
Lowly Ascent

Within a desolate realm, where discarded worlds were stitched together, a rupture tore open, releasing a small child into this fragmented expanse. Above him, the sky revealed three eerie moons, while an ominous black mass loomed ominously in their wake. Disoriented and engulfed by a putrid stench, the child awakened amidst a swamp, its twisted trees groaning under an oppressive haze. In the distance, the echoing caws of crows intensified the sense of foreboding. To the child's bewilderment, a haunting figure emerged, laboring behind a cart laden with lifeless bodies. Fear and confusion grip the child's heart as he began to grapple with the enigma of his own existence. Who was he, and what dire fate led him to this grim landscape? The grinning figure drew closer, exacerbating the boy's terror. Unbeknownst to him, his journey would unveil a profound transformation—an ascent to become the embodiment of fear itself, or perhaps... a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

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356 Chs

Beginning of the End

Cain looked at the city from his room. Smoke billowed as he gazed at the chaos below. Dust rushed out from the rubble. People cleared the collapsed building all the while Cain sipped from a refreshing beverage.

On his desk was a report from the Kingdom's main camp on the frontlines of the ongoing war. It was a detailed report on the recent attack from an unknown assailant.

"Seems the Federation made a new toy... hmm, the autopsies are interesting. They must have found those inactive cells. Bold of them to also attack Carc. Hehehe, though it doesn't matter, the time is ripe and the end stage is set!"

Carc was attacked by bombings throughout the city. It seemed the Federation took their time setting everything in place, but really, Cain had allowed it. He wanted to build up hate and rage, and the Federation was happy to do it for him.

The attack on the frontline camp was surprising; Cain thought the Federation was out of options, but they seemed to prove him otherwise.

'Either way, it's nothing compared to what shall gain. Just a few more weeks and I'll start. Then everything will end'

Cain thought to himself as he got changed and headed to the Church Headquarters. There, he will set the stage and send Netherane into a giant battle of blood, one that will create scarlet rivers and paint mountains in red.


Over the next few weeks, the Kingdoms and Church prepared everything they had. Stockpiles were emptied, and serums were plundered; it was like they were throwing money into a bottomless pit.

Endless resources went to those who proved useful, and even more went to those who had already proved themselves.

The actions of the West were easily discovered, and the Federation, in response, increased resource output, though nowhere near the Kingdom and Church.

Cain spent some time in his laboratory, but the majority of his time was spent overseeing operations and meeting with those in charge.

He had never taken such an active role before, and it showed. His presence gave a rise in morale, and everyone he met was ecstatic seeing their leader for the first time in almost a decade.

It went without saying all of Cain's directives were followed, and his plans quickly came to fruition. It was the year 3144 of the 119th cycle; an army stretching the horizon was stationed at the Kingdom's main camp.

Anxiety filled the air as soldiers looked into the fog, all of them knowing of the events that took place a few weeks ago.

People of the Church filled the ranks, along with the mercenaries and knights of Puffrid. Cages lined up on the edge of the battlefield, ready to unleash the monsters inside.

Silence, only silence. The wind stopped, and the bugs stood still. Nothing moved to break the silence as they heard the footsteps coming from the camp.

No one moved an inch as the sound of the footsteps seemed to come from everywhere at once. The noise seemed to lock them in place as beads of sweat were created and rushed down their faces.

"Ha ha ha! Finally, it's here! The final battle I envisioned! Hehehe haha!"

Crazed laughter burst through their eardrums as fear crept into their hearts. They felt the airdrop as their leader walked among them, the God of Pestilence, the avatar of destruction.

Finally, everything was set in motion, and the time of pleasantries has passed. The restrictions Cain gave himself were set loose, and he showed his true self before his army.

It was beyond what one could imagine; Cain didn't give the feeling of a human. Those who saw him would see what he appeared to be, but what they felt coming from him was something they couldn't even begin to describe as sane.

Cain's scarlet eyes reflected the moons as he stared off into the fog leading to the battlefield. The fog was like a sinister curtain, hiding demons within it.

He walked to the edge of the camp and came to the fringes of the frontlines. His hand raised, and he paused for a moment.

"Time to end this hehe!"

Cain grinned as he raised his voice. "I declare the battle of Netherane to commence, kill or be killed! Fight and die! Win and gain everything!"

Cain swept his hand downward, and the fog split. The battlefield lost the wall of fog as he blew it away with a simple gesture. What remained was a sight of disgust. A field of red, bones, and armor littered the plains as rats scurried across it.

On the other side, the two sides locked onto each other. The Federation's troops looked at the forces Cain had prepared, and the forces of the Church and Kingdom looked back.

The Federation was made up of mercenaries and what appeared to be knights and soldiers of Alex's order.

Cain met eyes with Alex and Anders, who was beside her. His eyes glowed as his grin turned into a twisted smile. Alex had a calm face while Alex gritted his teeth in rage.

To the surprise of the soldiers on Cain's side, the Federation seemed to match their size in troops.

The Federation had the majority of land in Netherane, yet it was still a newborn, so such an army surprised many.

The silence however, continued. Cain's mouth was twitching into a frown, but he stopped when he lost his footing as the ground shook, and he listened to the rustling of trees.

From the tree line, two giant siege beasts came out. Their grotesque cries broke the silence as Cain screamed with all the breath his lungs could hold.


The war beats were unleashed from the cages as both sides flooded into the battlefield. The two collided like waves as a grizzled battle ensued. This was the battle for everything, this was the fight that would dictate Netherane and its people's future.

Cain stood in his same spot; he looked at the battle like a strategist. No one remained in the camp; everyone who could fight was out there dying at this very moment.

The air was thick with the stench of blood and the metallic scent of steel as crimson rivulets streamed across the barren battlefield. Shrill cries pierced the heavy atmosphere and the drums of war boomed.

Cain took one last gaze at the scenery around him before his eyes lit with insanity.

"Time to join the fun!"