

This is the story of a young African child, who got admitted into a public School which she strongly detest because of the law "girls have to be on low cut to attend this School" despite her protest, she attended the School. she goes through a lot of pains but finally over comes them by getting used to it and moving on. The death of her cousin and School mate transformed her completely.

omawealth32 · Teen
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35 Chs


I couldn't help the tears, I couldn't hold it anymore, so it's true after all, so my Cousin is a cultist.

"Chi-" I was about to shout his name again when Mary covered my mouth with her two hands. " what is wrong with you? don't you know that he would hear us?"

I pushed her hands off me answered" yes, that's exactly what I want, I want him to hear me! "

" No that would get us into trouble with them.. please... Winner if you want to die.. do it alone.. I am too young to Die! " She walked away from me, leaving me alone, standing there like a log of wood.

I stood there watching the boy I call my cousin, sitting down with a group of dirty and rough looking boys, drinking. The boys were drinking but he wasn't, He was just there looking very neat and quiet, like he was happy to be there, was he forced to?

can't he leave?

The wind blew on me , lifting my pinafore up gracefully, calming down my nerves as I remember the words of my father to me" Winner, just because you are in a family doesn't not mean everybody would have the same opinion, we are all different even though we are one."

I heaved a sigh of pain, shook my head and walked away from the back of the School, thank God He didn't see me, I honestly didn't know where I'll be, I really don't know what he's capable of any more because of his threat to me earlier on-during break.

" why did you come back?" I turned to the direction of the sound only to see Mary staring at me from the School corridor sadly.

" what are you doing here?" I hissed at her. " I though you left me there? so?? why did you come back, please leave me alone -"

" I came back because you were being foolish. "

" Mary, don't upset me now, leave me alone, we are not friends aga-"

" Are you fighting me because of your Useless Cousin? "

" He is not useless -"

" then why is he a cultist? "

" I.. I .. I don't know-"

" You see, My elder brother in the Village was once a cultist... "

" Really? he was? so ... so, how did he leave the group? " I drew closer to her hoping to get an antidote from her that would cure my Cousin's illness.

" He DIED.. He didn't leave.. he died like a goat... he was killed during one of their fights." Those words hit me like a tornado, He died, does that mean that, oh no!

"Um... sorry for your loss... sorry for bringing him up."

"It's fine, It's not your fault.... I just hope that your Cousin wouldn't end up like my brother -"

"GOD FORBID!!"I shouted , as if I could stop it from happening just by rebuking it.

" It's ok, lets go to the School fellowship, that have already started , we are very late.... I was waiting for you, I would have gone since."

" I can't go.. My cousin said-"

" Really?? your Cousin? " Her word's made me realize my mistake of trusting one person, My Cousin. He warned me never to enter the School fellowship. Why? maybe because He doesn't want to see me running his operations.

We got to the School fellowship and beautifully, they were gathered in my classroom. I walked in quietly with Mary holding my hand and leading me like I was blind. We got to an empty sit at the middle and sat down. I protested that we go to my actual sit because it is empty at the moment. We walked carefully, climbing the tables and chairs, careful not to distract the members and finally, we got to my sit and instead of sitting, we stood because the members were now standing and singing slowly -worship song.

" Did you bring your head tie?"

" Huh?"

"head tie.. to cover your head.. " she said as she brought out a small scarf from her bag and quickly tied her head like an old woman. I looked around and noticed that a lot of girls had their heads tied up with scarves. "Why are you guys covering your head?"

"It's good now! I don't know why out church doesn't like covering their head."

"It doesn't matter -"

"It does ... it matters a lot.." she was shouting now because of the singing of the members.

" You said?"

"It matters a lot.. do you know that God would not hear your prayers if you are a girl and you don't tie a scarf and wear a skirt while praying? "

" No... Um... I don't see that in my Bible at all. "

" forget Bible it's true.. "

" Okay.. look, even if it's true, which it isn't, there is no point of us tying out heads because.. WE DON'T HAVE HAIR!...

