
Loving My Billionaire Enemy

Looking back, Paige made two mistakes that night. She was moving Nathaniel’s arm out of her way so she could leave his office when he surprised her and moved it himself. Her arm was already outstretched and had her full strength behind it, so she stumbled and grabbed Nathaniel’s shoulder to steady herself. The contact of her body pressed against his chiseled body made her incredibly aware of just how close they were. She looked up into his eyes to see him staring at her, transfixed. Her eyes moved to his lips. They looked so soft. She tried to turn her head away, embarrassed by her mind, but it was as if Nathaniel had the same thought and he tried to turn his head away simultaneously, but in the opposite direction, causing their lips to touch. They both froze for an instant. Paige felt like she was on fire, had butterflies in her stomach and her head was a mess. Then, Paige made her first mistake. She placed her delicate hand against his face and she kissed him. His lips were so soft and he tasted slightly of peppermint. She felt an arm wrap around her waist and his lips moving against hers urgently. His other hand moved to the back of her neck as deepened their kiss and slipped his tongue in her mouth. She let out a small, audible moan at the sensation. As if she evoked something within him, he moved both hands to her thighs as he groaned and then picked her up and pressed her back against the nearby wall. Paige wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, her tongue dancing with his. They continued to kiss and she noticed a very distinct, hard bulge pressed against her core. She let out another small moan as she felt her womanhood moisten. Nathaniel pressed against her more and continued his aggressive onslaught of her mouth. She lightly rocked her hips against hip in the rhythm of their kiss and she felt his manhood grow even larger between them. She wanted to feel more of him because his touch and his kiss made her feel so good. Her logical brain had turned off long ago, otherwise, it would have been screaming at her and reminding her of how much she despised this man. Paige would guess the second mistake occurred around the time of her breaking their kiss and beginning to unbutton his shirt. “Are you sure?” she heard him question. “I just want to feel you,” she whispered as she fiddled with a button. He proceeded to grab the fabric and rip the shirt open and off, causing buttons to fly everywhere. -Previously- Paige Everett is a 25 year old director of a homeless shelter called Second Chances. The newspaper recently published a story about the shelter’s high success rates of helping their clients find careers and get back on their feet. Paige was very grateful for this story because it caused lots of donations to their shelter, which allowed them to expand their programs and help more clients. She came across an email from an Alex Hernandez who was head of PR for a Mr. Nathaniel Donovan and his company, Donovan Global. Her jaw dropped as she read it. They wanted to donate $1 million to the shelter. She just had to make it look nice, with their help, and accept a check in front of some media and press. Paige immediately replied back that she was extremely grateful for their generous offer and she would be happy to meet their expectations. She provided her phone number in her reply, awaiting the instructions that would ultimately help so many people.

C0mpr0s3r · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 1

Paige Everett had an extremely busy morning ahead of her. She was at her desk, running her hands through her long, curly, espresso colored hair while her large, almond shaped hazel eyes were reading over an email. Her full, rose shaped lips frowned at some of the last minute requests she needed to handle. She felt like things were not going to be ready in time, even though she came into work 1 hour early to help with preparations.

She was the director of a homeless shelter that was somewhat unique in that she had developed some programs that helped reincorporate her clients back into society successfully. This took years to develop and all that hard work had caught some media attention, which led to today. A generous benefactor would be donating some much needed funding to her shelter that could allow them to help more people. However, this benefactor wanted the whole show, media included, of giving the giant check over to the shelter.

This is why Paige had been agonizing over details that had been delegated to other shelter employees for the past week while she dealt with media exposure again. She had been working with the benefactor's PR team and catering to their wants and trying to maintain her sanity in the process.

She got out of her office chair to go tell the rest of the staff that there would be a delivery of flower arrangements that would need to be placed on the individual tables in the shelter's dining hall. As she opened the door to her office, she spotted a slender, red haired woman speaking to a delivery driver.

