year's theme?" Sprig asked. Anne gestures to the photo of the Boonchuys dressed in animal costumes. "Ungulates," she replied.

Sprig was stunned, "What the heck?" "See," said Mrs Boonchuy. "We can still have a great holiday without a float in the parade." "And who knows Anne," said Mr Boonchuy. "Maybe you and Darrel could get caught under the mistletoe." Anne blushed in embarrassment, "Daaaad!"

Mr Boonchuy then takes a photo of the Plantars, taking them by surprise. "I'm going to need to be quick on the draw if I wanna capture us in our- OH MY GOODNESS!" His photo comes back as if it was taken in a halloween attraction. "Okay, next time, no flash," said Mr Boonchuy.

Anne sudden;y comes up with an idea and makes her way upstairs to her room. Then, a knock on the door was made. Anne answers it to see Darrel and Tint dressed for the holidays. "Merry Christmas, Boonchuys," they said simultaneously. "Welcome Darrel," said Mrs Boonchuy. "I've got something special for you and Anne."

Anne grabs Darrel's arm and takes him upstairs. "Don't ask," she said. "For the love of Frog, don't ask." "Uhh, okay," said Darrel. The group enters Anne's room. "So Anne, I was thinking-" "Hold that thought, Darrel." said Anne. "I need to make a call."

Anne gets on her phone and calls the palooza parade. "Hi, yes, this is Anne Boonchuy. You just called about a parade float for Thai Go. Well we'd like to change that no to a yes. Great! Thanks! Bye!"

"What's going on?" Darrel asked. "We're going to help my mom," replied Anne. "She's completely devastated and she's trying to hide it." "I did sense a sudden melancholy," said Hop pop. "There was a sense of regret in her aura," said Cronaxx.

"Well, my parents have already made too many sacrifices for me," said Anne. "Well no more. This year, I'm going to give them the greatest present ever: The parade float of their dreams. Are you with me?" The group cheered in acceptance and started going over the plans for making the float.

Meanwhile in Amphibia, King Andrias and his entire armada were flying in the sky. Andiras was pleased that his plans of invasion are going well on schedule. However, he was still bent on the only loose ends that stand between him and his plot: Anne, Darrel, and their friends.

"King Andrias," said Blair the Newt. "The robot army is nearly complete." "Ahead of schedule and under budget," said Bartley the Newt. "Excellent Triple B," said the mischievous king. "But what are you wearing?"

Andrias took notice of the Christmas elf outfits the three newts were wearing. "Pretty cute, right?" "It's late winter, which means it's almost time for the human holiday: Christmas! Marcy told us about it, remember?"

"No," said Andrias blandly. "It's fun," said Blair. "We even got you a Christmas gift. Stay right there." Blair rushes over to give Andrias his gift. Blair struggles to give it to him, considering how heavy the box is. Andrias just watches in excitement and amusement.

Eventually Blair gives him the gift, and Andiras opens it. Revealing it to be a butterfly drone. "Wow! What is it exactly?" " Oh. This is our newest drone soldier prototype, sir. If you sign off, we can start mass producing them tomorrow," said Branson.

Andrias was so excited about his new gift. He even found a nifty controller and virtual reality headset for controlling the drone. He tried to put it on his head, but his crown was blocking the strap. "Pfft, crown." He takes off the crown and turns on the drone. "Let's see what this baby can do."

After a few flips, turns, and flight maneuvers, Andrias pushes a button that activates the drone's weapons systems. "Oooh ho ho, now this I like," he said. "Glad to hear it, sire," said Branson. "It just needs a little testing and it'll be-" However, Andiras points the drone's weapons at the newt, wanting to skip the testing phase. "Good to go," said Branson in a scared tone.

"Testing, eh?" said Andrias. "I just had a grand idea. I can send this drone to Earth, and destroy Anne and Darrel virtually. I never should've sent a robot to do a newt's job."

"But technically," said Blair. "You're still sending a robot to do-" "Shut up, Blair!" said Branson and Bartley, covering his mouth.

"Get ready, Anne and Darrel," said Andrias. "Once I figure out how to control this thing, you're finished!" He equips his virtual headset and prepares to fly his drone. He tests the drones on the Triple B, making them run for their lives. "For such tiny legs, you three sure move fast. Hahahaha!"

Back in Los Angeles, Anne and Darrel biked through the streets, looking for a way to start building the Thai Go float. Along the way a busker was seen playing the guitar. " I'm sure you feel it coming, there's something on the breeze It might be slightly snowing or 70 degrees Regardless of your hemisphere, the holidays are here And with them come the tiding of this special time of the year "

"So what's the plan Anne?" Polly asked. "How are we making this boat?" "Float," Anee corrected. "And don't worry, I've got a great idea for this bad boy." She shows the group a large float featuring Thai decorations, along with Chirstmas decorations as well.

