
Lowly Ascent

Within a desolate realm, where discarded worlds were stitched together, a rupture tore open, releasing a small child into this fragmented expanse. Above him, the sky revealed three eerie moons, while an ominous black mass loomed ominously in their wake. Disoriented and engulfed by a putrid stench, the child awakened amidst a swamp, its twisted trees groaning under an oppressive haze. In the distance, the echoing caws of crows intensified the sense of foreboding. To the child's bewilderment, a haunting figure emerged, laboring behind a cart laden with lifeless bodies. Fear and confusion grip the child's heart as he began to grapple with the enigma of his own existence. Who was he, and what dire fate led him to this grim landscape? The grinning figure drew closer, exacerbating the boy's terror. Unbeknownst to him, his journey would unveil a profound transformation—an ascent to become the embodiment of fear itself, or perhaps... a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

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356 Chs

Tribals (2)

Two blue glowing dots seemed to drill through the darkness. Cain stared and waited, his body was paralyzed in insurmountable fear. He felt trapped and naked seeing its gaze.

The silence broke as a voice permeated through the damp and dark room. The voice was like a broken record and didn't sound human.

"Why... come here... Gatherer?"

Chills went up Cain's spine as he faced something that seemed out of this world. He didn't know what to do, he felt incredible danger but should he run?

'What should I do? How can I survive this? ….survive? Since when did I care about that!"

Cain responded "I am not a gatherer. I... I'm a traveler!"

A loud beeping noise sounded for a moment, it was high pitched but deep at the same time.

"Not...logical. You exhibit...low intelligence.... venturing to this dangerous place."

Cain forced a coy smile, trying to hide the anxiety pulsing through him. Sweat slid down his neck as he chose each word carefully, knowing one wrong phrase could end his life.

"It isn't dangerous at all, just a few tribals. The only thing dangerous here is you, and I didn't know you were here."

Cain took a slow, subtle step back from the glowing eyes and rasping voice. His palms felt slick with cold sweat as he scanned the shadows for some route of escape.

But as he did, a few tribals came out and blocked him

The voice spoke again "Too...late, stay or....die"

Just like that, the hall lit up. Tribals came from other hallways and lit the torches throughout the hall and lit up the dark space.

Blood spattered the stone walls in branching veins. The buzzing torches cast flickering shadows across the stone walls, obscured only by the dark splatters of blood.

Twisted corpses littered the floor, soaked in gore. At the back of the hall sat a macabre throne...

A body sat on the throne, blood and wires intertwined to create a grotesque abomination. A metallic organism with glowing eyes looked down at Cain, its upper half was made of damaged machinery while its lower was made up of flesh, seemingly taken from the rotting dead below. Organs and guts lines the intricate machinery as it slowly moved and writhed, even Cain felt sick looking at it.

An old boney man walked up beside the half-robot and flesh creature. They slammed their staff into the ground with the little strength they could muster and shouted to Cain.

"The great god have given choice! Stay and slave or die!"

Seeing the scene before him he let out a chuckle "I have some questions before I decide, they are for that great god of yours. May I ask?"


"Affirmative....logical to ask, Granted" The eyes of the robot brightened as if he was looking at Cain with interest.

"Thank you. First, why do you cover yourself in dead tribals? What even are you?"

Another beep came from the machine as its mouth creaked open, supposedly to show emotion?

"Need repairs, no parts. Human experimentation, repair slowly." It then paused to answer Cain's other question "I...I am...android, from north, left damaged....came here. Now safe"


"Affirmative, non-organic lifeform. I am machine....without soul"

Cain raised his eyebrow "You don't have a soul? Why?"

"Made from...man, not birthed but...created"

"I see.... then, do you have a territory core? If so what does it do or more accurately, what is its power?"

*Beep "Restricted! Question denied!"

Cain's mind raced, weighing his limited options. He needed to do something to not escalate the situation.

'Think.....of wait' Cain's face brightened.

"I...could heal you. Make you whole again. If you answer my questions of course"

Even as he offered, Cain thought of actually attempting to heal that monstrosity. The thought of touching the macabre hybrid turned his stomach. But it was this or death.

Cain took his dagger and cut off his finger. He bleed, but his blood didn't fall to the floor and instead wrapped around his finger and repaired itself.

The android's eyes flared, but as it tried to rise, its damaged flesh split. It collapsed with a shriek of torn metal and skin. The android's cry pierced the air like static.

Everyone covered their ears, wincing...except for the old man, who rushed to the machine's side unfazed.

More noises came from the living machine as it grunted or made sounds you couldn't describe with words. After a few minutes the damage seemed to be mended and the 'gods' mechanical voice rang out again.

"Justification: Body...weak."

As it spoke, viscous fluid leaked from its wounds, dripping down the throne in heavy splats. The iron-rich smell turned Cain's stomach. He shifted on his feet, eager to get on with this exchange.

"Accept...offer, restrictions...lifted."

Promptly after he spoke, the android extended its mangled arm, gears squealing, and dragged the glowing core into view. Cain's eyes widened, his pulse thrashing, it was the core of this territory!

"Answering query. I have such an object. Designation core 1 - Soul of Gods: contains the power of ancient souls regarded as gods, which roamed this place eons ago. Due to its properties it falls in the like of the soul, a rare power category in most places, or at least a power of this magnitude.

It offers all-rounded abilities due to the different souls. Unfortunately, unable to absorb due to absence of soul, research to acquire one ongoing."

"Wait, that means you're not a ruler or gatherer?"

"Affirmative, this however does not restrict use. I was created to act as an overseer to my creator's core, I can use any core to degree. However overuse can lead to self-destruction"

Cain made a realization 'Why the hell did I feel fear from this pile of junk before? Was it due to its possession of the core?'

Outside his inner thoughts he continued the conversation.

"How is your research into souls going?"

"Answering query. Progress slow, results calculated to take 342 years, 6 months, 12 days, 3 minutes, and 3 seconds. Progress in body repair will finish in 30 years, 4 days-"

"I understand. I have no more questions, now for me to heal you. I have something I want to try, can I approach?"

This may be Cain's only chance to access the core. But if he helps the android repair, it could become a greater threat.

Two quick beeps went off and the android responded, this time more life like "Before that...I wish to ask some questions. For research into the soul"

The sudden burst in cognizance from his opponent caused Cain to grow cautious and answered amicably "Of course, ask away."

"I have been using the Aspect of Eara, goddess of the mind. My question being, what is in the center of your soul? I can see your mind needs healing yet at your center is... something.

I do not have experience in diagnosing so I ask if you know what disorder you have so that I can record it and use it to help me in the creation of my soul?"

"You're telling me I have a mental problem?"


"Yes, do you know what it is?"

As the machine whirred, Cain's frown deepened. Its eyes glowed yellow and blue, bright as twin suns.

"I have a problem with a thirst, for killing others"

The robot nodded.

Frayed wires sputtered like firecrackers as the self-proclaimed god gingerly set down the territory core, its glow washing over his face.

"That is not it...that has already become a part of your nature. What I saw was something at your center that was completely different than what surrounded it...."

It stopped for a moment "Nevermind, Approach and heal my flesh, then I will let you go."