
Loving my Enemy

Lan Yan Shaoqinq, a young teenager and the fourth young master of the Lan Residence, is being mistreated and abused by his elder brothers for his sexual orientation. This continues for years until he falls into the arms of the one person that pushed him into the abyss of his trauma

Blue_Foxy · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

~•A ruined boy(I)•~


His soft whisper seemed loud in the silent office, Mo was taken aback by his response


Ah-Yan rubbed his nose and pushed at Mo but the other male didn't budge

"Let...me go" he sniffled, his hand now over his mouth

"What do you mean me? Ah-Yan tell me...I know I hurt you back then but not like this"

"Are you being serious right now?!"

Ah-Yan yelled taking Mo by surprise, the boy was now crying profusely as he tried wiping at his eyes trying to control his tears


"It's because of you that I'm like this...you just had to ruin me even more didn't you huh? you forced me to lay with you and then went ahead to tell the whole school about it!" his voice cracked and he sunk down, the leg between his, held him from hitting the ground

"what are you saying?"

"what am I saying?" he looked up at Mo, anger vivid in his eyes and involuntarily hit Mo across the face

"I don't even know why I just had to end up back with you"


"...you're the reason I'm this miserable...it's all your fault" he wailed, hitting away at Mo, who was dumbstruck not from the slap but at the words spat at him

'I...ruined him?'


The bell for first period rung and the once crowdy hall quickly became empty leaving a golden-eyed boy to himself. Helpless for he was new to the school and didn't know his way around the school besides the person the principal had assigned to give him a tour around the school was now where to be found.

"This sucks" he mumbled angrily and slumped down to the ground waiting for whoever was meant to give him the tour


his head whipped to side as someone ran towards him, the person came to a stop right beside him, breathing heavily


The golden-eyed boy froze as his eyes met the most bright and sparkling green eyes he had ever seen. Silky brown bangs slightly fell over the lashes fluttering over the pretty orbs

"I'm sorry I'm late" Pretty eyes, as the golden-eyed boy refered him to as, panted heavily and took a seat next to him

"No it's fine"

"I'm Bai Feng, you?"

"Mo...Mo Quinn"

"Nice name"

Bai Feng grinned cheekily, Mo felt his chest thump in his ribcage


"Yeah, now that I can breath like a human... let's start the tour...don't get bored I suck at this"

Mo chuckled and stood up,

"Jeez" Bai Feng whistled as he stared at Mo


"Ya hella tall, man!"

Mo chuckled again, it was true he was two heads taller than Bai Feng

30 minutes passed.

30 best minutes of Mo's life passed quickly.

Too quickly for Mo.

"So that's it, hope you weren't bored to death" Bai Feng nodged him

"Nah, I enjoyed it"

The truth was Mo didn't listen to all of what FenFen was saying....FenFen? Woah

"Glad to know"


Mo stared at the boy while scratching his neck

"Um...Can I have your phone number?"

"huh? sure man"

Bai pulled out a pen and paper from a small case in his pocket and scribbled down his contact


"No problem, imma head to class now... speaking of which, what room are you in?"

"uh...room 3-A"

"Woah, that's my class too! Let's go"

Mo felt the boy loop his arms around his own and pull him away towards their classroom. If one looked closely they could see cute pink bubbles floating around him as he was being pulled away with eyes glued to Bai Feng.

Mo watched FenFen apologize profusely to the room teacher for his tardiness and both were assigned to their seats. Mo was a little disappointed that his seat was way at the back why FenFen's was at the front

"He's hyper isn't he?"

A small voice whispered to him, he turned to face the person

"yeah" his face reddened a bit. He had never seen someone so thin and frail-like and...delicate. His eyes were blue with baby fat giving him a cute appearance

"I'm Lan Yan Shaoqinq, you?"

"That's a pretty long name, I'm Mo Quinn"

"Haha, I get that all the time...nice to meet you Mo"

"Yeah, same here"

"I hope this year turns out better, it's going to be our last year in highschool anyways"

he saw Lan Yan smile softly


he mumbled and pulled out his note from his bag.