"Looks really impressive Anne," said Tint. "The first thing we'll need is some technical help," said Anne. "Anyone know any tech experts?" Darrel pulls up his phone, "Say no more Anne." "Do I?" said Polly as she draws out her phone too.

The group arrived at the Palm Tree Community College for their technical help. Darrel picks up Jake and Ivan along the way. Then, they enter a robotics classroom where the IT Gals were celebrating the holidays.

Miniature robots were dancing to technical Christmas music, with blinking lights all around the lab. "Thank you guys so much for helping us with this float," said Anne. "No problem," said Ally. "We'd do anything for you guys," said Ivan. "Especially around the holiday season."

"Go grab some eggnog and enjoy the party!" cheered Jess. Anne does that and gets cookies from little robots. Darrel looks from the other end of the room and looks down at a wrapped gift. He smiles with joy, excited to give to Anne for the holiday.

"What's that?" Jake asked. "It's my gift to Anne," replied Darrel. "What is it?" Ivan asked. "If I told you it wouldn't be a special gift," said Darrel. "For what it's worth," said Cronaxx. "I think she'll appreciate it either way."

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Jess and Ally cheered for their panda bot. Their panda bot chugs Christmas punch, then short circuits and shuts down. "Excuse me," said Sprig. "Could you explain Christmas to us?"

"Ya'll never heard of Christmas?" Ally asked. "Uhh, no," said Hop pop. "It's a holiday," said Ally. "You celebrate, get a tree, decorate." "You make cookies, party hard," said Jess. "Just be careful when tying lights to the tree," said Ally. "If you get the voltage wrong, Pffsh!"

"Oh," said Jess. "Forgot to mention that on Christmas you have to get a gift for the person who means the most to you." "And it better be good," said Ally. "A bad gift can pretty much spoil the whole thing." "This is one of those stressful holidays, isn't it?" Hop pop asked.

With the technical crew signed up for the float, Anne and Darrel prepare to arrive at their next stop. The place to get decorations for their float is the Museum of Natural History. Dr Jan decorated the museum with Christmas and Hanukkah decorations. They find her discussing the origin of the mistletoe to an attendant.

"Dr Jan," greeted Darrel. "Anne, Darrel!" Dr Jan greeted. "You're just in time for a festive lecture, strap in." "Hey Dr Jan," said Anne. "Actually, we're building my parents a parade float. We need all the help we can get. Decorations, props…"

Dr Jan was excited to hear about Anne's plans. She allowed Anne to take mannequins and wintery flora from their dioramas. Anne wasted no breath and went to grab her decorations.

Darrel watched from afar, seeing the Plantars get a lecture on the true meaning of Christmas. "Looking for anything specific?" Tint asked. "Nope," replied Darrel. "I think she's got this decoration thing under control."

Cronaxx turns to look at the diorama of a stable. Where a baby is in the center of a group of people. "Hey Darrel, what's that?" Cronaxx asked. Darrel turned and smiled, "That is the replica of the first Christmas: The Nativity." "Sounds like a great tale to tell," said Cronaxx. "Believe me," said Darrel. "It is, because it reminds us of the true spirit of Christmas."

"We've got what we need," said Anne, carrying numerous mannequins. "Ready for our next stop?" "Ready," said Darrel. "Let's get a move on," said Tint. "Time doesn't stand still for all."

Outside, the Busker plays her guitar as Anne, Darrel, and the others make their way across town. A bucket of fried chicken, a costume for your dad A demon who will stuff you, in a sack if you've been bad, A reindeer gets promoted, an old man confronts his fear Of karma and mortality, This special time of year.

Then, Darrel feels a slight buzz in his head. It was like the sensation he felt whenever something bad was about to happen. But thanks to facing his darker self, his senses were much lighter, he could feel the magic trying to tell him something.

He looks up to see a butterfly robot, recklessly flying in the sky. 'Is that another robot?' he thought. 'Maybe I should send it a greeting.' He takes his staff and commands a flock of pigeons to fly directly into it. This causes the drone to dive into a billboard and crash. Darrel chuckled quietly in response. "Man I have got to get better at these controls," said an angry Andrias.

For the next few days, Anne, Darrel, and the amphibians take their decorations to the Thai Temple, where the community helps them construct their float. At the same time, Sprig looks around the mall to find the perfect gift for Anne. Anne makes the finishing touch on the float in the attic, and Darrel grabs more lights for more pizazz. When buying a gift was impossible, Sprig tries to make a gift instead.

