
Loving The Mysterious Alpha

"FUCK YOU LUCIAN!!" I yelled for the whole hall to hear and I shot deadly glares at him. The whole hall fell silent for a second and the whispers began with people giving me suspicious and fearful looks. I guess it's an abomination to call the asshole by his name. His black eyes pierced into mine and his knuckles were turning white from gripping the chair too hard. He looked scary but I can't show him how scared I was of him. "Take her away!" I could hear the anger in his voice as he instructed the guards. They dragged me out roughly and the murmurs got louder. I guess today is finally my death day. **** Audrey Rhodes, a twenty-two year old mundane living with a rare medical condition:Xeroderma Pigmentosum. Young, adventurous,full of life and also waiting for her death day but it all came crashing down when she figured she is a half wolf who had been forced into a wolf agreement since she was a child and her low-key life was stripped off when she was forced into a loveless marriage with the hotshot billionaire business tycoon, Lucin Armani.

Khariemeeds_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9


"Fuck you Lucian!." she yells for the whole crowd to hear and I was taken aback by her sudden outburst. There was confusion and murmur in the crowd and I give a lop-sided smile at the balls she had to yell that in front of the whole crowd.

"Silence." Warg shouts before I did and they all obey his command.

My gaze falls back on her and she didn't even flinch at the crowd's reaction or my intense gaze on her.


I return his intense gaze. I may look unshaken or not concerned about what just happened on the outside but I'm freaking out inside of me. Where did that boldness come from? what have I done? despite what this asshole has done for me, why am I still scared of him? but I can't show him how scared I was after the mess I've caused. I have to bear the brunt of my actions and look like I meant it.

"Good. Now, let's move to the main thing." he takes a step forward. The silence was deafening and you can hear the slightest movement in the crowd. The attention was on me and him.

"You will compete in a duel with 15 of my men for 15 days and if you win just one, I will permit you to go home."

Did I just hear this jerk well, i will duel with 15 of his trained and able bodied men for my release. Am I really a joke to him?

All I could do was chuckle at his ridiculous offer.

"Who amongst you is willing to take part in this duel?" he talks to his men without his eyes leaving me for a second.

No one came forward. Are they afraid a mundane wolf will beat their ass?

"Every winner will get a reward from me."

There were whispers and murmurs among the armed men as the talked among themselves.

Slowly, one person stepped out and that gave the rest the balls to come out.

"The duel starts tomorrow at noon. Pick a day amongst yourselves, days it's comfortable for you to duel.." Warg spoke up and we were all dismissed. I didn't take a minute and I walk away passing him by and a whiff of his strong cologne caught my nose and it made me close my eyes for a minute and relish in the moment. A funny sensation stirred inside me and I brushed it off.

I finally shut the noise off when I closed my room's door and I slid down the door slowly. What on earth is this jerk planning this time? He is really hell bent on humiliating me and I sure as hell won't give him the chance. I'm not losing this deal.

I pull myself up and undressed. I stepped into the shower and allow the cold water run down my body relaxing my stiff nerves a bit.

it's gonna be a long 15 days.


"Come on! Agnes!" I groan bitting into my apple.

"No!" she says, packing her grocery bag. "After your stupid statement to the Alpha the other day, the pack is gonna hate you and throw hateful comments so stay here. I'll be back soon."

"I remember the first time I followed you to the market and we came back with what we didn't budget for. They were so nice giving me free stuffs and not even allowing us to pay for the things we bought. Now, it's the irony."

"That's if I even see who will sell to me but they won't want the Alpha to starve. You should know by now that the whole pack loves the alpha and no one is kind to the one that offends him."

"Well, he was the one who told me to curse at him so don't blame me but I'm bored and I don't care about what people say. You just shopped for groceries the other day, how many of us are really eating the food?"

"We have working staffs who need to eat if you never realized that and you're the one craving spicy soups these days."

"Aww...you remembered, I'm a new and growing wolf and my taste buds are still adjusting."

She picked her bag and walked to the door.

"Get back soon." I yell and she just waved her hand.

Geez! I love frustrating her.



The crowd erupts into a jubilance scream as the 14th man beat me in the duel. I remained on the floor panting and tired. My body is full of cuts and I have not even beaten a man. I look at the new winner as his friends pulled him in hugs and congratulates him. Yes, my skills have improved over the last few days learning the mens' strategy but they are not on my level. How am I suppose to win even one of them when they are even more trained than I am? even the instigator never came once to watch the duels. Annoyed, I pull myself up and head inside. No matter how hard I train, I don't think I can beat these men and I have a final chance tomorrow then, my fate will be decided but one thing just keeps me going. I have to see my family at all costs.


"Today is the last day Audrey Rhodes and in line with your agreement with the alpha, you will be granted the freedom to go home if you win just a duel which you haven't and today, you have the chance to choose whoever you wish to duel with." Advisor Warg says out loud and my eyes widen in surprise. I can choose anyone I want to duel with this time. Interesting.

My eyes rakes through the crowd in search of a worthy opponent. The reasonable thing is for me to choose someone I can beat easily and win but I want to change their opinion of me. Dylan is probably doing this out of pity and I have had a lot of pity from people to last a lifetime. I have fought 14 strong men over the past couple of days and I want to disappoint everyone who expects me to win this time due to the Alpha's gracious heart. I know it's stupid but I want to rub it on his face that I don't need his help. I'll rather fail honorably than win by pity... especially from him.

"I choose you!" I point to Warg and he raise his brow in surprise. Definitely wasn't expecting that and it generated a couple of whispers and murmurs from the speculators.

