
The meeting...

Everywhere was so dark....

I stopped dead on my tracks...

<<Heartbeat.-.-.-.-.-. >>

When I saw his face I thought It was over,I couldn't believe it,after all this years why show up like this.....(staring into his blue eyes) i felt love and I hated myself....


I am Anna a 19 years old teenager,also a teenage mom.

I came from a family of 3,My Dad,mum and sister...

Eva was the best at everything, my parents favorite,and I was the black sheep...

It all happened at the end of senior high,I thought I finally had d perfect life,with the perfect boyfriend ofc...Kaden was the only one who gets me and the only person Eva couldn't steal from me,aside my best friend Kess.


KESS: Ann i don't think this is a good idea,we just about to finish high school,we've not even gotten into college,you have to remove it,remember we are just 17...

ANNA:No Kess i cant,Kaden would be so happy to hear this,I love him,I don't mind missing out on college for him,I just want to be with him,and I don't mind being a mother at 17,Kaden won't mind....

....(lol... yea I was being delusional)

*Kaden came from an influential family,and just like those high school romance,the rich kid fell for the nerd,in this case,I and Kaden where those high school sweethearts.....yea I didn't come from an influential family but we didn't struggle from hand to mouth,My dad had a mini store,while my mom worked as a cleaner for Kaden's family.....I guess that's how we got closer*

*Kaden and I have been together for 3 months before the end of high school,my parents didn't approve of the relationship but Kaden was the only one who gets me aside Kess and am not going to lose him over anyone's thoughts about our relationship...and yea there i was,a week pregnant,a week before before leavinghigh school,and I thought this was going to be my happily ever after...but ofc life has it ways😓and yea thats how we got here*>>>

.... ANN POV CONT'D.....

That evening I ran to Kess store happily,I finally got a job,Kess is going to be so happy, deep down I want to help her provide for the house and I guess this was my chance....

While entering the shop heard that familiar voice.....



I stared at her,not knowing when her name fell off my lips,it was Ann,looking beautiful as ever,I couldn't believe i could see her again,after all this years...

She stared at me and all I saw mostly was hatred and I don't blame her.....I remembered our last conversation and I am here to make things right.


KADEN:*I watched Ann walk to me happily,I knew what I was about to do would ruin things,but this was for the best,or so I thought...*

ANNA:Hey babe *I said with a wide smile,but Kaden just stared blank at me,I knew something was wrong so I tried to kiss him*

KADEN: I can't continue Anna

ANNA:Huh??? *I stared blankly, I didn't want to believe it was what I thought,but the feelings where kicking in*

KADEN:I can't continue this ANNA.....

ANNA:*He called me name coldly,and there I fell,he didn't move or anything he just stared,wtf was happening,I stood up gently and tried to move closer to him*

KADEN:*I looked at her,I wanted to pick her up as she fell and kiss her so bad but this was for the best,I watched her stand up and try to move closer,but I took a step back*.....I mean we can't continue with this ANNA *I hated calling her full name and she knew*...

ANNA:What do you mean babe.....*I stared at him,weak with a shaky knees,what does he mean*

KADEN:We are done with high school,I hope you understand we where just having fun,and now its time for us to grow up,so I hope u understand I walked off without looking back....

ANNA:*I stared at him leaving,i couldn't move,my legs where so weak,my life flashing before my eyes,did he just say having fun,fun....the kisses the hugs and everything, he called it fun,I couldn't believe this,before I could run after him,his car drove off*....


I didn't blame her if she wanted to walk out on me,I deserved it,and I didn't care,I just needed my Ann back.

Kess walked out of the store,with a baby on her hand,she had my eyes,I stared at her for a second before realization started to hit me....*no it can't be right, I mean how,I left Ann 2 years back,how did she keep this from me,or am I mistaking*

Kess looked at me disappointed and asked me to leave...


Please leave Kaden....

*I said it with a shaky breath,I was filled with rage,if not I was holding baby Shine,I would have pounced on him,how dare he show his face,this Devil,after all this years,why now,when everything was getting better*

I held Anna's hand and tried to take her inside,I wont let my friend listen to any of this guy lies anymore...

should I continue or ??

Efemena_Cletuscreators' thoughts