Now it's the twenty fourth of December; Christmas Eve. The IT Gals get their truck hooked up to the float, and Darrel brings his family to the Boonchuys. Darrel smiles when the float arrives in front of the house. "Wow, did you two do all this?" Sarah asked. "Well, we had some help," replied Darrel.

Anne brings her parents out, and they keep their eyes closed. "Okay, so I really wanted to do something special for you guys, since you've done so much for me," she said. "And well, open your eyes."

The Boonchuy parents open their eyes to see their Thai Go float ready for the parade. "SURPRISE!" Cheered Amelia, Jane, Jake, Ivan, and the IT Gals. "Wow, this is amazing," said Mrs Boonchuy. "But what about keeping a low profile?"

"I got this," said Darrel. He takes his staff, sways it slowly in the air and enchants the Plantars' and Tint's disguises to make them look like humans. "Ho Ho uh, line?" Hop pop said. "Ho," corrected Polly. "Are you sure? Doesn't sound right," said Hop pop.

"There," said Darrel. "Now no one will suspect anything." "I wasn't going to let you give up your dream because of me," said Anne. "You wanted this for so long, you deserve it."

With nothing more than a smile on her face, Mrs Boonchuy hugs her daughter tightly. "It's perfect," she said. "Thank you so much." "Merry Christmas, mom," said Anne. "And thank you Darrel, for all your help," said Mrs Boonchuy. "You're welcome," said Darrel. "If I haven't gotten anything more than your smile today, I would be well repaid."

Mr Boonchuy tried to get another photo for the holiday, but failed again."Gosh, dang it! I will get the perfect holiday photo. Or I will die trying!" Just then, a reindeer falls off the float and almost hits him. "I'm sorry, Santa !" he pleaded.

Later that day, the parade was on in the streets of Los Angeles. "Welcome everyone to the annual holiday parade," announced the announcer. "And introducing newcomers, Thai Go!" The Tahi Go float cruised with the other floats, standing out from the traditional Christmas floats.

"Ho, Ho, uh line?" said Hop pop. "Are you kidding me?!" Tint cried. "You're an actor!" Polly screamed. Cronaxx watched with delight, and lucky for him everyone thought he was a hologram for the float. Amelia and Jane threw candy canes and popcorn to the attendants.

"This is amazing," said Matthew. "Yeah," said Darrel. "Mrs Boonchuy, thank you for inviting us to participate on your float." He turns to see her shedding a few tears. Anne took notice as well, "Mom, what's wrong? If it's not perfect I'll fix it."

"No, no," said Mrs Boonchuy. "It's just really nice to be a part of the community like this." Darrel and Anne smile, listening to her more. "Ever since my husband and I came here from Bangkok, it's been a challenge fitting in. I have always thought that making it into this parade would mean we have finally done it."

"I can't argue with you there," said Darrel. "I understand what it's like, after months of being in Amphibia." "Me too," said Anne. "I had no idea you and Dad felt that way." Anne goes over to hug her mom. Then Darrel goes over to hug his own. "I'm so proud of you," said Sarah. "I know," replied Darrel.

Meanwhile, Andrias' drone was flying all over the streets of Los Angeles. "I can't wait to squash this stupid world," he said frustratingly. "At this rate it'll take a miracle to find Anne and Darrel."

The drone takes notice of the Thai Go float and spots the two humans riding on it. They stand with arms over each other's shoulders. Darrel cheered, saying hello to everyone. And Anne just announced their names, "Woo! I'm Anne Boonchuy! And that's Darrel Loyalitat, my boyfriend!"

"Well, that was easy," said Andrias. "Oh yeah, I remember this trees, nut smashers, red suited jolly man with a beard. Oh, that gives me an idea." Andrias takes the drone and lands behind Santa's head. "Let's get festive with this," he said as he inserted the drone's mainframe into the circuitry. "Well, Merry Christmas to me!"

Back on the float, the group dances on the float. And they completely forget all about trying to keep a low profile. "I love Christmas so much!" Mrs Boonchuy cried to the crowd. The crowd responds in festive cheers.

Mr Boonchuy gets behind the group getting ready to take another picture. "This is going to be so candid," he said. "Times two, with the Loyalitat family as well." The two families smiled and laughed, when suddenly a familiar voice booms behind them.

"Well hello, Anne Boonchuy and Darrel Loyalitat." Darrel and Anne turned away and were shocked to hear someone they thought they wouldn't hear on Earth. Mr Boonchuy took the photo, but the photo came out bad, again. "That's definitely ruined," he said.

