
Meet again

While Cliff and his dad were alone...

"Son, what do you think about Ingrid?" Cliff knitted his brows at his father's question.

"Ingrid? What do you want me to think about her?" his father's question is quizzical. He could not specify if he meant as an employee or...

"Just your observation, I think?" Clint chuckled. That made him narrow his eyes as he looked at him.

"Why are you asking me, father?"

"Ugh, it's nothing." He said nonchalantly, as if it was natural for his father to ask him. But he knew better. He sighed as he gathered his suspicion.

From a businessman's perspective, he suspects his father is up to something. And he should plan. He could not afford to lose his freedom to do things his way.

"Whatever you are scheming, father, just don't do it." His tone is cold and indignant, but his father cannot hide his amused and cheeky smile.

"Hahaha I never said anything. Why are you so defensive? By the way, how's the VeanCo? I heard that you'll launch something in that mall." Clifford hid his smile.

"We are still negotiating it. There's an international brand that wants to invest in this country, and it happens that I was acquainted with the owner." He said casually.

"Oh, so you mean to say that you already negotiated with them?"

"ahuh! It will only be a matter of time before we sign the contract."

His father tapped his shoulder, "I'm so proud of you, son." And before he could respond, his phone rang.

"Yes, Frank?" it was his best friend.

"Hi Ford, are you free tonight? Let's hang out."

"What time?"

"Hmm, around seven thirty, are you free?"

"Okay, I also need some time to loosen up. Same place?"

"Yes, yes, same place." And they both hang up.

"Who was it?" his father inquired.

"A friend. I need to get going."


Meanwhile, at Ingrid's office, she was already preparing to go home when she received a text message from Liane.

Sistah: [hey sis, let's meet later, 8 p.m., same place.. see ya! xoxo]

Sissy: [hahaha, are you requesting or demanding?]

Sistah: [I think both. Don't say no, please? We haven't bonded for a month. Just grant me this one, please?]

Sissy: [when could I say 'no' to you?]

Sistah: [you're the best! Wear something refreshing, okay? Not the executive type. Loosen up a bit. Hahaha]

Sissy: [are you kidding me?]

Sistah: [See you, mwaa].

Ingrid could only smile. She immediately went home to freshen up. It has been a while since having a night out with Liane. Liane is right; she needs to loosen up a bit. Upon arriving home, she saw her son busy reading. Her heart flutters at the sight of her son.

"Hey sweetie, how's your day?" Ingrid opened up her arms to welcome her son with a warm hug.

"Mommy!" the boy came running to her, cradled him, and planted tiny kisses on his chicks.

"It was fun mom. How's your day?" Ingrid recollected what happened, and she just smiled,

"I was so busy, but it was fun, too. By the way, Aunt Liane and I are going out tonight, go to sleep early, okay? Don't wait for me."

"Can I go with you?"

"Nope, it's an adult affair, kids aren't allowed."

"Are you meeting my dad?" Ingrid frowned in secret upon hearing her son's question again. She sighed and tried to calm herself.

"No, of course not..." yet she still sounded defensive. "Listen, son, I know how you long for a daddy, but give me some time to think about it. I could not explain our situation to you plainly because I don't know where to start, but promise I will."

As much as Ingrid wanted to be calm and collected regarding the matter, she could not help but burst out. She needed time out. The child hushed and stared at the floor. Upon seeing her precious son's gloomy face, she felt pain in her chest. But she can't do anything about it now and has some fears, too.

'Oh God, what should I do?' she wordlessly prayed and sighed deeply.

As much as she wants to explain everything to her son, she has to be firm. She informed the nanny and the housekeeper that she'd be going out. Before Ingrid went out of the house, she went to her son and hugged him tightly.

She chose to wear Chanel's cream-with-navy-stripe t-shirt, Hudson Barbara's high-waisted skinny jeans, and a low-cut India by French Sole. She put a light makeup, which made her look five years younger.

"You look so beautiful, mommy! Have fun!"

"Oh, thank you, my sweet! Sleep early, okay?" She kissed her son on his cheeks and left.

After looking at her watch, it was still seven-thirty since the restaurant was only a thirty-minute ride from her house. She just took her time driving. While humming a song, her mind was at ease.

"I am gonna have fun tonight." She said to herself. Her cell phone then rang. It was Liane.

"Sis, where are you? We're here already." Ingrid could hear a different excitement in Liane's voice.

"Almost there." She was puzzled why she used 'we'? All she knew was that it was their date, not with other people. But then she remembered her best friend's husband, Frank.

"Those lovebirds are inseparable..." she muttered.

The restaurant's location they love is within the city, and the place has an inviting and cozy atmosphere. You won't waste your time and money in this place. To make your dining extra meaningful, they restrict using an internet connection while in the restaurant.

Upon entering the restaurant, the receptionist politely greeted her and asked for her name. An attendant accompanied her to their table. Captivating music welcomed me as she walked to their table.

When she's almost near their table, Ingrid froze.