
Lowly Ascent

Within a desolate realm, where discarded worlds were stitched together, a rupture tore open, releasing a small child into this fragmented expanse. Above him, the sky revealed three eerie moons, while an ominous black mass loomed ominously in their wake. Disoriented and engulfed by a putrid stench, the child awakened amidst a swamp, its twisted trees groaning under an oppressive haze. In the distance, the echoing caws of crows intensified the sense of foreboding. To the child's bewilderment, a haunting figure emerged, laboring behind a cart laden with lifeless bodies. Fear and confusion grip the child's heart as he began to grapple with the enigma of his own existence. Who was he, and what dire fate led him to this grim landscape? The grinning figure drew closer, exacerbating the boy's terror. Unbeknownst to him, his journey would unveil a profound transformation—an ascent to become the embodiment of fear itself, or perhaps... a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. ----------------------- Chapters release Mon-Fri All Rights Reserved

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Entering Unexplored Territory

In the depths of the Red Titian, two crewmates were searching for bodies that had been thrown into the water.

After the battle, Connie ordered everyone to retrieve as many bodies as possible. This was done not only to scavenge from the deceased but also to reclaim their own fallen.

"Hey Greg, come take a look at this. Isn't this the water guy Cain was fighting?"

Greg ceased searching the marauder's boot and walked over to his companion.

"Hmm, it seems to be. What was his name? Garrett Ivert? Ivette? Search him, he might have something important."

The two began their task, sifting through the deceased man's clothing and belongings. They even probed the gaps between the extensive wounds, running their fingers over blue and pale skin.

"Look at this!"

Greg's partner pulled out a necklace with a blue pearl attached.

"What do you think it is?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe that thing the Trading Company representative was talking about – a relic?"

"Yeah, that's it! We might get rewarded for finding it, right? Wait... there's something else too."

His hand delved into an open wound and retrieved a pure white orb the size of a kidney. It was stained with blood, yet its beauty still shone through.

The orb exuded an eerie sensation, it was cold to the touch and gave an odd feeling on the skin. It alerted the two crewmates to the fact that they were dealing with something beyond their pay grade.

"I'll go inform the captain."


In Connie's captain's quarters, a group gathered around a white, round object resting on her desk.

"So, Greg and Hendrick found this?"

"Yes, Captain. I brought it here as quickly as possible. They also retrieved Garrett's relic – a blue pearl attached to a necklace."

Dolion picked up the blue pearl and examined it. "Yes, this is the relic. If you look closely, you can even see the ocean inside with some red patches." Placing it back down, he turned his attention to the orb. "As for this... I'm uncertain. It appears to be a kind of relic still being built, perhaps?"

Conversations ensued while Cain remained silent, his gaze fixed on the orb. Unlike the others, he sensed something they couldn't, an energy he had yet to identify.

He detected the peculiar energy entering the orb as a different energy seemed to depart. Faint as it was, he managed to perceive it with focused attention.

"May I hold the orb?"

Connie picked it up and tossed it over. "Sure, any ideas?"

"Technically, yes. Truly, no."

As he held the orb, the power surge became more evident. It felt as though the surrounding air was being drawn in, replaced by a subtler substance.

Cain lacked extensive knowledge; his understanding derived from another's memories. Yet, he possessed intuition.

'Energy, power derives from energy. People wield abilities due to energy, but their strength wanes beyond their own territory... energy becomes evident only in territories with cores. Doesn't this somewhat resemble a core?'

As if to validate his speculation, he grasped the blue pearl and brought them close.

Like magnets, the pearl avidly absorbed the energy emitted by the orb, growing brighter with each intake.

Witnessing this, everyone turned their gaze to Cain, eager to hear his explanation.

Setting down both objects, Cain offered his perspective. "From what I can surmise, the orb is somehow empowering the pearl, granting it strength akin to what it'd have in its home territory."

Dolion was the first to react. Hailing from a distinguished country, his incredulity was justifiable. Slamming his hands onto the table. "What! That's impossible, inconceivable! Where could he have obtained this? How could it even be made!"

"How would I know? All I've offered is speculation. However, I doubt a hydromancer could maintain such potency in a foreign territory. Didn't Garrett merely achieve minor achievements in hydromancy? How then could his abilities remain so effective? This magic seems to require comprehension, as well as the creation of a relic housing this comprehension. Only formidable mancers could potentially push three large ships and catch up to us within minutes, as this pirate did."

Dolion stepped back. His fingers twitched involuntarily toward the inner pocket of his coat. He hesitated, uncertainty washing over his face.

Blinking rapidly, he instead reached into his other pocket, removing a small leather folio.

"How do you possess such insights on mancers? Are you from Kiok?! How do you know mancers derive their power from their grasp of magic?"

He flipped through the folder and laid out some notes speculating similar theories.

'Did he not know that? I know this much from Garrett's memories; I assumed it was evident...is it because he just works for a trading company?'

Cain palmed his face while attempting to recover. "Well, I've encountered domains with similar practices, so I assumed it was natural. Power demands a price, frequently paid with time through understanding."

"Well, that's one hypothesis. Though it would corroborate your suppositions. An artifact that circumvents other territories... if employed in warfare, the Republic would likely not prevail! We need to turn around!"

Marko spoke up "Let's table this discussion; we evidently lack adequate information. We've entered uncharted territory, so we should revisit this later. Going back won't help anyone"

His words prompted nods all around. They weren't from the Republic nor was this the Republic's ship.

Dolion pressed his lips together firmly, the muscles in his jaw tightening. After a moment, he gave a slight nod of agreement along with the others gathered around the table. His eyes remained fixed on the orb, brows scrunched.

Even Dolion, perturbed by the emergence of something capable of endangering his homeland, assented. Survival took precedence, accompanied by responsibilities.

One by one, individuals returned to their tasks as Cain wandered around the ship.

Dolion had raised a valid query regarding the creation or availability of these items. Garrett, an individual, couldn't have acquired this orb unless it was an abundant resources. Still, the issue of how the Kingdom of Kiok possessed them lingered.

'Currently, two possibilities emerge: either it's a distinctive material, naturally occurring and then molded into these devices, or...'

Cain delved into his recollections, stumbling upon a memory of a blue screen.

[Core detected! You qualify to become a ruler!]

[Accept the system and receive all your desires!]

He recalled the conversation at the bar.

"All rulers do is invade territories to amass power..."

Cain stepped out on the deck, taking a deep breath of the salty air. The sunlight glittered on the gentle waves. He glanced up at the sky. The three moons shone brightly, though it was only midday. Cain paused, transfixed by their radiance.

He gazed at the radiant moons in the daytime sky. Though it was daylight, they gleamed like suns.


There will be 5 chapters this week as well.

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