"That voice," said Anne. "It can't be!" "Andrias?!" Darrel cried. "King Andiras is Santa?" Sprig asked. Tint squinted his eyes in hatred. "YOU! You've got a lot of nerve to come here on the holidays!"

Andrias uses the drone's controls and takes control of the robotic Santa. He gets out of his seat and turns around to the float. Thankfully, the crowd didn't panic, thinking it was all part of an act. Anne, Darrel, and their families however, knew this wasn't an act.

Andrias takes a large candy cane and throws it at the Thai Go float. That display of attack made the crowd grow uneasy. Polly jumps in front of the IT Gals driving the float. "We've gotta get out of here, now!" The two gazed at the giant robot in glory, until they snapped out of it.

They put the float in reverse and Andiras gives chase to the group. "Wait," teased Andrias. "You didn't get to open your presents!" "I don't want any presents from the likes of you!" Tint cried as he threw a rock on Santa's face. He hits Andrias, stunning him for a moment. "You're on the naughty list for sure, Tint Tormak!"

Andrias brings out two gift boxes on each shoulder, and launches them at the float. "Andrias! You dog!" Polly exclaimed. The gang take a sharp turn, and get ready to fight back. "Grab whatever you can, guys," said Anne as she takes a decoration and hits Andrias.

Darrel grabs his staff and prepares to cast a spell, but remembers that Amphibia technology is impervious. "Don't focus on the problem in front of you," said Cronaxx. "Look around for a solution." Darrel looks around the float and comes up with an idea. "If magic can't destroy this robot," Darrel casts a telepathic spell and throws physical projectiles at the robot. The spell was a success at damaging the enemy.

"Hey Now! That's not jolly!" Andiras cried. "I thought these robots were indestructible to magic!" "Never underestimate the power of a wizard!" Tint cried. "Leave our home alone!" Sarah cried.

Suddenly, the IT Gals braked at the sight of the road block. Trapping the group in the process. Andiras slowly creeps up on the group, making them try to think of another way to fight back. "Looks like this is the end of the road, kids," said Andrias. "Literally. And you both have been very bad this year."

Andrias fires up his mouth cannon at the float. "What do we have left to throw?" Sprig asked. "The tree!" Amelia cried. "That's all that's left. We should…" "Light it on fire?" Polly finished. "Finally!"

The family works together and takes the tree down and puts it into a fireworks cannon. Darrel enchants it into a magnet and makes the ornaments into sharp metal shards. Then, he lights the tree on fire. Tint lights the fuse getting ready to fire the tree.

"Hey Andrias," cried Anne. "Merry Christmas!" "Hey, thanks," he replied. "You too! Wait, No!" "And a Happy New Year!" Darrel shouted as the tree hit the robotic Santa. The tree pierces through and destroys Andrias' butterfly drone. Causing the robotic Santa to tumble backwards and fall to the ground.

"Daddy, is Santa going to be okay?" A kid asked across the street. "I don't think so, Timmy," said his father. "I don't think so."

Then, flakes come falling down from the sky, looking like snowflakes. However, when Sprig tasted the flakes, it was revealed to be ash. "It actually makes more sense," said Matthew. "This is Los Angeles after all."

Then, Darrel gets another buzz feeling. "Guys!" he cried. "What's wrong Darrel?" Tint asked. "I think I'm getting something," he replied. "I need to focus." He lets go of his struggling feeling and lets the magic do its work. His right eye snapped wide open, revealing an orange glow. "What is that?" Anne asked. "I think it's one of the Core's eyes," replied Darrel. "I can see Andrias."

Back in Amphibia, Andrias was most upset that he lost his drone. So upset that he smashed his controller with his boots and signature sword. "Dang it!" Andrias shouted. "It's that stupid controller's fault! I was so close!" He slams his sword down in anger and defeat, causing Triple B to sneak out the throne room quietly.

Then, a dark sinister laugh was heard. It was the Core. Or in this case: Darcy Wu. "That was pathetic," mocked Darcy. "And you call yourself a king." Andiras looked down from his newly hosted master, only to turn away and walk out to his balcony. "It doesn't matter," he said. "Against the full force of our army, none shall stand! Not those brats! Not Earth! Not Anyone!" He stares down at the fully prepped squads of frog bots, ready for Darcy and Andiras' invasion.

Darrel's eye starts to close, indicating that the magic is done showing him what was going on. "What did you see?" Polly asked. "I saw Andrias' army," replied Darrel. "He and the Core are prepped and ready for invasion." "We're going to stop them," said Tint. "We will," said Darrel. "But for now, let's go home."

