
Loving The Toxic Billionaire Widower

"Do toxic people deserve love?" This is the question Babe had already answered through his unhealthy obsession with a man who never regarded him as anything more than a plaything. The billionaire widower, who happened to be Babe's love interest, was also the husband of his late benefactor. It might make Babe appear ungrateful, but he remained indifferent to such judgments. His sole focus was on loving the man who had taken his virginity, and he was prepared to go to any lengths to win his heart. Unfortunately, Nicklaus Storm, the object of Babe's affection, was not a believer in love. To Nicklaus, Babe was merely a lingering fling from his past, an intriguing diversion to play with. Nicklaus had no intentions of settling down with him, exhibiting cruelty both to strangers and the person sharing his bed. While Babe was an easy catch for Nicklaus, there is a shift in the relationship when Nicklaus becomes addicted to Babe. Will Nicklaus finally open up to Babe, or will he continue manipulating him? Find out in their intricate story, filled with heartaches, unrequited love, toxicity, and emotional growth.

CheesyPen · LGBT+
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chapter 2. The audacity of that human

Nicklaus fell silent, deep in thought. The answers to the questions he pondered finally dawned on him. This insolent boy hadn't just entered his life; he had always been a part of his late wife's world. He was the boy she cherished like a son, confirming Babe's earlier statement.

If Babe had wanted to expose the affair that occurred between them four years ago, he could have done so long ago. He intentionally kept silent, despite being close to his late wife, Emma.

With curious eyes, he scrutinized the boy. He was as handsome as the first time they met. His boyish charm, cute dimples, narrowed pale pink lips, and fierce hazel eyes hadn't changed. He was slender, with a small waist and a barely visible Adam's apple. He belonged to the kind of men who could cross-dress without anyone discerning their real gender. The only change was his hair color; four years ago, it was pink.

'Damn,' Nicklaus cursed internally. He was already lusting after the boy. The same thing had happened years ago when Babe was a waiter.

Nicklaus couldn't take his eyes off him. He touched him lewdly every chance he got, encouraged to continue when Babe didn't resist.

They spent the night together, but when Nicklaus woke up, Babe was gone. He didn't even know his name but knew he was in trouble for sleeping with a random guy. At the time, he was a millionaire facing financial hardship that led him to drink to stupor the previous night.

He searched desperately for Babe everywhere, but it was as if the boy disappeared off the face of the earth. For many months after that, he sat on eggshells, fearing the day Babe would resurface and cause a scandal.

It would have destroyed his life because his late wife played a huge role in the development of his company. If she found out he cheated on her, she would have divorced him.

Emma wasn't the best wife, but she was a good businesswoman and an even kinder philanthropist.

She loved a boy named Babe so much she promised to add his name to her will. It made Nicklaus wonder. "Why? Why didn't you tell Emma about the night we spent together? Were you scared she'd hate you for sleeping with her husband like the home wrecker you are?"

Babe snapped. "No, I wasn't scared to tell her. I just decided not to." His eyes welled up with tears. "I had no idea you were her husband until the next day; that's why I left. I would have never slept with you if I knew you were married."

"Bullshit," Nicklaus sneered. He pointed a finger at Babe. "You knew what you were doing that night; you intentionally seduced me just like how you manipulated Emma into falling for your tricks."

"That is not true," Babe's sharp voice trembled. His eyes were now red, lips quivering. "You are not the victim, Nicklaus—"

Nicklaus slammed his fists on the table, startling Babe. "It is Mr. Storm to you. You are no friend of mine, so you don't have the right to address me informally."

Babe shook his head, chuckling dryly as his tears kept coming. He expected this behavior from Nicklaus. Who wouldn't act this way with what he was demanding, but it didn't mean it melted his resolve.

He was still madly in love with the arrogant billionaire and was willing to accept all his insults if that would get him the man's heart. He stood up and wiped his face with the sleeves of his oversized collar shirt.

He smiled warmly, as if he didn't just cry his eyes out. "I know you are not an easy man, but I am also not easy, so I won't give up on you so easily." He leaned in, staring deep into Nicklaus' eyes. "Watch out, daddy, I am coming for you." With that, he left the room, leaving Nicklaus speechless for a couple of seconds.

He finally snapped out of it with a fist slam. "The audacity of that human." He clenched his teeth, anger seething in his chest.

All his attempts to enrage the boy in order to get his true demands failed, and now he was back to sitting on eggshells. He ran his fingers through his neatly combed hair, ruffling the style in frustration.

A sudden vibration from his phone pulled him out of his reverie. He exhaled after seeing the notification. He had a meeting with some shareholders, and he was already a couple of minutes late.

He was always on time, so it only added to his annoyance. Not wanting to see Babe again, he ensured that James had led him away before he left the house.

"So, Babe," Cecil, the girl that came with Babe, started, curious to know. "What did you discuss with Mr. Storm? Are you close to him?"

"Yeah, what do you have with Mr. Storm? Yeah, are you besties? Yeah, are you going to get married?" Babe's brows dropped as he finished mocking Cecil. "Mind your freaking business; what we discussed is none of your concern."

His reply instantly silenced Cecil. She took her gaze down in shame, her eyes watering. The old butler was present and witnessed everything. He felt sorry for the poor girl, and it only made him dislike Babe even more. He was also curious about the business his boss had with the rude boy, but he didn't dare ask, knowing Babe's foul mouth.

Rather, he gave the twosome car keys as instructed by Nicklaus before the kids came. This was going to be their home temporarily, and it was all due to the demands of the late Emma Storm.

Babe settled in quickly and decided to go for a swim towards evening, around the time Nicklaus usually came home. Wearing only a mouth-watering swimming trunk, he sat at the edge of the pool that was adjacent to Nicklaus' balcony.

A smile spread across his lips when he felt the eyes of someone on him. It was not any of the maids or guards because there was nothing to protect here. Babe knew who it was and what exactly he had to do.

"Watch out, Mr. Arrogant billionaire, I am sleeping in your room tonight."

Another chapter... please share your thoughts on the development so far.

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