
Loving Madeline

Madeline ”Maddie” Brownwood is a nineteen-year-old college student. Her mother was dead, and her father was unknown to her until one day, a man approached her and told her to come with him to the Divenson Mansion to prepare for her wedding. Hunter Divenson is the handsome and hot engineer and CEO of the Divenson Mining Corporation. He got entangled with his driver’s last dying wish to marry his estranged daughter when his car was hit by a drunk driver. “I’m sorry, Maddie, Mr. Divenson already paid all of our debts, and you know my debts piled up when I accepted you and your mother in this house; you should come with them so that we will be all happy, and you will have a better life.” Her aunt said. Maddie was left with no choice, but to go to the Divenson mansion where she meets her future in-laws, Hunter’s parents were super strict and showed to her face she doesn’t belong to their family, while her future brother-in-law looks at her with lust that made her scared, and his other sister loathes her. Only a twelve-year-old girl, loves and adores her, and carried out her stay at the mansion bearable. The moment she meets Hunter, she falls in love with him. He is so sweet with her every time a member of his family is around, but he is so different when they are alone. “We are only married on the paper since I don’t have time for love, and I can’t love someone like you. Don’t expect if something happens to us in bed; I will love you. I only need an heir of my empire.” He said coldly that making her entire body shiver, and she hated herself for falling in love with him. One day Maddie asked Hunter for a divorce, and her words made him realize he couldn’t let her go because he loves his wife with all his heart. Can Hunter win back his wife’s affection? Is Maddie’s love for Hunter totally gone? Or it was still there and she is just trying to forget and move on? Can she give her husband another chance? -Gold Tier Winner of WFP#35 Female Lead- In-Laws.- (Warning: This novel has mature content in the later part of the story.) ——————————————————————————- Book 2-The Hot Chef and The Wicked Sister Jack Morigan was in love with Madeline, but too bad, she was engaged to Hunter Divenson. Jack made Maddie’s best friend his girlfriend, but deep in his heart, he was still hung up on Maddie. When Gina broke up with him, he knew it was all his fault. Charlotte Divenson was called the wicked sister of Hunter Divenson. She was always envious of her brother because Hunter was the apple of her dad’s eyes and the golden son of her parents. She was known as the wicked brat, but deep inside, she was only a lonely child who wanted recognition from her parents. Charlotte got angry with everyone and shut off the world when her father and younger brother died; she blamed herself and Madeline for their death, and she wanted to hide. Hunter offered Jack a job to make his wife safe, that is, to be the chef cook of his wicked sister Charlotte. Jack yearned to refuse since he hated her, but the money at stake was too high to resist. Her money was running out that she could no longer afford to pay her maids, and her supplies were getting low. She was shocked to find Jack on her doorstep, asking her to take him in since he needed a place to stay. She wanted to say no, but she desperately needed money. They lived together in the same house, bickering with each other, they don’t get along; until one day they could no longer resist the growing attraction between them. Can Jack tame the wicked sister, and leave her and get his money after the contract he signed expired even if he knew he was helplessly falling for Charlotte? What will happen to their love story the moment Charlotte found out the truth that she was only a job for Jack? Are they going to hold on and fight for their love, or they will drift apart with hatred in their hearts?

sirenbeauty · Teen
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357 Chs

Falling In Love With Hunter

Madeline's POV

As I sat and watched the swan on the lake, I couldn't stop myself from smiling, and I realized I loved this place, and I only disliked the people living in this mansion. The beautiful lake before my eyes was breathtaking, and I felt delighted that I had this incredible view before me. I know Charlotte and her friends hurt me, and they also underestimated my personality; what pained me the most was how they mocked me. I felt so hurt, and now that I am alone, I let my tears fall. I never imagined I was going to have this kind of life. I am free of debts, but my future in-laws are tormenting me, and I feel glad I have the little girl on my side. Lily makes my day complete and happy. I loved Hunter's sister, and I realized Lily got his brother's physical appearance since she is so beautiful.

I want someone to talk to, and I need to return my aunt's cell phone. I felt excited when I called Calixto.

"Hello, dear Madeline. What can I do with you today?" He asked on the other line.

"I want to meet a friend, Calixto. Would it be possible for me to leave the mansion now? Besides, I also want to return my aunt's phone." I said, feeling nervous.

"Hmm, I will ask Mr. Divenson about that matter, Ms. Madeline." He said, I felt disappointed, and I hate being trapped in this place, and why do I need to ask permission if I need to go out?

"I think we can cover that without Hunter's knowledge because I will be there to teach you how to drive. After your driving lesson, you can meet your friend." He said.

"Really? I thought someone from the driving school would teach me to drive and not you." I declared.

"Yeah, it was the initial plan before your future husband meets you; Mr. Divenson doesn't like the idea that some instructor from a driving school will teach you," Calixto said, and I couldn't stop myself from being thrilled. After all, my fiance cares about me.

"He was afraid you would bribe the driver and ask him to take you away from here, and you would go into hiding. You have to meet the end of the bargain, Madeline." He said, and I felt so disappointed. I thought Hunter would be jealous.

"I will be there in less than an hour, Maddie, so you should prepare yourself, and we can have a driving lesson for two hours. Then, text or call your friend to meet her after your practice." He declared and hung up the phone. I felt so happy to see my best friend again, and I can't wait to tell her about Hunter Divenson. I chose the simple dress I found since Calixto told me I should always wear a formal outfit when I arrived at the Divenson Estate. I always love mini and long skirts, but I don't have enough money to buy fancy clothes. My income is not even sufficient to buy what I need.

