
Lowly Ascent

Within a desolate realm, where discarded worlds were stitched together, a rupture tore open, releasing a small child into this fragmented expanse. Above him, the sky revealed three eerie moons, while an ominous black mass loomed ominously in their wake. Disoriented and engulfed by a putrid stench, the child awakened amidst a swamp, its twisted trees groaning under an oppressive haze. In the distance, the echoing caws of crows intensified the sense of foreboding. To the child's bewilderment, a haunting figure emerged, laboring behind a cart laden with lifeless bodies. Fear and confusion grip the child's heart as he began to grapple with the enigma of his own existence. Who was he, and what dire fate led him to this grim landscape? The grinning figure drew closer, exacerbating the boy's terror. Unbeknownst to him, his journey would unveil a profound transformation—an ascent to become the embodiment of fear itself, or perhaps... a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

AdOtherwise · Fantasy
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356 Chs

Emperor's Hand

Augustus was one of the Emperor's most trusted aides. He was given the title "Emperor's Hand" and had great authority, higher than anyone in the military. His words were like the Emperor's words. What not many people know is that Augustus is the Emperor's nephew.

He was the son of the Emperor's sister, who died during childbirth. Augustus was doted on since his birth, being the last thing the Emperor's dear sister left behind.

Surprisingly, this upbringing had no negative effect on him. Instead, Augustus grew up disciplined and developed a profound love for the Empire.

This was all the information the Church had on Augustus; they knew he was powerful, but they didn't know how powerful. With this famous man in front of him, Cain did feel some danger, but it was more of a threatening nature. He was confident this man couldn't kill him.

Cain was the first to move, making a beeline to Augustus, raising his weapon as he got closer to him. Augustus began to approach Cain as well, but at a slower speed. The Church wasn't that big, so it didn't take long for the two to clash.

Augustus dodged Cain's immediate attack, moving to the side and horizontally striking at his side. Cain saw this and moved in the opposite direction, evading the attack.

"You know, I haven't used this toy to the fullest yet. I should probably do that now."

Immediately after uttering those words, Cain slammed the maul to the ground. The ground trembled violently, the earth quaking beneath their feet as deep cracks tore through the once solid surface, reaching out in every direction

The foundation of the church collapsed, and Augustus and Cain fell with it. The church was built upon a large cellar deep in the ground, and Cain's attack broke the ground between it and the surface.

Plummeting onto hard rocks, Augustus hurriedly got up. He was an augmenter in the high ranks based on physical defense, so falls like this couldn't harm him too much. On the other hand, Cain was already up and hiding in the shadows. The light from above was dim, as the church was only illuminated by oil lamps.

Darkness was where Cain could take full advantage of his technique, especially in an open space. He put his maul back on his waist and pulled out two wicked daggers, almost as long as Augustus's gladius.

Augustus scanned the surroundings, his eyes peering into the darkness in search of Cain. He felt the still air tremor every once in a while.

He knew Cain was here somewhere, but he didn't know where. The air would shift and then return to stillness. He felt like Cain was everywhere in the darkness, moving everywhere to confuse him.

Augustus took a deep breath. Then, he took out a vial and threw it into the pitch-black shadows. Upon contact with the ground, the glass broke, and flames erupted from the liquid. The space lit up, pushing back the darkness.

Still, Cain was hidden, and he could not find him. He took out a few more vials and threw them around the space, bringing light to the darkness.

Again, he still couldn't find Cain, but laughter erupted and filled the air.

Cain's voice echoed mockingly through the darkness. "Do you think this is enough to find me?" he taunted. "Shadow will never be snuffed out by light, just as shadow will never engulf light. If you believe these fires will let you find me, you are sorely mistaken."

Augustus looked around, but he couldn't find where Cain's voice was coming from. It sounded as if he was speaking right next to him one moment, but the next moment, as if he was miles away.

