
32. Scavenger Hunt

Chapter 31 - Scavenger Hunt

Darrel and Anne couldn't be happier than they are right now. They have finally arrived at the greatest city in Amphibia known as Newtopia. And, after months of being apart, they have also reunited with their friend Marcy. The Plantars and the Salamanders were happy to see them together again.

Despite having magical powers on his side, Darrel felt more blessed than he ever did before. He couldn't believe that he would eventually find his friends in a mysterious uncharted world. Seeing them here made him think about his life back home. Unfortunately it made him cry a few tears. Now, all that's left is to find Sasha again, and then come up with a way to return home.

In the town of Newtopia, the group was dining outside a restaurant. "Enjoy everyone," said Marcy. "This place makes the best beetle burgers in all of Newtopia." "Hakuna Matata everybody," said Darrel as he chomps down on his burger.

As the group eats, Marcy writes in her journal. "Oh you got a journal too?" Tint asked. "Yeah," replied Marcy. "Wait, too?" Darrel pulls out his journal and Marcy smiles. "What kind of entries did you write in this world?" Marcy asked. "I'll show you," replied Darrel.

As Darrel and Marcy exchange entry logs, Hop pop and Cronaxx give impressive looks. Even Polly was amazed by Marcy's drawing of herself. "Say Anne, have you been keeping a journal too?" Hop pop asked. Anne turns around to show two straws up her nose. "Look guys, I'm a 'Straw-lrus'. Like a walrus but with straws."

Darrel, Marcy, and Sprig laugh at her amusement. "What's a walrus?" Tint asked. "A walrus is an animal from our world," replied Darrel. "I used to see them all the time when my family and I go to the zoo."

Just then, a newt waiter comes in with the check. "Now who should I give the bill to?" he asked. He looked at Anne and said, "Probably not you." "Oh, I'll take it," said Marcy. "It's oh let me-" "49 Coppers," said Darrel unexpectedly.

The newt reveals the check to the group, revealing 49 coppers on the bill. "Correct," he said. The Plantars, and the Salamanders were impressed. "Wow, can you do math like that too Anne?" Hop pop asked. "Darrel's pretty much a whiz when it comes to numbers," replied Anne.

"Can any of you guys imagine if Darrel or Marcy got stuck with us instead of Anne?" Polly asked. "We'd be set for life." "Hush Polly," said Hop pop. "Think those thoughts, don't say them."

Polly's statement made Anne a bit upset. But then, "LOOK OUT!" she cried. The group ducks and sees an arrow fly past them, hitting the post. "We're under attack!" Tint cried. "No, no, it's fine," assured Marcy. She goes over to the arrow and reveals a scroll attached to the arrow.

"It's just a message from the king," said Marcy. "The king has a dangerous way of sending messages," said Darrel. Marcy opened the scroll and said, "Oh, correction. It's a puzzlegram from the king." "Run that by us again," said Cronaxx.

Marcy flips the scroll to the group revealing three images with three steps. "He's basically hidden clues around the city and when I collect them all, I get a message. Ah, it's so fun!" "If this is like a scavenger hunt, where do we go first?" Darrel asked.

"Okay, the first picture is a tree," said Tint. "There's plenty of trees in Coral Park," said Marcy. "Then that's our first stop," said Tint. "A puzzle tour of Newtopia? Count me in," said Sprig. The kids, except for Polly, Hop pop, and Cronaxx, venture off into Newtopia to solve the puzzle.

In the streets of Newtopia, Marcy takes the lead as Anne, Darrel, Sprig, and Tint look around the buildings. While Sprig and Darrel marvel at the city, Tint looks over to Anne. "Is something wrong, Anne?" he asked.

"I don't know, Tint," she replied. "It's just that, Marcy's always been the smart one in our group. I've always felt dumb around her. She and Darrel are inseparable when it comes to video games and Creatures and Caverns."

"Wait a minute," said Tint. "Are you saying you're jealous?" Anne hushed him, "Not so loud." "Look Anne," said Tint. "Maybe after we complete the King's puzzlegram, you can talk to them about your situation."

