
Lowly Ascent

Within a desolate realm, where discarded worlds were stitched together, a rupture tore open, releasing a small child into this fragmented expanse. Above him, the sky revealed three eerie moons, while an ominous black mass loomed ominously in their wake. Disoriented and engulfed by a putrid stench, the child awakened amidst a swamp, its twisted trees groaning under an oppressive haze. In the distance, the echoing caws of crows intensified the sense of foreboding. To the child's bewilderment, a haunting figure emerged, laboring behind a cart laden with lifeless bodies. Fear and confusion grip the child's heart as he began to grapple with the enigma of his own existence. Who was he, and what dire fate led him to this grim landscape? The grinning figure drew closer, exacerbating the boy's terror. Unbeknownst to him, his journey would unveil a profound transformation—an ascent to become the embodiment of fear itself, or perhaps... a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

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356 Chs

Birth in Blood

'We are being used as expendables...'

Derek stopped. He stopped running and stood still, only twelve steps from the bottom.

'Why me? I was trained by one of the Knights! Am I not important? Is it because I don't follow their stupid religion? Is it so hard for them to accept another's views? There is no way God is real if he created this place! '

As Derek was going through a mental crisis, in the prison cell at the bottom step, a voice called out.

"Is that another human? It's hard to see you."

Intensifying his absent stare, Derek quickly confirmed if he heard another's voice.

"Hello? Is there someone in that cell?"

"Yes, hello. I am in this cell."

"There's a high-level prisoner? There's a high-level prisoner!"

Derek was in hysterics; the objective of his mission was in front of him, but he still didn't know if the prisoner could be friend or foe!

Not acting hasty, he took a step back. 

"Uh, sir, may I know your name and why you were imprisoned?"

"Cautious, I see. Always a good trait to have. I am Marko of Varn. I was locked up here because I'm a Nightmare. Since Zeki didn't trust me, he just put me in here."

"A Nightmare!"

Derek tried to recollect himself but found it hard.

Eventually, he weakly asked, "Are there other prisoners? Also, who is Zeki?"

Marko pleasantly responded, "The other prisoners are either dead after escaping their cells or committed suicide. As for Zeki, I would say he is the right-hand man of the Dream Lord."

'Dream Lord? He knows a figure second only to the Dream Lord?!'

"Mr....uh, Marko, will you kill me if I let you out?"

The prisoner in rags laughed, "Kill you? Of course not! I am a civilized human being!"

Derek had two choices before him, escape and either fail the cult or be controlled by Hope. Or hope this Nightmare wasn't as crazy as he seemed and was friendly. 

With not much of a choice, Derek went over to the cell and attempted to unlock it. Only as he touched the cell door did he realize it was already unlocked!

"You could have killed me at any moment!"

"See? I am a nice person. I've been waiting to leave, but with the developments above ground, I found it best to stay here."

Derek's face grew more surprised, "You know about above ground? You know of Hope?"

"Well, of course, I know the one who created it. It was sad to see him become someone unrecognizable, but that's what obsession does to a person. Luckily, the Dream Lord was nice enough to create this cozy place outside the influence of the subconscious."

"The Dream Lord created this place?"

Marko nodded, "Yep, unlike his servant, he didn't wish to get blood on his hands, so with the remainder of the troublemakers, he locked them in here. I was a special case as Zeki himself sent me here."

Having been given the full rundown, Derek became silent for a moment, "So...how are we going to escape?"

"Easy, I can fly us out. This prison was more focused on containing Dreamers and their imagination than Nightmares and their Nightmare fuel. I will need to focus a lot, but I can fly us to the exit."


At this point, Derek just wanted to get out and get his answers from the Cult. He didn't care about anything else.


It took only 5 minutes for the two to escape the maximum security prison. As Derek exited surrounded by floating black sand, he found the upper prison had been completely decimated.

Prisoners were running rampant, alarms were blaring, and guards were strung from the walkways.

"Wow, is that Cult you mentioned doing this?"

Derek tersely nodded, "Yes, I guess it was to cause chaos...."

Marko smiled, "I wonder what's going through Zeki's head right now, hehe."


"Damn it, four different areas have been attacked!"

The attendant in front of Zeki shivered, "Yes sir, the prison and lower outposts have been lost. The hub and headquarters are still holding out."

The headquarters was where the lackeys and enforcers of the Dream Lord worked. It was a fortress. As for the hub, it was a massive platform that teleported people to the Dream Lord's Palace. It was the only way in or out.

