
Loving the unknown

This is a story about a young woman called Callie Evans her life is crap until she meets a guy could he be safe or not. All you need to do is read the book. Love can be dangerous but how much exactly. Full book.

destony_hall · Teen
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21 Chs

chapter 20: darkness

It wasn't long before I knew I was giving birth.

The pain was excruciating, like nothing I have felt before each time the pains stopped my eyes would shut with exhaustion but after a couple of seconds I would jolt with agony, it felt like the baby was scratching and clawing her way out.

Each blink of dizziness all I could see was Corey trying to speak but it was just ringing in my ears and muffled words but surely enough I could make out what he was saying "Callie remember to breathe and keep your heart beating!" he screamed at me I managed to speak "there is no way of going to a hospital or calling a doctor or else they will see the dead bodies" I said slowly and painfully I was sat in my own puddle of blood I never thought I would ever give birth like this and also so uncomfortably.

Corey's POV I was so shakey but I knew I needed to help deliver our baby I don't like seeing Callie in so much pain but I also knew this was my fault if only I didn't get the urge to kill she could have a more comfortable birth and less painful I wish I could move her but we don't have the time, I don't know how to deliver a baby but I know enough do help Callie I sat down so I could be level with Callie and so I could see better I know we dont have enough time Callie wasnt responding I have to cut the baby out of her I grabbed the knife I used to kill my victims I held the knife above her stomach I was shaking that much i nearly three the knife my body was paralysed to see Callie on so much torture until "get her out... She will die if not!" she saved up all her strength and bellowed at the top of her lungs I just looked at her with shock but agreed I had killed a bunch of people but I cut slowly I have never been so panicky in my whole entire life this is different to hold the knife this is different to cut someone also to see blood I don't know who was trying to breathe more but we both was sure as hell struggling to, as I cut a big enough gash for the baby I don't know wether to throw up or faint I have seen some gruesome things before but this was nothing I have seen before I could see all her insides all her pulsating blood pouring out like juice I had to concentrate and save them both before it's too late I turn away for a second and I squinted my eyes to the thought of what I need to do next I looked back at Callie to see her head moving back and forth struggle to stay awake I could tell by the look on her face she was in alot of pain I had to do it I hate her like this I pushed my hands inside the gash as I shut my eyes trying to hold down the puke I moved around trying to find the baby it was just mushy I could feel all her insides I opened my eyes to the sound of Gipping I glanced at Callie with one eye shut she threw up bright red and slimy blood I stared panting to the thought if losing Callie I can't live without her I stopped moving my hands until I felt something I grabbed it ever so gently and pulled it out slowly my ears twitched like a dog when I heard a sweet baby scream I opened my eyes and madly fell in love with my little princess I cradled her in my arms I didn't care that she was covered in warm blood she was mine I peard over at Callie she was smiling with glee to the sight of her baby being born I tilted my head in confusion I quickly cleaned up the baby and placed her in the crib I looked at Callie once again she was still in the same position smiling like the baby was still there again I was numb to the thought and I pushed the thought to the back of my head Callie hadn't moved I glanced at her chest with tears in my eyes I sad it move for the longest time until it moved back down I couldn't breathe I started to panic I bolted over to Callie I started to shake her frantically "Callie... Come on please!"

I screamed at her restless body I started frantically giving her mouth to mouth also trying my hardest to resuscitate her as I started to hysterically cry as I knew nothing was working I backed up against the wall and slid down slowly feeling defeated I sat on the floor I placed my head between my knees as I cried my heart broke into tiny pieces I could feel it shatter one by one I cried to the feeling I was heart broken.

Callies POV the feeling of Corey slicing into my belly was nothing I felt before it was torment I was in so much affliction I could feel my stomach start to throb all my body went into shock and ache all over the feeling of Corey's hands inside me wasn't painful but it was the feeling of discomfort then I felt my own sick slid up in my throat I couldn't keep it down I let all my insides come out of my mouth I would panic to the sight of blood exit my mouth but I was too worn out I closed my eyes I couldn't keep them open for much longer I couldn't feel anything anymore I woke up to the sound of my little princess being born I had atrocious labor pains, but they didn't last long. When the baby emerged and I saw her... I felt a physical pleasure so piercing that I still know no other plasure that compares to it.

I smiled the most I could when I saw her beautiful face u til all I saw was darkness.

Now the life of Corey and Callie really fascinated me because we have alot in common what happened after the sad tragedy the death of Callie Evens she died after giving birth to her daughter and Corey he couldn't live without his girlfriend/fiancé so he gave himself up to the police even though he should have stayed to look after his daughter but no he had to be selfish and he can rot in jail now if you lived in the same state like us then you would have seen them on television in 2007 they apparently killed over 28805 people, this is Callies diary she didn't mention the death of all the people they killed because she didn't know that she did she had a really bad mental illness.

Now alot of people would ge wondering why I have her dairy and also why I'm obsessed with them well that's a story for a different time the police mentioned they would do anything for each other like murder so many people they did it all for love like I mentioned earlier I have alot in common with them one of those things is we won't stop until we get revenge.

You could say loving the unknown can be dangerous love.