"Haley!" she called, trying to get her attention. The woman turned around and faced her. Her face had a puzzled look and her blue eyes lit up when she saw her boss.

"Paige, this delivery guy is telling me that he has plates and silverware that we need to sign for, but I don't want to sign for something that is broken," she said, shooting a concerned look at the delivery man.

"Can you grab a couple of people and inspect the boxes? Then sign, please. There's also going to be flower centerpieces arriving," Paige stated flatly.

"Flower centerpieces?! We are a shelter, not a banquet hall," Haley griped.

Paige agreed, but she didn't say anything in agreement. She gave Haley an acknowledging smile and then moved to go to the dining area. Her office was in the front of the building by the reception desk and security office, but the dining area was towards the middle of the shelter, which could only be accessed by a small door in the front lobby. That small door led to joint areas for male and female clients, but the actual sleeping areas were kept separated by sex and were locked at night. Before she was able to leave, however, Haley called her back.

"Paige, that PR guy is out front and he was asking for you."

"Oh, then I suppose I should go meet him in person," she said out loud. 'And ask him what we're going to do with all these flower centerpieces that he's ordered after the press takes 5 minutes of video with them.'

Haley chuckled to herself, as if reading Paige's mind. Maybe her tone was off? But in addition to working with her, Haley was Paige's best friend, so maybe she could read her mind. She moved passed Haley and the delivery man and then went out the front door.

Outside, the crisp air made Paige wrap her jade blazer around her athletic body. She was wearing a flowered blouse that had matching jade leaves, beige pants and 3 inch sling back heels to give her a little height, although she had tennis shoes under her desk. She hated heels, but she was 5'2", so she wore them when she needed to make an impression. She spotted several people crowded around a Cadillac Escalade that had the passenger door open.

She walked towards the car knowing that Alex, the head of PR for the benefactor, would likely be over there. As she approached, she overheard their conversation.

"Mr. Donovan, we need to prepare you for the media appearance. If you'll just come with us inside we can give you your talking points and help you rehearse them," came a voice Paige recognized as Alex. It was higher pitched and fraught with worry. This was Alex's baseline; when Paige first spoke with him, she was so concerned about his stress levels that she emailed him relaxation techniques and guided meditations that she obtained from the shelter's psychiatrist. She learned that managing his client's personal PR and PR for his company was very stressful and Alex had constant anxiety over it.

Knowing that she had found the person she was looking for, Paige more confidently walked in the direction of the car.

"Alex, I don't want to go in there. I'm only doing this for the image boost you told me I'd get. I don't care about these people or this shelter and I'd rather not dirty my shoes in there," an authoritative voice said.

Paige, of course, heard this and was livid. Her hands and jaw were clenched, her shoulders tensed and her eyes narrowed. 'What a selfish asshole! How dare he! Every single client we have ever had has worked a million times harder to overcome their struggles and be successful than this prick who's had all the privilege in the world just handed to him!' she thought, enraged by his words.

"Hi, are you Paige?" she heard Alex's voice ask. She looked at a man approaching her while the other two people were gathering around someone exiting a vehicle. He looked to be in his early thirties and had an exhausted expression on his face. He had black hair and dark eyes with a larger build.

"Yes, are you Alex?" she replied politely, trying to quiet her rage. She took a deep breath and exhaled. 'Time to put on a show,' she thought.

"Oh my goodness, you are so much prettier in person!" Alex gushed, then proceeded to inhale very dramatically, hold the breath and exhale dramatically. "I've been using the breathing exercises you sent me! Godsend! You're an angel! Come, meet the reason for my 600 phone calls and e-mails. Mr. Donovan, sir, this is Paige Everett, the Director of Second Chances!"

Paige watched as a young man in a well-tailored suit approached her. Her blood boiled, knowing that this was the person who had made the insulting remarks earlier but also who was donating a huge amount of money to the shelter.

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