

Little by little she acquired information about Quinn from Pamela and discovered his enthusiasm for her.

She can't show up at the Reagans' doorstep just to declare motherhood.

She'd freak him out.

The neglected invitation card caught her eyes thus she smiled. Showing up on their doorstep wasn't such a bad idea.

After all, she was family maybe not anymore but they can't deny it.

There she was standing in front of the Reagans gate wondering why they moved out of their other resident, she didn't even know where Alvin lives.

The gatekeeper showed up by the gate to do his job.

" Who are you? She clicked her tongue scrutinizing the poor guy.

" Kate Patterson. I advise you to tell Mrs. Kang that I am here"

" I'm sorry Miss but no one is allowed to pass except family" Kate squinted her eyes peering into the compound.