"Send all men to defend the hub. If this damn cult secures it, we won't be able to reach the city. I'll have to act myself, and I'll be very angry if I have to do that. Understand?"

"Yes!" The attendant bowed and left immediately.

In recent times, Zeki had become more irritable, and his hilarious aura had long dispersed.

Gilbert, who came out of his little cave, nudged Zeki's brain, causing him to sigh.

"Hah, Gilbert, I know. It's just...why does it have to come to this? Why can't people just be happy? Everything is just so confusing at times like these."

Zeki stared at his desk. He stared for a long time.


Deep underground, beneath the City of Dreams, the Blood Cult welcomed the survivors of the prison break.

'There's almost no one. Three people other than me survived, and there are barely 30 prisoners.'

Derek subconsciously frowned, seeing the results of what he thought was a massive operation. Only now did he understand it was worthless.

"Haha! You all did good, very good!"

The man in charge of the cleanup commemorated Derek and the rest. He continued to give an unpleasant speech before sending everyone on their way. Everyone except Derek and Marko.

"You two come here."

Being beckoned by a superior, Derek obeyed and walked over with Marko beside him.

"What is it, sir?"

"Your presence is required. The High Priest is calling for you two."

"Why?" Marko asked.

"I don't know, just go meet him. He is in his prayer hall like usual."

Inside the Blood Cult, everyone was a close-knit community. Leon was like the godfather of this community and appeared as such to give himself a better position. Almost everyone knew his schedule and where he was 24/7.

Derek didn't say anything more and brought Marko along to meet Leon.


Standing in front of the door to one of the most powerful people within the Cult, Derek felt a little nervous.

There were two Knights in heavy armor covered in dried blood standing on either side of the door. They opened the doors for Marko and Derek and watched as they entered.

Inside, Derek let his gaze linger around. The room had no special features; it simply appeared as a homely abode. The only difference was the altar in the middle of the room surrounded by blood and guts.

Derek had only met Leon on two occasions, and both were swift. He dared not to speak or move.

Marko, on the other hand, quickly realized who this High Priest was and grew astonished.

"Leon? Is that you? You look weak...far too weak for what you are. Did you resurrect?"

'Resurrect? What is this Nightmare talking about?' Derek was filled with confusion and soon....enlightenment.

Leon laughed in his comfy chair, "No, no. It is just a side effect of taking a mental blow. Once the Lord returns, he can fix it. My current state is precarious, hehe."

"Lord? Wait...you mean he's still alive?!"

Marko's voice was filled with many emotions: fear, joy, confusion, astonishment, and many others.

"Yes, I've felt it. Soon he will come and take what belongs to him. The world will shake, and the Dream Lord will die. This silly Cult I've made is only to help him in this endeavor."

Hearing the High Priest's condescending voice at the mention of the cult, Derek felt the whole world was turning upside down.

'The Lord's return? Silly Cult? Wait, is the God the High Priest speaks of actually real? He has evidence?!'

"I thought as much, seeing you use Dream Folk in their rebellious period... I wonder what thoughts you put into their heads?" Marko began to make some guesses.

"Haha, enough of that. The real question is, will you join us? I'm sure my Lord will be cordial and appreciate your allegiance."

Marko walked around the room. He appeared to be in thought. His soft-toned face was in contemplation.

Ever since he was freed, he appreciated Cain's help. Yet, was it enough for allegiance? No, he still had other things to do. He couldn't bend his knee to someone whose goals didn't align with his.

"I'm sorry, Leon, I will not get in your or your Lord's way, but I have other things to do."

"A pity. But I understand. I will have someone give you one of the artifacts if you don't have one already. You can leave whenever you wish."

Marko bowed, but as he did, his knees buckled, and he fell to the floor gasping for air.

Derek's eyes enlarged in surprise, and looking up, he saw Leon's face too was bewildered!

Marko threw up, black liquid exiting onto the floor and squirming like a living being.

"Marko, what is it?" Leon was apprehensive about helping; he didn't know what was happening.

"I...I...I'm scared...something...something from below! It hurts! I-It's coming! I have to leave! I have to run now!"

Before Marko could move, his body became black sand and was sucked below.

The underground structure shook. No, the whole City shook.

No! The whole Dream Realm Shook!

On this day, the 4th Primordial was born!

On this day, the Horror of Unknown awakened!

Next Chapter is going to get good.

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