"Hello! Maddie! Where are you going?" Lily asked me when I got outside my room, and I  didn't know she was standing outside my bedroom door.

"Hi! Lily, I am going to have a driving lesson with Calixto." And her eyes widened, and I could tell she was excited for me.

"How long have you been standing here? Why didn't you knock on my door?" I asked her, and she smiled at me. I can see her face light up, and I can't stop myself from taking her into my arms. I always love to have siblings, especially younger ones.

"I thought you were sleeping, and I don't want to wake you up." She said, looking up at me.

"I wasn't sleeping, and I was sitting on the balcony watching the beautiful lake and the swans," I said, and I am still smiling at her.

"We can go fishing sometime, and I will ask Hunter to come with us." She said, and I smiled at her, and I couldn't stop feeling thrilled thinking about Hunter being with us.

"That would be lovely, Lily. I couldn't wait to go fishing with your brother, but you know Hunter is a busy man, and he doesn't have time to have some fun." I declared.

"I know, Maddie, that is why I am so happy you came. My brother loves you, and he will do everything to make you happy." She said, smiling at me, and I felt guilty because I wished what she had said was true, but his brother didn't love me, and it was the opposite. I want to know the truth about why he chose me to be his wife, and the only person who knows all about this thing is Calixto.

Lily came down with me to the grand staircase, and we met Charlotte and her friends. Kaye scanned my body from head to toe, and I saw her frown when she realized I was wearing an expensive dress. I know I look good in my dress, and I don't look like I came from a low-class family now that I wore this expensive clothing matched with a luxurious bag and shoes. Lily held my hand, and she smiled at her sister's friends, and they all beamed at her, and they just ignored me, especially Charlotte.

"No matter how fancy the dress she wore, she will never belong to our society, and we all know Madeline is just trying to climb the social ladder, and her kind will never have a chance to associate with us, she better leave this house," Charlotte said in a loud voice after they get past us, and I know she really meant to raise her voice so I could hear it. Her friends chorused in agreement, and I felt Lily's soft hand squeezes my palm.

"Don't mind them, Maddie; I know Charlotte is my sister, but I don't like how she treated the maids. She always gets angry with me because I love spending my time with the mansion's staff. I mean, why it has to be that way, Madeline? I think there is nothing wrong with it." She said, and I felt touched by Lily's point of view.

"I agree with you, Lily; it is alright if you talk to them. Nothing is wrong with it, but next time, make sure no other family member will see you. I don't know their reasons, Lily, but I just want you to know I am proud of you, and I am thankful that you made friends with me." I said, and I smiled broadly at her.

"Of course, I like you from the first time I saw your lovely face, Madeline, and I am so thankful that Hunter is not marrying Kaye. I was terrified when I heard my mom and Charlotte talking about Kaye being our future sister-in-law. I know she came from a wealthy family. Still, I don't care about her status. All I want is for my brother to find love. Don't worry. My sister is trying her best to set up Charlotte and Hunter to be together, but I know it will never happen because Hunter likes you." She said, and I wish it were true.

I said goodbye to Lily the moment Calixto arrived, and he climbed out of the car immediately and opened the passenger's door for me. I am glad he didn't let me drive yet. I didn't tell him I had a basic idea about going since my best friend Gina taught me, and she allowed me to drive her car sometimes; it was only an ordinary car, but it helped us a lot during the graveyard shift. Calixto was surprised that I could go well, and I didn't tell him anything.

"Wow! Hunter will be amazed by your wit and skills, Maddie. I know you are an intelligent woman, but I never thought you were this good. But I won't let Hunter know about this. You don't need to tell me what is happening at the Divenson mansion, Madeline, but I know you are having a hard time. So, I will just tell him we need to practice every day so he can leave that house and you can meet his friend. I will let you talk with your best friend and see you after two hours." He said, and I can't thank him enough.

"Thank you so much, Calixto, for doing all this," I said.

"You don't need to thank me, Maddie. You are like a daughter to me. I know what you have been through, and it was hard to be picked up by strangers in your house one afternoon and told you you are marrying someone you don't know. It wouldn't be easy to be part of the Divenson family, but believe me when I say Hunter needs someone like you, Madeline." He declared, and I became more confused.

"Calixto, can I ask you something?" I asked him, and he looked at me sideways. We are in front of the cafe where I will meet Gina.

"What is it, Madeline?" He asked in return.

"Why did Hunter Divenson choose me to be his future bride? I am in this situation right now, but I am so blind, and I want to know the truth before marrying him. Please, Calixto, just tell me why he wants to marry me when there are a lot of women out there chasing him, as you claim." I said as I leaned my back on the backrest.

"Well, it is not my story to tell, but I know Hunter is unfair to you, even though I know you are falling for

him." He said, and I raised my eyebrows.

"You don't need to hide it from me, Maddie. I told you on our first meeting that you would fall for Hunter. And I am certain of it. Well, there is nothing wrong with falling in love with your husband. It should be the number one reason why a person will get married, right?" Cal asked.

"I know you have so many questions, and since you fall in love with Hunter. I will tell you the main reason he wanted to marry you." Calixto added as he looked at me intently.

I felt so nervous to know the truth, and I hope it will not make me hate my future husband. Still, I am sure whatever Calixto will say, my feelings for Hunter will stay since this is the first time I feel this way, the need to be with someone.

I can't stop thinking about him every waking moment of my life from the first moment I saw him, and I realized my plan of walking away from his life is now gone because I am helplessly falling in love with Hunter Divenson.