
Loving My Fiancé's Brother

Adela had traveled far from her home just to meet her soon to be husband Archer Montero. She felt so lucky thinking that she was able to marry the love of her life, not until she finds out that he's in love with someone already. Leaping up, she thought of going home due to the truth she found out but when Primo Montero, Archer's brother joined the picture something got its changes. But, what will happen when Primo Montero played Adela's feelings? Will she have to fall to the brother of her fiancé?

riyelucero · Urban
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89 Chs


Adela's Point of View 

I released my grip on Primo when he finally faced me, a clear sign that he was ready to converse. Since there was no one else around, I began to speak.

"I declined your affection," I softly confessed, yet it was enough for him to hear me.

"And I deeply regret it. You must know that I still harbor profound feelings for you, but my own weakness prevented me from fighting for you," I added, and he crossed his arms, listening intently.

"But after contemplating what transpired between you and Emerald last night, I realized the grave mistake I made. I felt threatened by the idea that anyone could snatch you away because I had left you behind," I continued, gazing at him deliberately.

His eyes remained fixed on me, his brow furrowing slightly.