
Loving You is My Everything

"Darling, you're the one who said I could bring home anything if I liked it, whether it's handbags, clothes, cosmetics... Look, there's even a handsome guy!" Sheng Shi flipped the table. Who was the one who said it? That once he married her, she would be his exclusive toy, and no one else could touch her. The reality proved that Gu Lanshan wasn't the only one who didn't regard him highly. "Sir, this is a delivery of roses for Miss Gu. Please sign here to accept it." "Young Master, a man is standing downstairs singing love songs to your wife all night."

Ye Fei Ye · General
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38 Chs

Don't you want to earn money anymore?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Even if the way to make money was to treat herself like a commodity…


Gu Lanshan lowered her gaze. She believed that for a very long time, she had been treated like one.

After thinking for a while, Gu Lanshan put away the check and went into the bathroom for a quick shower. She changed into pajamas and lay down on the bed.

She had trouble sleeping last night and someone woke her up today. Now all she wanted to do was sleep, so she quickly fell asleep.

Gu Lanshan didn't know how long she had been asleep. She slept until she vaguely wanted to wake up but couldn't open her eyes.

She was half asleep and half awake. In her stupor, she seemed to hear footsteps. It felt like a dream even though it sounded clear and real. She could not be certain.

Only when the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open did Gu Lanshan finally come to her senses. She had not been dreaming. Someone was really here.

She thought the maid was reminding her to eat, but she didn't feel hungry at all. She couldn't tell if she was sleepy or not, but she didn't feel like moving, so she lazily said, "I'm not hungry. Don't worry about me. Eat your dinner. I'll call you when I'm hungry."

However, the footsteps did not stop because of her words. Instead, they got closer until finally sank heavily beside her. Gu Lanshan was stunned for a moment before she felt that everything was too abnormal. Immediately, she sobered up and opened her eyes in a daze.

It was already late at night. The lights in the house were off, and the light outside reflected a dim light in the house.

She saw Sheng Shi's familiar face.

A strong smell of alcohol wafted over. Then only Gu Lanshan saw that Sheng Shi's face was a little red. It was obvious that he had drunk a lot.

Before she could regain her senses, Sheng Shi's arm reached out and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his head, buried it in her slender, beautiful neck, and kissed her wildly.

His hot breath strongly reeked of alcohol. It was indescribably ticklish.

Sheng Shi's hot lips traveled from her neck to the contours of her small face and kissed their way to her earlobe. He kissed her soft earlobe and lingered there for a while. He clearly felt that the woman in his arms was a little soft, so he stopped kissing her.

Didn't Mrs. Butler say he called tonight and said he wasn't coming back?

Why was he back now?

On second thought, Gu Lanshan realized that she was still owed 5,000 yuan for the medical bill. His return saved her a lot of trouble.

After assessing the situation, Gu Lanshan secretly took a deep breath and said in a sleepy voice, "Do you want to take a shower?"

Hearing this, Sheng Shi shakily got up from the bed and staggered toward the bathroom. As he went, he took off his clothes. At a glance, there were clothes that he had casually thrown away from the bedside to the bathroom.

She waited for a long time, but Sheng Shi did not speak. Thinking that she could easily earn 5,000 yuan if she gave him a bath, she got up from the bed and looked at Sheng Shi, who wore only his underwear. She asked, "Do you need me to help you shower?"

She spoke in a steady tone.

After saying this, Gu Lanshan secretly despised herself. Despite clearly anticipating it, she pretended to be at ease.