Then, Anne came up with an idea, "Or maybe if I can complete the King's puzzlegram before Marcy, it'll prove how smart I really am. Thanks for the talk, Tint." "But Anne.." Tint watches as she rushes over to her friends. "This isn't going to end well."

"Here it is guys, Coral Park," Marcy announced. The kids were amazed by the coral trees reserved in one spot. "Okay Marcy, what's the first clue?" Darrel asked.

"Looks like a coral tree with one eye open and one eye closed," said Anne. Then, she approaches one of the trees and hugs it. "What if we're not supposed to look at the trees, but we're supposed to listen to them."

Darrel looks at a statue with a newt looking through a telescope. Then, he comes up with an idea. He climbs up the statue, removes the statue's hood and finds a lens in the back of its head. "I've got it!" he cried. He looks in the lens and finds the first clue.

"There's a word on the trees," he said. "What does it say?" Sprig asked. "It says Bring," replied Darrel. "How did you know how to do that?" Anne replied. "I just remembered the same scenario from a treasure hunting video game I played. The character looked through a telescope and found the island where the treasure is."

Marcy checks off the first part of the message. And moves on to the next clue that shows a dragonfly and a compass showing west. "I recognize that one!" cried Marcy. "Come on gang, let's motor." The group heads off with Anne trailing behind helping a girl get her caterpillar down.

Later, the group arrive at the next clue. The location was a clocktower with a dragonfly weathervane on top. The group looks down on the map and Marcy asks, "Why the W? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let me take this one Mar Mar," said Anne. She hands her the map and looks carefully. She shows signs of struggling, then bolts from the group. "Gotta go to the bathroom!" Darrel was really concerned about her. "Is she okay?" "Actually, there's something I gotta tell you," said Tint.

Tint and Darrel step away from Sprig and Marcy so that they can have their conversation. Suddenly, Marcy realized something. She walked over to the wall of the building, showing scratch marks, and said, "I knew this looked familiar. The lines between the bricks of the West side wall match up perfectly with the street grid of Newtopia."

"Which brings us right about here." Marcy removes a brick from the same location they are in, revealing another letter to the king's message. "Me. Bring...me. Only one clue left to go."

Meanwhile, Tint explains everything to Darrel about Anne's situation. "She told you that?" Tint nodded, "Yes. Now she's trying real hard to prove that she's just as smart as you and Marcy. I guess she didn't tell you because she didn't want to hurt you, or lose you."

Darrel sighed, "Anne could never lose me." He places a hand on Tint's shoulder. "I don't think she even knows why I fell in love with her."

"Hey guys!" Sprig called. "Marcy figured out the next clue. Let's get Anne and move out." "You got it," said Tint. "I'll go get her," said Darrel. The two Amphibians joined Marcy while Darrel went to find Anne chatting with an old newt named Doris. The two humans ran to catch up with the others.

"Hey Anne, Darrel, glad you could catch up," said Marcy. "Take a look at the final clue," Anne pulls out the puzzlegram to read the last clue. It is revealed to be a letter M with a triangle symbol below it. "It's referring to the big bridge downtown," said Marcy. "Come on."

The five rush off past the burger joint, where Cronaxx, Polly, and Hop pop are still at. Hop pop was eating more lunches to recieve free gifts. But Polly and Cronaxx were unamused with his obsession.

"Just one clue left," said Tint. "Yeah, and Marcy will probably solve it before we get there," said Anne unamused. "Anne, just because Marcy's good at puzzles doesn't mean she's smart and your dumb," said Sprig. "Thanks dude," said Anne.

As the group arrive at the bridge, they stop to see a gold statue of Marcy. "How did you-" "I made a few suggestions on how to increase the weight limit, and they kinda, like, named it after me," said Marcy. "Now come on, let's see where this triangle fits in."

Darrel's stomach starts to growl, "Do you mind if I sit this out? I gotta get some brain food." "Sure Darrel, go ahead," said Marcy. Darrel goes to a 'Gnatcho' stand and grabs a batch of gnatchos. He spots Anne feeling distraught on a bench nearby.