Back at the Boonchuy residence, Mrs Boonchuy laughed at what transpired at the Palooza. "That was so dangerous," she said. The rest of the group laughed and Tint removed his and the Plantars' disguised enchantments.

"A murderous Santa robot," said Mr Boonchuy. "Never thought I'd see that," said Matthew. "Scary stuff," said Sprig. "It was the combination of jolly and murderous that really made it feel special," said Hop pop.

"So Anne, after all we've been through," said Tint. "Can you help us clarify what the true spirit of Christmas is?" "Yeah," said Hop pop. "We're dying to know. Everything about this holiday's confusing my frog brain!"

"Oh yeah," said Anne. "I haven't told you yet. Well, I guess it's about spending time with the people you love. And all the presents and traditions are just a way to express that love." "But, at the end of the day, all that matters is that we're together," said Mrs Boonchuy. "Like your father. He's still happy even though he didn't get his perfect photo."

Mr Boonchuy just smiled, "Oh didn't I?" He reached in his pocket and surprised the group. "Wow," said Jane and Amelia. "Candid, baby," said Mr Boonchuy. "We look awesome," said Darrel. The photo showed the group dancing their victory over the destroyed Santa robot.

"So it's not about the gifts at all?" Sprig asked. "It's mostly the thought that counts," said Darrel. "Why'd you ask?" "Because I tried to get Anne the perfect present, but it's not that good," replied Sprig. "I'm sure she'll like it either way," said Tint.

Anne gets Sprig's gift and opens it. It's revealed to be a hand crafted minifigure of herself. "Is that supposed to be me?" Anne asked. "It is," replied Sprig. "Because you're my hero." "Thanks dude," said Anne. The two best friends hug it out, smiling.

Anne turns over to see Darrel with his gift for her. "Is that meant for me too?" Anne asked. "It is," replied Darrel. "But according to Loyalitat tradition, we only get to open one Christmas gift tonight. And you already opened yours from Sprig." "Aww man," said Anne.

"Okay everyone," said Mr Boonchuy. "Let's go inside and eat cookies! Matthew, Sarah, your family are more than welcome to join us." "Thank you so much," said Sarah. Then, the Loyalitats and the Boonchuys raced inside the house to celebrate.

Outside, across the street of the house, the Busker was seen again playing her guitar. "Whatever makes you happy Whatever gets you through Whatever lets you know that I am feeling this with you If you believe it's special Then that's what makes it special It's a special, it's a special It's our special time of year"

It started getting late, and the Loyalitats were ready to leave for home. Darrel needed the restroom before the journey back, but then got out ready to go. But before he could, he spotted Anne writing a letter.

"Hey Anne," said Darrel. "Who are you writing to?" Anne was a little hesitant, but she replied, "Our friends' parents." Darrel was stunned, because he completely forgot that even though he and Anne are back home, Sasha and Marcy are still stuck in Amphibia. And they are not celebrating the holidays with their parents. "Oh yeah."

'I can't imagine spending the holidays without your family. I know how hard it is to be apart and not know if you'll ever see each other again. So I'm writing to let you know that your daughter is alive. She's trapped in another world, but I promise, I'm going to bring her back home safe. Signed, a friend.'

Darrel smiled at the letter, then looked over to the envelopes of Marcy and Sasha's parents. Darrel was stunned again as he paid more attention to Sasha's parents. "She never told me," said Darrel. The envelopes say Mr Waybright and Mrs Waybright, implying that Sasha's parents are either separated or divorced. "I guess she told me in confidence," said Anne. "I guess that makes us even for me not telling her about my mom's sickness," said Darrel.

He gives Anne his gift to her and says, "Merry Christmas, Anne Boonchuy." As he was about to leave, Anne grabs his arm and holds him under the archway. Anne gives a warm smile and says, "Merry Christmas, Darrel Loyalitat." She looks up, indicating for Darrel to do the same. He looks up and smiles seeing a mistletoe hanging above them. The two share a joyful loving tender kiss, and then stare in each other's eyes. "Best gift ever," said Darrel. "Thank you."

Christmas Day had arrived and both families were enjoying themselves. Anne and Darrel gave their mothers their respectful gifts they got from Amphibia. Both their mothers were so happy in response to their gifts. The Plantars got their gifts as well, and were so happy. Tint smiled at his gift, a can of silly string, and sprayed it all over the family. Cronaxx laughed and laughed, knowing that Tint may get them, but he can't get his uncle. Tint didn't mind, as long as he was there until he could move on. For what it was worth for Darrel and Anne, this was the best Christmas they have ever celebrated.