I would have chosen Dylan but the jerk is no where to be seen.

"Are you sure of your decision?"

"Are you an exception?"

"Of course not."

He took a minute to gear himself up and in time, he was in front of me already suited up.

The duel begun and to be sincere, I was amazed by his skills. He was no match to me of course but the way he wields his sword skillfully will impress anybody. His actions and moves were swift and he dodged my attacks effortlessly like he is already aware of my next move. He fought courageously and his hits were strong. It made me realize he didn't mind that I was a woman like the others did. He didn't hold back and he was the first person that made me feel scared for my life like he really is gonna kill me. I was not given a chance to attack as I kept defending myself and in time, I was already on the floor, panting and gasping for breath. There was silence as the crowd took in the scene unwrapping in front of them.

He stretched his hand to pull me up which I did.

He gives a grin and left.

I just lost 15 duels.


"How was she?" I asks Warg as we quietly ate lunch.

"She is not bad for a woman. Seems like she learnt a lot this past weeks but she still needs training."

"And her attacks?"

"Not so strong but skillfull. She attacks wisely."

I nod in agreement.

"So are you letting her go?"

"Well, she didn't win any and I thought she was going to be smart and win this last one, so we shall all see....Agnes!!!"

I call out to the maid in charge of her.

"Yes Alpha."

"Get Audrey to meet me at the balcony in 20 mins."

She bows and leaves.


I crawl into bed after taking a long hot shower. I just need to sleep off and maybe when I wake up, I'll stop regretting my decision of choosing Warg instead of someone I can beat and stop replaying my loses in my head. I lost 15 duels and lost the chance to meet my family, perhaps there will be another chance some other time.

I heard a gentle knock on my door and I mumbled a 'come in.'

"Audrey!" Agnes calls, ripping the duvet off my body.

"Really Agnes, can't I just have a good sleep after several loses."

"I thought it is usually the opposite." sacarsm dripped from her voice.

"What do you want?" I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"The Alpha wants to see you in 20 mins at the balcony."

"Why?" I raise my brow in suspicion.

What is he up to this time?

"Maybe you will know if you get your ass up and moving."

She is still annoyed at my choice and the fact that I foolishly lost the last chance to go home.

"Agnes!" I call out in a soft tone.

"What? I'm not talking to you till further notice." she dashes out.

Who does he think he is to order me about like I'm one of his maids. For all I know, I'm a guest here and he is not my alpha or whatever. I'll see him when I feel like it.

I lay back down.


"Really brave of you huh, just answering my message after 5 hours."

"5 hours of good sleep you mean and the last time I checked, you don't own me and don't expect me to be answering at your beck and call."

He stands up and moves closer to me. I can feel his warm breath on my face and my heart was hammering in my chest. He was just too close.

"Listen and listen good. I don't care if I rule over you or not cause next time you pull this stunt, I will not consider who you are in my pack and you will regret not controlling your loose tongue today, understand?" He tone was gentle and yet threatening. I reluctantly nodded.

"Good. Now let's move to why you're here. I'll advise you take a seat cause we are about to have a long discussion."


"So, what do you think of the 15 duels you participated in?"

"Well, they were more skilled than I am so I hope I did not make you lose a bet on whether I'm going to win or not."

"For a 22 year old, you sure have a loose mouth and pray I don't have to be the one to teach you a lesson and I have better things doing than betting on a stupid duel."

"A stupid duel you started."

my eyes flickers to her and we maintained a strong gaze. The light and glow around her the first time I saw here was gone and sitting in front of me is a completely different person.

I broke the gaze.

"Moving on to why we are here, l thought I would give you the chance to free yourself from here and go home but instead, you foolishly picked one of the best warriors out there."

"I know it was your influence but I won't win based on pity especially from you. I'll rather lose and wait for another opportunity to go home."

This girl is not making this easy for me and I'm trying all I can to hold my anger in.

"Which duel did you enjoy the most?"

She was silent for a while.



"Because he didn't consider the fact that I am a woman like the others did. He made the fight look like a real occurrence and I was scared he was gonna hit me for real."

When she noticed I was silent for a long while, she stood up.

"Well, I haven't gotten enough sleep and will appreciate it if you let me go. I don't have time for reminders of my failure."

She was about to exit the door when I said what I wanted to tell her from the start. I can't keep her here and have her hate me more for what happened.

"I'm allowing you to go home."

She froze in her steps.


"What did you just say?"

"You heard me right. I'm a man of my word but you are not making it any easy for me. I wanted to make you win a duel at least so I don't look like a fool who doesn't honor his word" he pauses briefly "but you are growing rebellious each passing day. I'll permit you to go home and cool off. I'm giving you 1 week and you'll report back here. I'm not suppose to do any of that because your attitude disgusts and annoys me but I could see your determination to win and your skills improved drastically. I hope this break gives you an opportunity to think of how you learn to speak to someone attending to your needs." His eyes were fixed on the papers he was skimming through and he didn't spare me a glance at all.

'You can go." he dismisses me but the shock and surprise I felt just made me stand there rigid. Is he really breaking his word for me?. "Also, Leila is coming with you." he adds quickly.

"What's the catch?"

"Like I said, you will come back here after a week and don't even dream of running away."

"Why not just let me go?"

"Did you win a duel?" he retorts and I roll my eyes. I don't even know what to say to this. I mean, I actually deserve going home after imprisoned here for months but he is not one who changes his mind easily. What happened?

Instead, I just turned and walked away. I moved fast to my room unable to contain the excitement bubbling inside me

I slammed my door shut and jumped on my bed before screaming my lungs out.