Then a gust of wind blows the trays on the gnatcho stand away. "I got em!" Anne called out. She rushes to grab the trays before they fall to the ground. Darrel was impressed that he didn't need to help her with his magic.

"Thanks sweetie," said the standee. Then she gives her gnatchos on the house as a thank you. Darrel smiled at her desire to help others she only met for a brief moment. "You okay Darrel?" Tint asked. "Yeah, I'm okay," replied Darrel. "And I think Anne reinforced my affection for her. Watching her help others, the way she helped me, brings out more of herself than ever before."

Then, Anne gets up from the bench and rushes off to find the others. Darrel and Tint do the same. They find Marcy and Sprig stumped on the bridge. "Come up with anything, guys?" Darrel asked. "Nope," replied Sprig.

Anne took a look at the puzzle and said, "So, a triangle has three sides, right? Three rhymes with, er... "tea." You brew tea with water, and there's water in, uh… The sewer! Let's go down there."

Darrel was confused, "I don't think that feels right." The two delve deep until they reach a valve. "That looks just like the circle from the clue, obviously we should turn it." Anne turns the valve and opens a hatch revealing an alligator.

The alligator spots the group and they make a run back topside. Unfortunately, a manhole cover was blocking the way out, and it was too heavy for Anne to lift on her own.

Then, Anne hears a familiar voice, and calls for help. The voice happens to be the gnatcho vendor and opens the cover. The alligator grabs Marcy by the cape and removes it, buying the group some time. Then, other more citizens come to help the group out of the sewer. The alligator jumps to the group, only to have its snout stuck in the hole.

"Anne are you okay?" Hop pop asked, wearing a suit of armor. "No trouble, Tint?" Cronaxx asked. "No trouble Uncle," replied Tint, "Just helping my friends solve the puzzle." "As long as you're okay," said Cronaxx.

"Can't you go through ten minutes without having to get into some kind of trouble?" Hop pop asked. "Cut her some slack," said Darrel. "She didn't mean to put us in danger. And I think I know why."

"Anne, Tint told me everything about how you were feeling dumb with me and Marcy around." Anne was shocked, Marcy was surprised. "Anne, is that true?" Marcy asked. "I don't know," said Anne. "Maybe?"

"I guess I get a little jealous of you sometimes. And the way you guys work well together, makes you guys more smart and I'm not." Darrel smiled and said, "Anne, why do you think I fell in love with you?" Anne perked up, "Huh?" "It's because you're kind, loyal, and you would be willing to do anything to help others. You helped three complete strangers today, and in return, they helped you."

"Darrel's right," said Marcy. "I mean sure, I'm good at solving puzzles, and Darrel's good with music and video editing. But, you are amazing at making connections. And I have trouble looking people in the eye sometimes. To be honest, I'm kinda jealous of what you can do."

Darrel takes Anne's hand and says, "You are the best friend and girlfriend I could ever have. And if you changed yourself into someone else, I would throw myself back into the marshlands."

Anne blushed and smiled, "Thanks you guys. Maybe that's why we make a good team." The three humans hug it out while Sprig and Tint come up with gnatchos. "Anyone want a snack?" Sprig asked.

Anne takes a chip and then has realized something, "Guys! The symbol is a gnatcho!" "Tint! Empty the tray!" Darrel cried. Tint and Sprig eat off the snack and the final piece of the message is revealed: The Plantars.

"That means," said Marcy, "the message is: Bring Me The Plantars." Marcy gets all giddy, "Guys, we've been summoned! And you solved the puzzlegram Anne." "Self-esteem boost and an audience with the ruler of this world? Win-win, baby!" Anne cheered. "Oh my god, I get to live out my dream and meet a living King!" Darrel cried.

"So you guys want to feed gnatchos to that alligator?" Anne asked. The group agrees and feeds the gator one chip at a time. "Just look how happy it makes him," said Sprig.