
Loving your Enemy

All Cheryl Blossom ever wanted was her brother back in her life, and when he call's her out of the blue one day, and ask her to come to his apartment, she's more then willing to do so. But what she never expected was for her wish to come true. They say ' careful what you wish for, because it might happen'. Cheryl wanted her brother back in her life, but she got him as a lingering spirit, a ghost. He called her that day so he could kill himself in front of her, attaching his soul to Cheryl.Ruined again by her brother's actions she encounters on the internet, on one of her many sleepless nights, an article about a little town named Greendale. For no reason, other than curiosity, Cheryl takes her beautiful bengal cat and buy's with her last savings, a little apartment. What Cheryl doesn't know is that she just moved in a serpents den, and now she has to prove to her neighbour, the Viper's king,that she ain't gonna be they're dinner. With secrets unfold and multiple targets on her back, all she can think about is that neighbour of hers, who plungers her nightmares, becoming her beacon of light. And like a moth to a flame, she's bound to be burned. But oh sweet flames, they were made for her. Note! my imagination is dark and twisted most of the time, with just a splash of lovely. I'm harsh and romantic, at the same time, and that is what you will encounter in my book. So read at your own risk! thank you for taking your time with my creation!

Lissa_Ryn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Falling With Me

Since she got back from her stroll in the forest, she cleaned her apartment like crazy. Hearing that her mother was coming at midnight to answer all her questions, it was put in the back of her mind, focusing only at tiding her place. If it was one thing that she knew about her mother, it was that Lucielle hated unorganized behaviour. All her life she got that look of disappointment every time she came into her personal space, be it her bedroom or her own apartment. Her OCD was at another level, that's for sure. Cheryl could feel Danny's smug face in the back of her head, the momma's boy, unfortunately inherent that stupid obsession.

As she finally finished mopping the floor, she jumped on the couch, careful not leave footprints on the now shiny wooden floor.

"You should make yourself another joint, it's almost midnight. And believe me, you would need the 'stimulation' as you called it."

"I think I'm gonna make myself a spliff, 'cause I don't want to be too stoned when she arrives."

"Who taught you about spliffs?" He walked from her bedroom frame door, and came on the couch next to her. She almost didn't hear him, as she was watching for footprints on the floor.

"In highschool I met a boy from London, and we didn't always have enough money for a proper joint, so one night, when we were in his minivan, he showed me how we could still get stoned, even of we were poor."

She smiled as she broke a cigarette and started to make a filter out of the carton of the package. She first put the tabaco in the paper roll, then the weed and she adjusted the makeshift filter, after she rolled, licked the paper and voilà, her spliff was ready. Thinking about Rogan, brought a smile to her face.

"He taught me a lot of things, one of them was, how to do a proper blow job."

"Please, puddin' don't tell me things like that!"

"What? Don't act like you think I'm a clueless girl. I'm not a expert, but I now my shitt."

Cheryl was enjoying the torment on Danny's face, and she lighted her spliff. She blowed the smoke in his face, curious if he could feel it.

"Can you get stoned in the afterlife or what is the place you are precisely?"

"Purgatory, and no, I can't. But when I come back I will smoke with you, pudding. Now tell me, this london guy, does he have another name other then Rogan?"

Cheryl almost told him, until she saw the look in his eyes. He wanted to hurt Rogan for touching her, she could see the malice in those green orbs.

"You shouldn't think bad about Rogan, Danny...He looked out for me. I was alone and I always did stupid things, got myself in trouble. Rogan tuned down my wildness, and I was the one that jumped him. I wanted to experiment things, anything to feel something, to fill that void after you and ma' left." She took another drag from the spliff and rested her head on the couch. "He refused me at the beginning, but after some persuasion and threatening that I will look elsewhere, he gave in. He was a gentleman, he treated me with respect and I'm grateful for his existence in my life 'till this day. So no Danny, I will not tell you his full name, so you can go and do the overprotective brother thing you want to do. Besides, don't you think it's a little too late for that?"

She knew that it was a low blow, but the vindictive side of her, just couldn't help herself. Cheryl was aware that maybe it was time to stop the snide remarks, but hey, he was the one that insisted she should smoke. She was disrespectfully sincere, when she was stoned.

Danny's bony hand touched her shoulder, almost as he somehow knew that she regretted the last comment, and when she looked at him and saw his beautiful sad smile, she felt her tears in the back of her eyes.

"In a couple of minutes you will understand that I never stopped being your overprotective brother, and I will never stop. You will be stuck with me until your last breath puddin', even if you want to get rid of me now, I'm afraid that's out of the question."

Something about the way he said that, was off, but she didn't get to ask him what, when the sound of hills could be heard nearing her apartment door. Out of habit, they both got in a proper and elegant position on the couch, something that their mother installed in them. Danny put his legs down from the coffee table, and straighten his back, and Cheryl crossed her ankles, with her hands rested on her knees. And when those hills stopped in front of her door, they both stopped breathing.

The door opened itself without as much of a touch from anyone, and in the doorframe stood their mother. Lucielle Blossom was a beautiful woman, a exquisite specimen. With her curly long hair, red as fire, and jaded eyes, framed by long eyelashes. At forty nine years old, she looked as a twenty five. With a slim waist, a generous bust and a perky bossom, she could make any young woman feel a lack of confidence. But what stood out the most, was her attitude. She was a strong and fierce woman, who couldn't be put down by anyone, or so her children thought so. Her strong spirit came from hardships and pain, but her love for them was beyond anything anyone could phantom. And she finally had them both in the same room, she could finally talk with them without any restraint, thanks to her Danny boy, actions.

"It's so good to see you both remember some manners." She had a full smile, while her kids answered in unison.

"Hello, mother."