
Chapter Eighteen

I was staring at the ceiling for ages, my dad and what Morgan told me just racing around my mind. My father was always so kind and caring, I know I was only young but he was always so nice to the people he spoke to. But what Tom said back in school kept replying in my mind.

"I don't know, you know when some person does a really bad thing, people always say they never thought they'd do anything like that" he points out.

That's exactly how I feel now, at the time I thought he was just being weird, but he was right. The door opening snaps me out of my thoughts, where Charlie sends me a smile closing the door behind him.

"Wanna talk about what happened?" He asks, taking a seat on the bed beside me, I just shake my head looking down saying it was nothing "nothing, you could hear what you were saying from downstairs"