

Meet Bryan Ryabov An Eighteen year old guy. 5ft tall, blonde hair, cute dimples, green eyes and a demi god. Meet Jennifer Jones A sixteen year old girl. 4ft tall, dark brown hair, golden eyes, cute dimples and also cute. Meet Jasmine Smith A sixteen year old girl, 4ft tall blonde hair and cute. She's also Bryan ex-girlfriend. Jasmine is the reason why Bryan hates girls with their name starting from a 'J' because he caught her making out with his best friend Andrew. What happens when Bryan changes school and meets Jennifer? Will he bully her? What happens when they start getting along and Jasmine comes to the school and threatens their friendship? Will there be war? OR Will LOVE take its COURSE and win? Find out the answers to these questions in episodes to come. XOXO

Esther_Adeola_7771 · Teen
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5 Chs



I woke up happy this morning because of my plan to get back at Jennifer. I rushed to the bathroom, took my bath and wore a hoodie and a Louis Vuitton matching sneakers and trousers. I kissed my mum good bye and ran to my car and zoomed off to school.


I woke up, rushed to the bathroom and dressed up. I wasn't entering the school bus today 'cuz Nikky was coming to pick me up with her car so I had to get prepared very fast 'cuz she's coming early.

As I ran down the stairs, I heard Nikky's horn. I kissed my mum and brother good bye and rushed to the car. When I entered, I saw Amy in the car.

"Good morning girlfriends" I greeted them. "Good morning Jenny" they replied me.

"Jenny?" Aims called. "Hmm" I answered as I turned to look at her. "I've been thinking, what are going to do about this guy bryan" she continued.

"Well, I don't know. But if he tries one more trick on me, I'm gonna fight back " I replied.

"How are you going to fight back? " Nikky asked, who I thought was focusing on the road and not listening to our conversation.

"Well, I'll need you guys help" I told them.

"Why do we need to be part of your plan?" Nikky asked. " If you don't want to help me then fine" I replied her.

"Ok, I'll help you" Aims said. "So what's your plan?"

"Don't worry guys, you will get to know later. But once I tell you, you will have to do it. You already promised right?" I replied smirking.

"Hope it's not something dangerous? " Nikks asked. "Not at all. Just something that will teach him a lesson" I said.

"Ok if you say so " Amy added.


Immediately I drove into the school compound, I sighted Jennifer from afar, I rushed out of the car to get my plan started. I told a girl to find any way possible to make Jennifer late for class. Let's see how my plans work out.


I was about locking my locker after getting all the materials needed for my first class of the day, when a girl called my name.

"Hi Senior Jenny. I really need your help. I actually lost my house keys and I have been searching for it every where" She said.

I stared intently at her " Are you telling me the truth? Did some one send you here instead?" I asked.

"Me....I....No. Ofcourse not" She stuttered. "Did Bryan send you here? " I asked again. She suddenly went silent.

"Cat got your tongue?" I furrowed my brows. She averted my gaze. "Yes...Senior Bryan asked me to find a way to make you late for class today which in return he gives me anything l want" She voiced out.

'Now this is fun ' I smirked. "Let's make a deal. You pretend like you didn't see me and I'll play along with his plan of coming late to class and you get a you want from him '' I said to her. She nodded and scurried off.

'' Bryan Ryabov, it's time you see the crazy side of me''


I rushed to the class 'cuz I was late.

"Why are you late to class?" The teacher asked.

"I'm so sorry ma" I replied and she asked me to take a seat. I looked around just to find the only empty seat beside Bryan. 'Just what I expected '.


I knew she was coming to Biology class, so I asked no one to sit beside me. So when I saw her looking around for a seat, I smiled to myself.


I walked sheepishly to sit beside Bryan. I glanced at him just to find him smiling at me.

'Why was he smiling? I hope he's not up to something ' I asked myself.

''You look beautiful today '' some one said and I turned to look at who said it which turned out to be Bryan.

I didn't reply, I focused my attention on what the teacher was explaining to us.

Bryan was still talking to me about my looks but I was really trying hard to concentrate.

After some while, I couldn't take it any longer. I decided to play along.

"Ofcourse darling! I'm always beautiful '' I replied with a smile on my face sweeping my hair backwards. He widened his eyes at my reply and I winked at him.

''Why are you surprised? I think you should get used to seeing me this way '' I commented. He looked away ''Or is it that because your plan of getting me frustrated got ruined? (I laughed) Well, it's my turn to get back at you bryan" I continued.

He stared at me ''What? '' I asked.

''You want to get back at me? '' he asked. ''Yeah I do. And I promise to piss you off that you will regret messing with me '' I replied. ''Ok! Let's see about that '' He answered.

''Yeah, you would see '' I winked at him and focused on the teacher.


Immediately she sat down, I started disturbing her, I knew she was trying to concentrate on what the teacher was explaining so I persisted.

When she turned to look at me, I expected her to scream my name in anger.

But I was surprised when she winked at me and called me darling. 'What the fuck! ' I thought.

When she said she was going to get back at me.

I was baffled. 'In what way will she get back at me? ' I asked myself.

'This girl is really something else '


Jennifer told her besties what happened in the hall and in the class during break time.

''This guy is really something else'' Nikky said.

'' Yes, and why is he doing all this? '' Amy asked.

'' I don't know but we are getting back at him. We are repainting his car a period to closing hours ''

'What if he catches us? '' Amy asked.

''Don't worry, he will be having a class by then '' I answered.

''Now, it's my turn '' I said to Nikky and Amy who sighed.