

Falling in love with someone who loves you and can't stand being away from you is the best thing that can ever happen to anyone but what happens when the opposite is the case? Will love still be as beautiful as you have always imagined?

Dale_Paul639 · Urban
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You really want to do this? Jane asked looking intently at Rose. Rose was unable to answer but her facial expressions says it all. Seems like your mind is made up, Jane added. Here's the phone, send the text yourself, she said, giving Rose her phone. I am scared of the decisions I make each new day. Taking risk, isn't something I would ever want to do but here I am so fixed on this one not wanting to back off. This is something I would frown at if I lend an ear to someone not chew over but here I am so eager to get a negative response or should I say a positive response, what an irony. This whimsical attitude I should contain before it becomes… Rose what are you waiting for, Jane asked at the top of her voice bringing back drowned Rose to reality from her thoughts. Rose smiled, his name please? Philip Kingston, Jane replied. What a handsome name for a handsome gent, Rose blushingly replied. Oh, he's online.

(Rose now posing as Jane)

Jane: Hi, Philip, How are you? How's work?

Replying almost immediately

Philip Kingston: Jane, I'm good and work is fine. You?

Jane: I am doing great

Philip Kingston: That's good to hear. The pubs you told me to read with regards to helpful tips with my insomnia. I haven't done my research nor gotten those books but I will soon. I have been very busy with work.

Jane: It's fine. Let me know when you've read them and if your insomnia is getting better or not.

Philip Kingston: Thanks, I really appreciate. I'll do just that.

Jane: Sent a smiling emoji. While reading through compliments in my dm to my friends, one became so interested in being acquainted with you and more, she pleaded with me for permission to be given your phone number.

Philip Kingston: laughing out loud. Are you being serious right now. Me? What's there to be interested in? What did you both talk about?

Jane: Lol, she saw pictures of you with kids and that captured her attention. She isn't the type to tell guys she interested in being acquainted, she's the reserved type. Has built high walls around her. We actually spoke about me being surprised a lot of persons I'm just acquainted with complimented my pictures because they rarely see pictures of me looking this beautiful.

Philip Kingston: Your friend is an interesting lady. Occupation? I hope she isn't those Internet ladies that has nothing to do all day except posting pictures and being glued to their phones? You know I don't have time for that ?

Jane: Not at all. She's my friend and you know me. I'm not like that, I won't befriend people who have nothing to impact in me. She's a student, she's into makeup, photography and fashion. She's grounded. I can assure you of that.

Philip Kingston: Sends a laughing emoji, if you say so. what's your relationship with her?

Jane: she's my best friend. You have nothing to worry about. You'll like her when you get to know her, sends the smiling emoji. I can vouch for her.

Philip: Interesting. What's her name ?

Jane: Rose

Philip: Pretty name, must be a pretty lady then, sends the smiling emoji.

…you can give her my contact and tell her to chat me up. Hey, I'm not giving my permission because I like her rather, she captures my attention with her guts. That's a lot from a lady who doesn't know nor has seen me. Not every lady out there can take the initiative like she has.

Jane: Noted. She'll read through this chat though. Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Philip Kingston: Nah, I see it as an opportunity to get acquainted with the people around you and its fine…I have work to tend to now, let's continue this conversation some other time. Do have a nice day.

Jane: you too.

haa, Rose screamed loudly, whoopee! I got his number. Thank you baby, you're the best, kisses she blew at Jane happily. Whatever, Jane replied. I got an earful from you guys, see it isn't as bad as you all declared, Jane told them all. "Okay", they all replied in unison. Number collected and my first message sent, I really do hope we connect. Ladies, I have a business to tend to and an acquaintance to connect with, Jane told the ladies euphorically happy. There's raw food in the freezer. Cook dinner for yourselves, there's a lot to work on this night.


Oh my, I'm so tired. This is a lot of work. I hope I can finish all these before retiring for the day. Jane stood up to exercise her body, drank from her cup of coffee. Trying to stay awake and regain strength from being exhausted. Phone beeped, Jane picked up her phone, opened her message box. So many messages to reply but his caught her attention. Blushing she opened the message.

Philip Kingston: Okay.

Rose: Thanks for the permission to have your contact.

Philip Kingston: Its nothing. You're welcome though. How are you?

Rose: I'm good, you ?

Philip Kingston: I'm fine. Just an hectic day

Rose: sent a smiling emoji, sorry about that. You need enough rest then.

Philip Kingston: yeah, but I have a lot to work on so this night will be spent on my system working.

Rose: must be a workaholic. please ensure your health is well care for.

Philip Kingston: LoL, I will ma'am. Thanks for your concern.

Rose: sent a smiling emoji. So my friend tells me you live in Canada but come to the United Kingdom a lot for business. What are you into?

Philip Kingston: Tech. Car tech mostly from security(trackers) to parts and other security services. Just everything on security from your home to you to your car. I mostly travel China. My family home is in the UK but I was born, raised and schooled in Canada. Whenever, I come to the UK, its for family business.

Rose: Are you the eldest child ?

Philip Kingston: LoL, yes ma'am

Rose: laughing, what's with the ma'am ?

Philip Kingston: you can call me Rose. I left the Uk, Sunday.

Rose: Oh my

Philip Kingston: My uncles and grand mother lives in Bristol.

Rose: that's where I school

Philip Kingston: I am fully aware.

Rose: I hope the next time, you come around, I get to place a face on the gentleman who electrified me.

Philip Kingston: Hold it right there, young lady. That's too sudden. Let's Skype

Rose: perfect. My ID …