


Miya's POV

After speaking with Jonah I knew something was up, I'm not gonna say anything to Charlie I'll wait to see if he tells me. I mean he always says that he tells me everything no secrets but I think that's a lie.

As I walked in our bedroom he was just sitting on the bed watching Bobby play

/"Are you okay Charlie?/" I asked from the door way

He looked up at me then back at Bobby

/"Why did I bring you two into my mess?/" He said

/"It wasn't your fault Charlie/" I said sitting next to him

/"It's my fault for not stopping the gang stuff once you had Bobby/"

/"Remember you asked me about a week before we had Bobby, if when I had him if I wanted you to stop the gang I told you no cause that's who you are/" I said

/"What kind of dad am I? What kind of husband am I?!/"

/"An amazing one that me and Bobby love, we know that your gonna look after us through anything/" I said grabbing his hand