

"I will not be your mistress." She spoke, whispering, with her mouth a sigh away from his. He swallowed hard and nodded, agreeing with her even as he closed the distance between them, kissing her to madness, leaving nothing to sanity. Bethany Fitzgerald hated the very idea of marriage and stood against it with everything she was. Charles de Norcrosse had to marry the insufferable Lady Cossington, for it was the will of his late father and he must abide by it. But when fate moved in favour of the Duke of Carlisle and the daughter of an impoverished Land Baron, very little can be done to fight against it. (Loving Her Duke is the first book of the British Blood Trilogy. Second is Hating Her King.)

Tiny_Psalm · History
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He studied it for a moment. First his palm then the back of his hand. "No. This was an accident."

Beth smiled. "You are very loyal to him."

"He is loyal to me." He took a heavy sip.

"And to his brother." She drank from her glass. "Loyalty? Is that why he refuses anyone calling the Prince his half-brother?

Lord Carlisle shrugged. "Perhaps it is for Brand's sake. Perhaps not. He wouldn't tell." He reached out his hand, feeling the strands of her hair. It took the entirety of her will and her nerve not to flinch or lean from him.

He moved closer to her, lying on one elbow. Tension caused the hair on her nape to rise. Lord Carlisle looked up slowly. "Why was that day sad?" His voice was soft like silk and the tone impossibly intimate.

"What?" Her gaze skidded to his face and darted away. Surely he must know how he was affecting her. He couldn't be oblivious to it. It felt like it was what he intended. "What day?" She breathed out.