
Day 5

Please do not hate yourself

For I am with you all the time

I will try to fix you

Cause I am here always for you.

Day 5


Erwin : Are you busy today?

Ynah : Even if I'm not I know you're not going to see me.

Ynah : So why bother?

Erwin : Yeah. You're right.

Erwin : But maybe, can I call you?

Ynah : No. I don't like that.

Ynah : I'm busy.

Ynah : Yeah. I am very busy. I have so much school work that need to accomplished, so don't you ever call me.

Erwin : But...

Erwin : Please.

Erwin : I wanted to call you right now.

Seen 7:18AM


Erwin : Are you really gonna ignore me?

Erwin : Hey! I know you're not busy.

Erwin : Please...

Seen 9:06AM

Erwin : Okay.

Erwin : I'm not going to bother you again.

Erwin : But please, chat or call me when you're not busy.

Seen 9:10AM


Ynah sent a photo

(Ynah's wrist with a cut and bleeding)