As the flames flickered and diminished, an unsettling sense of anxiety washed over Augustus. His heartbeat intensified and the haunting whisper of Cain's voice echoed in his ear.

"This place is where you shall die!"

A blade pierced his back, and he swung, but whoever attacked him disappeared.

"How does it feel knowing you will die here, under my Church? Away from your family, from your uncle?"

"Shut up!"

Augustus felt his body movements slow. His movements became difficult, and he felt his body turning to stone.

"I have the bad habit of playing with my food. I should have just killed you if you can't even deal with simple paralysis."

Cain walked out of the shadows. He no longer held his Yurombi, but his maul. He appeared to finish off Augustus and end his life.

"I must say, you do look determined. But many also focus on other areas. Next time."

Cain raised his maul and swung as normal. However, Augustus successfully moved out of Cain's attack, falling to the ground on the side.

"Oh, was that pure willpower? Well, I must say, you must have a naturally high resistance, then. But now, you're just going to die under my foot."

Augustus's mind was racing as his heartbeat quickened its pace. Cain stepped closer and closer, and Augustus was breaking down, trying to move, but only able to wiggle his body a little.

His heart was pumping so much that his body began to go into shock. Amazingly, he began to move his body easier, and he got up to run away. He stumbled as he tried to climb over the debris, trying to make it to the hole he fell from.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to get out of it. Perhaps I scared you too much? Ah, well, it doesn't matter. Enough playtime."

Cain rushed towards Augustus and swung his maul, aiming for his spine. He succeeded, hitting him in the back and sending him flying into a wall.

Augustus was slammed right against the wall he wished to climb to escape, the light from above shining on him, his golden hair reflecting the light.

Immobile and helpless, the attack from Cain had shattered his spine, rendering him completely paralyzed. Pressed against the debris, Augustus's eyes followed Cain's figure emerging from the shadows, entering the dim light filtering in from above.

Augustus knew he was going to die now. There was no hope for him to survive this situation. As Cain got closer, his memories began to replay.


"August, I have a gift for you. Your mother wanted you to have it when you turned 15."

Augustus turned around to see his uncle walking towards him in the long halls of the Royal Palace. Long and thick pillars lined the hall as he watched his uncle walk towards him.

"Uncle! What did my mother leave for me?"

The Emperor took something out of his pocket and handed it to Augustus.

"Here, take this. It is a pendant your mother made when she was pregnant with you. She wanted to give it to you for your 10th birthday, but with her passing, I thought I should give it to you when you were more mature."

Letting go of the pendant, Augustus could now see what was in his hand. It was a beautiful stone that looked like the sun. It was attached to a chain, and on the back of the stone, it had some words engraved: "I love you."

Tearing up, Augustus was enveloped in his uncle's arms.

"It's okay to cry, let it all out. Know that you were Hanna's entire world. Your mother was so happy she could bring you into this world. She was only sad she couldn't see you grow up, but I will in her place."

Augustus began to cry in his uncle's arms for hours, his sobs echoing through the halls.

After this event, he would grow up to be more mature than before and no longer had the snobbish attitude he had before. He began to look at the world for what it was. He wasn't the only person living his life; there were millions of others who all had people they loved.

From then on, he was never prejudiced or hateful until he heard of Cain from Anders.


'Well, I guess I will go to see Mom. I can't wait to meet her... I'm sorry, Uncle,' Augustus whispered with a sense of peace. 'It seems my end is here. I hope to reunite with you and Mother, so we can finally be a family.

"Any last words, Emperor's Hand?"

"I hope you can find love. It is truly a wonderful thing. If only you had love, I don't believe any of this would've happened."

"It wouldn't have."

The sound of a skull cracking echoed and spread throughout the air. A hand fell to the ground as blood rushed down into the palm. Cain looked at the body before him, the Emperor's Hand. Dead by his hands.

The corpse before him still had most of the head intact. Cain could see a warm smile still plastered on Augustus's face. He looked at peace, he looked... free.