
That, Is Not My Blood

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"You said something about Jue's woman just now. What does that mean?"

Li Yuan was using disinfectant to clean her wound. When he heard her question, he could not help feeling stunned. "Are you not?"

"Hence, I am asking, what do you mean by Jue's woman?"

"He's called Qin Sijue. I call him 'Jue' in general, which is why I called you Jue's woman."

"…" Gu Qiangwei had to take some time to digest his statement before she could understand him clearly. "I am not his woman!"

Li Yuan paused again. "You aren't?"


"Then why are you here? And you are even on this bed!"

He had known Qin Sijue for ten years, but he had never seen him bring any woman back to this private apartment of his, not to mention being on his bed, and also not to mention further about sleeping on his bed!

"I was saved and brought back by him." Gu Qiangwei was not aware of Li Yuan's second statement.

Li Yuan's gaze was on her. Being saved and brought back by Jue? That is even more unlikely!

"When did you first get to know him?"

Gu Qiangwei's eyes turned. She glanced at the darkness outside the window.

"What is the time now?"

Li Yuan glanced at his watch. "It's 12:43 AM!"

"Then it was yesterday afternoon." Actually, their scuffle yesterday afternoon could not be considered getting to know each other; she could only say that it was their first time meeting each other.

Li Yuan was stunned. "You're saying that you only first met each other yesterday afternoon?"

When Gu Qiangwei saw his face, which looked like he had seen a ghost, she was also stunned.

"What is it?"

Li Yuan did not open his mouth again, but he slipped into a state of deliberation.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open again. Coincidentally, Gu Qiangwei's wound had also been completely bandaged.

"Besides your forehead, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else?"

Gu Qiangwei shook her head. "No."


The one who opened his mouth was Qin Sijue. His black eyes shone as he questioned her.

When he had saved her and brought her back, her body was stained fully with fresh blood, but it should not have been caused by the injury on her forehead. After all, the wound there was not deep; it was not to the extent of staining her sleepwear red.

As Gu Qiangwei met his clear eyes, she paused.

Why did he look at me with such a questioning gaze?

"Miss Gu, when we discovered you, there was blood all over your body." Luo Chen, who was standing at the side, could not help himself from talking.

He was the one driving then. In the dark night, a shadow suddenly rushed onto the road. When he saw her whole body filled with blood, he thought that he had killed someone at that instant!

Gu Qiangwei's gaze turned towards Luo Chen. Filled with blood?

"That was not my blood."

When Gu Qiangwei thought of Gu Shijie, her face drooped.

Qin Sijue's malicious eyes also landed on her slightly droopy face.

Since it's not her blood, then what exactly happened to her last night?

Something's not right!

Gu Qiangwei seemed to have thought of something. She raised her head violently, and her gaze fell on Luo Chen's face. "How did you know that my surname is Gu?"

When she left last night, she did not bring along any sort of identification. Then, how did he know that her surname was Gu?

Luo Chen glanced at Qin Sijue. He did not open his mouth to answer her question.

"If you are certain that you are not injured anywhere else, then I have done more than what is required in examining you." Li Yuan opened his mouth this time.

Gu Qiangwei withdrew her line of sight. "I am certain."

"Since this is it, then I—"

"You can get lost!"

Li Yuan had not finished speaking when Qin Sijue interrupted by surprise. Li Yuan turned his face and looked at the man who was sitting leisurely on the sofa.

He was really an unbelievable fellow! He pulled him out from his bed in the middle of the night and did not even thank him!

Luo Chen sent Li Yuan out. In an instant, only Qin Sijue and Gu Qiangwei were left in the room.