
Loving The Mysterious Alpha

"FUCK YOU LUCIAN!!" I yelled for the whole hall to hear and I shot deadly glares at him. The whole hall fell silent for a second and the whispers began with people giving me suspicious and fearful looks. I guess it's an abomination to call the asshole by his name. His black eyes pierced into mine and his knuckles were turning white from gripping the chair too hard. He looked scary but I can't show him how scared I was of him. "Take her away!" I could hear the anger in his voice as he instructed the guards. They dragged me out roughly and the murmurs got louder. I guess today is finally my death day. **** Audrey Rhodes, a twenty-two year old mundane living with a rare medical condition:Xeroderma Pigmentosum. Young, adventurous,full of life and also waiting for her death day but it all came crashing down when she figured she is a half wolf who had been forced into a wolf agreement since she was a child and her low-key life was stripped off when she was forced into a loveless marriage with the hotshot billionaire business tycoon, Lucin Armani.

Khariemeeds_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4


"... and she is still at the hospital. She's gon' be discharged this afternoon." Bleidd reported. I was signing some pending papers as my secretary stood by watching. I paused for a minute and thought of what to do.

"I want her out of the hospital before then and at the castle. I'll handle her family and I want no mistakes. I want it to be done clean and send me her full details including any little thing that may even seem irrelevant."

"Yes sir." he hung up.

I gave a deep sigh and cracked my neck. I'm damn tired. This girl's issue is really stressing me out.

"Rough day?" Tammy, my secretary asked.

"You can say that." I murmured.

"About the Naderlin's, are we still going ahead with the proposal?"

"Likely, Clary has a golf meeting with Shane Naderlin tommorow. I'll let you know how it goes." I handed her the last paper.

"Do you want me to get you anything?"

"I need caffeine. Black coff--" I was interrupted by a phone call and it was Edger.

"Coffee. The usual." I said and she left.

I rolled my eyes and debated on picking the call.

"What did you do this time?" I said immediately I took the call.

I heard a throaty laughter which sounded more like wheezing.

"Seems like you have been expecting me to mess things up."

"It's become an habit now. I'm guessing it's not your allowance. You collected it a week ago so what do you want?" I sounded impatient.

He was right. I was expecting a call from him expecting me to clear his mess again. Last month, it was an innocent mundane he ripped her heart off and ate. I went through tooth and nail to keep It under the wraps and a hefty sum to compensate the family. I really am not in the mood for his shit at the moment. I have a lot going on.

"Chill bro. I'm sure you won't sound this impatient if you hear me out." I can feel his smirk over the phone and I sucked in a deep breath.

"Edgar, I---"

"Heard you want to turn a mundane and marry her."

I was silent for a brief moment. How on Earth did he find out. We agreed on keeping it within family.

"And how exactly is that affecting you?"

"Oh Brother!" He laughed. "it affects me in a lot of ways and one of them is if the elders and the council finds out, you are going to be dethroned and since I'm the youngest son of the late king. I'll gladly take it and hunt you down. The whole world will know what a bloody mess you are." I burst into laughter and I laughed so hard.

"You know what Edger, what I like about you even though you are a total asshole is you love dreaming big. What did you say? the elders will give you the throne. Is that alcohol talking?. There are a million reasons why you can never be the Alpha. You are the product of an affair between a wolf and a mundane and you have done a lot of atrocious actions. You are on the wanted list and here I am covering up your mistakes risking everything."

Instead, he gave his 'wheezing laughter'.

The door swung open and it was Leila.

''You know I love a challenge so just wait and watch me take over. That's all I just ask of you. Brother!" He laughed and drawled on the 'brother'.

Tammy knocked and came in with my coffee. She gave a small smile and left.

"Good luck with that Edger, I'll be waiting." I hung up and slammed my hand on the desk and Layla flinched.

"Whoa! What's up with you and Edgar?. What has he done again?" Leila took a sip of my coffee and squeezed her face.

" I don't know how you enjoy taking coffee without sugar or----"

"He knows." I said, she instantly knew what I was talking about and froze in shock.

"WHAT!!!" She literally yelled.

"How did he find out? This is not good Lucian."

An idea popped into my head and I grinned sipping my coffee.

"Leave it to me and don't tell Mom or Clary even Maggie. I'll handle it."

"Lucian??" She gave me a questioning look.

"Is this the first time I'm telling you to leave it to me so trust me on this and by the way why are you here?"

"Alright but be careful. Maggie told me to get a file from your office. Something about the Zharwy Project."

"Why is she sending you? she could have just sent me a mail."

"Which you don't check and besides, I need to have enough work experience before I take over the family business."

I gave a chuckle.

"You had better stick to your modelling job cause you my dear sister ain't made for hard work and you even have the 'Armani touch'. Just stick with that."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Modelling is also hard work and Is it bad for a girl to dream big?"

"Ouch! Did I hurt your feelings?" I gave a small laugh and I grabbed my suit.

"Check for it on my laptop and look for it. I think I'm done reviewing it. You know my password right?."

"Even if I don't, I can ask your 'dear secretary." She said, sacarsm written all over her voice.

"What's the hate all about?" I paused and stared at her and she shrugged.

"Nothing, she knows too much about you. She literally has access to a lot of things for a stranger and I hope it doesn't come bitting you in the ass."

It's no news that my sisters don't like Tammy and she's done nothing wrong. She's been working with me since I took over so I don't get the intense hate.

"Just do what you wanna do and lock my office. I have something to handle."




I was getting discharged today. My fever has gone down and surprisingly, the chest racking cough is gone. That's definitely a miracle. My stuffs were packed and I just can't wait to leave here. I miss my bed so much. My friends kept me company while we waited for my mom to sort out my discharge.

"Leila Armani just posted on her Instagram." Maddy squealed and I rolled my eyes. She has this weird obsession over the Armanis. There was even a time she said we should go full undercover and unveil Lucian Armani. Girl was so crazy about them when she was still in high school. Her obsession has reduced now.

"It's got over 500k likes in 5 mins."Like Wyatt was reading my mind.

"We know you really love them Mads. We know so can we rest." Wyatt said.

"No, not at all. We are going to be gushing over them together." She grinned.

Wyatt and I groaned together. We know she's going to go over the same story she has always told us. How Leila has her own make up line, how Forbes named her in 30 under 30 wealthy business owners with flourishing businesses. Girl is just a year older than I am and she's known all over the world and I'm just a sick 22 year old waiting for a serious health complication to arise which will lead to my death. XP patients rarely live long, example is my father.

Though her cosmetics are freaking expensive, her college boyfriend Liam bought a shade of the lipstick for her on her birthday and he complained about how it took more than half of his allowance even his savings. Maddy was so happy and she didn't allow a soul to touch or use it till it finished.

"...and she's so beautiful!" She gazed into space with admiration on her face. Wyatt and I shared a look and we nodded understanding each other. Times like this, we just leave the room quietly. I was about to stand up when something got caught in my throat and I stopped in my tracks. I coughed violently alerting my friends. This one is worse. It is like my chest and throat is on fire. When I finally stopped, my friends looked at my hand in utter shock. I followed their gaze.

"Call a doctor." Wyatt tapped Mads and surprisingly rushed out of the ward.

I looked and blood was smeared all over my hand.


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