
turn back time

The search to substitute the mafias merchandise wasn't going too well. David had gathered a few but then again he had decided to replace them with his.

They were getting suspicious. Some have called to change delivery time and transportation but why?

" Sir, do you think they know? Logan asked as if reading his mind.

" How?

" I can find out if you let me. Regarding the spy, I sent after Kate. He was killed. I think Kate knows something"

" Kate? He burst out laughing then glared at him.

" She's harmless. I don't think she's that smart" he retorts with an eye roll.

" Don't underestimate her. If she could harm the man she loves then she can do anything"

" What are you insinuating? I couldn't have gotten this far without her assistance. She wouldn't do that to me believe me" Logan sighed.