Look around you Mary... we are all on low cut.. doesn't God see that? "

" hnmm... that's true you actually have a point. "

" Yes now.. you are thinking. "

We now fixed our attention on the two girls leading the worship section. They sang melodiously and the members joined in , we sounded so good even though we were few. I just hope that God accepts our praises.Im sure he would, definitely.

Another girl came out to lead and just when she went out , I saw Cynthia Walk into the fellowship room, looking more busty than ever. I quickly took my gaze off her and focused on the girl standing in front and leading the praise segment . The moment she started singing, some boys at the back started beating the tables, some with their hands some with plastic bottles.

" Heavenly race... I no go tire... heavenly race... I no go tire..... heavenly race... I no go tire... by the grace of God." They sang and Danced in unison , enjoying themselves.

When they sang and Danced to their full, they all say down and kept quiet. The whole place became as silent as a grave yard. "So, good day brothers and Sisters in the Lord, it's time for us to give our 'special Numbers ' who has a special number? " Oh wow! Special number? I have a special number and it's number four. I wouldn't mind sharing it because ever since I was four, my life and imagination changed.

" So, nobody here has a special number?" not even one person?" She kept asking and pressing on , so I decided to deliver the crowd like I was do, during maths and English class. I raised my hands really high like a genius. She looked at me and said"Good, please come out and give your special number, please clap for her."

I stood up respectfully and said"um.. no.. I can just say my special number from my sit. "

" Are you sure about that? "

" Yes ma"

" Alright then... tye floor is yours. "

" Okay, my special number is... number four. " Suddenly the whole place that was as quiet as a grave yard became as lively as a club . I looked around and saw everybody laughing except Mary who was covering her face with her hands and the girl anchoring the meeting who was frowning. She looked at me irritated l and said "Young lady.. life is spinning.. you can't be in the presence of God and perform nonsense.. are we playing here?"

"No ma.. we are not.. I'm serious I don't know why they are -"

"sit down sit down." Mary whispered to me and I sat down. She turned to me and said "that's not what special number is... where did you grow up in ?" I was about to ask her to explain when I saw Cynthia Walk to the front of the class, cleared her throat and started singing as if to say to me'look this is how it's done' I'm seriously beginning to dislike her" This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, this little light if mine I'm gonna let it shine.." She sang smiling slightly at me as she stifled her laughter. When she was done, the whole class clapped and cheered including Mary. She turned to me and smiled revealing her double gap teeth "special number is a song or Dance presentation."

" okay.. " I smiled sheepishly.

" When the special number segment was over, Mr. Dele O. A. came into the class room and prayed for us , covering us with the blood of Jesus over and over again. Tye blood that was shed almost two thousand years ago. How come the blood hasn't finished since?

We finally closed and we were walking towards the School gate when Mart confessed to me"To be sincere Winner, you really embarrassed me today."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry."

Suddenly a very fat shirt girl walked up to Mary and hugged her happily. "Winner, see my friend-Prisca we walk home together, she is in JSS2. "

" oh.. Prisca. my name is Winner-"

" I know you already." she laughed .

We were about to leave the School gate together when Chibuikem walked up to me looking tired and said" Winner, let's go home, your mum called and asked me to come over that my parents are there. " I noticed that he didn't bother asking why I stayed long neither did he say hello to Mary or Prisca.

"You can go home, on your own, I'll go home on my own." He didn't answer me he just pulled me by my arm and led me out of the School gate. I freed myself from his grip and went back to meet Mary and Prisca. He follows me in, shouting "You are trying to be stubborn right?I'll report you to your mum and Dad.... Good bye.. if you like, come back home, if you like, don't" He walked away angrily.

I didn't enjoy my walk home because of Prisca she is too lousy and rough and the annoying part is that she begs a lot, she ate her meat pie, ate mine , and ate Mary's too. I was so happy and relieved to say 'good bye to them. "

When I got home, I saw Chibuikem's and his Family in my parlour. The moment O walked in, I met my Dad's angry face.

" Winner! so you have started lying right? Kneel down here." He pointed at the floor in front of him. I didn't bother arguing because that would infuriate him more. I just dropped my School bag , breathed in , and sank my knees to the floor.

The worst thing that could ever happen to you .. is to be falsely accused.

Thank you so much for reading!

#Slice of Life.

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