
Loving A Billionaire

"I-I have to go..."I stuttered. "No you don't, you know how much you mean to me Bri how can I let you go?" He looked at me pleadingly with those beautiful orbs which always got me mesmerized "I don't trust anyone after what Jax did, I-I can't trust you, Heinrich, I am scared" I replied not believing what I just said. I start to turn around to exit the room but he grabs my wrist suddenly as he pulls me flush against him. You are the only girl I have and will ever love, you make me feel things I have never felt before, I am incomplete without you Bri and I love you more than you could ever imagine, I am not and will never be like Jax. He states in a rush which leaves him breathless. I gaze at him unable to utter a single word. There was so much sincerity in his tone and I can't deny it. My eyes wander to his lips and in a swift motion, I crash my lips against his. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enjoy the journey of love, drama, and lust and let's not forget the cringe with Brianna as she goes through heartbreak, she finds a hot billionaire and the magic begins

Miss_Writer1 · Urban
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Chapter 4: Amber eyes

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I have never been to a club before. Yh, shocking right? I never really loved or cared to meet new people, I loved staying indoors, listening to music, watching Netflix, and completing my assignments, I was sort of a nerd but I didn't care. Meeting people was too much work for me, I can't handle people and I tend to be awkward when having a conversation with someone both online and in reality.

I felt the queasiness in the pit of my stomach when we got to the club, I wanted to go home and curl up in my bed but I had no choice, I was already here.

We greeted the middle-aged bouncer who just couldn't keep his eyes off me, his eyes darted towards my chest, it felt like he was undressing me with his eyes with how he was staring at me. Ew. I looked away immediately not wanting to meet his gaze, We showed him our IDs and he nodded his head and ushered us in.

I walked as fast as I could, thanking God I was finally away from the creepy bald bouncer. Wonder why they're all bald.

I was engulfed in a blanket of heat as soon as I stepped inside, the place was sticky and quite uncomfortable, the flashing disco lights were blinding and I couldn't see my surroundings, I could make out sweaty people dancing and grinding against each other. I scrunched my nose in disgust.

I looked to where Liam and Madison were, Madison was gone but Liam was standing right beside me also looking around and taking in his surroundings.

"Where's Madison?" I asked Liam with a frown.

He shrugged his shoulders. "She probably spotted a hot dude and runoff.

I was kind of disappointed Madison left, now I am going to be bored out of my mind.

Liam sensed my distress and patted my back."Don't worry Brianna we are going to have a good night" he told me reassuringly and I gave him a tight smile.

Thank God Liam was here, I would have been all alone by now. He took my hand in his big and warm ones and led me towards the bar.

"What would you like?" Liam asked me still holding my hands.

" Vodka would be OK..." I replied and took a seat on the stool.

He ordered vodka for the both of us and passed me mine, I took it and poured the burning liquid down my throat.

I coughed and rubbed my throat feeling the sudden burn from the drink. "Your first time drinking alcohol?" Liam asked sounding amused.

"No, it's just been long since I had some. I just need to get drunk tonight and forget about everything just for tonight.

"What happened?" he asked curiously with one of his eyebrows raised.

"Nothing" I replied vaguely, not wanting to ruin the night with my sad story.

He sensed I was lying and held my hand rubbing it with his thumb. "What happened Brianna," he asked gazing into my eyes with his chocolate pools which left me compelled.

I told him everything between sobs with tears rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably, I didn't even care about how horrible I would look after, I just wanted to pour out all of the emotions I had tried to bury deep. After telling him everything he held me in his arms rubbing my back soothingly, while he whispered a series of "it's going to be OK" to me.

Even though I barely knew Liam, I felt comfortable with him, he seemed caring and understanding and I loved how he was treating me with so much care.

Liam took out his handkerchief and wiped my face, "You shouldn't be crying, remember you are supposed to enjoy your night and forget all about him."

"Yh you're right I blew my nose with his handkerchief and gave it back, I want another vodka," I told him sitting up and wiping my face. I promised myself never to think about Jax again, but here I was doing the exact opposite I needed to clear my head as soon as possible.

He ordered more shots of vodka for me and I drank all of it without any care in the world, Liam didn't drink anymore because he was the driver.

After a thousand more shots of vodkas, I started to feel lightheaded and a little too confident.

I grabbed Liam's hands and led him to the dance floor, he wanted to protest but I gave him no room to as I pulled him to the dance floor. I waltzed my way through the dance floor, lightly brushing past sweaty and sticky bodies. I suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline as I started to sway my hips to the beat of the music, I did lots of dance moves I never thought I knew.

I pressed my back against Liam and felt him stiffen behind me, he got over it within seconds and brought his hands to my waist as we ground against each other slowly, I felt his hand roam my hips and I held my hand above my head and raked my fingers through his hair. I loved how it felt.

After a few hours of dancing with Liam, I had the urge to pee, I was still feeling tipsy and kept on staggering with every move I made. I told Liam to wait for me at the bar so I could go to the washroom.

"Are you sure you can find your way to the washroom?" Liam asked worriedly.

"Yh don't worry I would be totally fine," I told Liam and rubbed his arms, he nodded and reluctantly let go of me.

The dizziness was getting intense. I had too much alcohol, I tried to find my way to the bathroom however my stilettos heels weren't helping at all, I removed them and walked barefooted still staggering a little.

I suddenly collided with a really hard chest and fell on my butt.

"Ouch fuck, that hurt," I said rubbing my butt. I looked up and my vision blurred I couldn't see the face of the person I had collided with.

"Are you OK miss?" he asked gently.

His voice was so soothing to the ear, I tried to clear my blurry vision by blinking severally but nothing changed. I only made out his beautiful and compelling amber eyes illuminated by the lights, they looked familiar. He held his hand out to me and I took it as he lifted me off the ground.

"Are you ok?" amber eyes asked.

"Yh I am, just looking for the washroom, do you happen to know where it is?" I slurred looking around.

"Yh lemme take you there, you don't look too good to walk alone". I nodded my head in approval not minding the fact that I could see double.

He led me to the washroom with his hand holding my arm in a firm grip to prevent me from falling face-first onto the ground. I looked up at him and realized how sharp his jaws were, I suddenly had the urge to run my fingers along the sides of it, so I did.

He stiffened immediately he felt my fingers on his jaw.

"You like it? " I drawled and giggled.

He took my hand away from his face "No I don't, you are drunk".

"No I am not! I barely had any alcohol I am perfectly sober". I replied as I smiled and run my fingers through his hair.

"Oooooh your hair is soft, what shampoo do you use? I love it". I stood on my toes whiles I managed to bring his shoulders a little bit to my level and sniffed his hair " Awww, strawberries your such a girl". I cooed.

His face turned crimson and I laughed hysterically.

"How much did you have to drink?, You should go home before someone takes advantage of you, this place can be quite dangerous, so be careful miss".

I crossed my arms over my chest causing the stilettos of my heels to dig into my side and glared at him as if he just made the worst statement I had ever heard. My vision was still doubled.

"You can't ruin my fun, I came here to forget about him and it's none of your business whatever I do," I said right before I could control myself. The alcohol speaking.

He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side as if trying to figure me out, he shook his head dismissively and said "Well then miss have a good night, I have a lot of things to take care of."

"B-but you haven't shown me the bathroom yet". I pouted.

He run his hand over his face "Yh, let's go we are almost there anyway"

I smiled cheekily and took his hand in mine.

I muttered thanks when we got there and stumbled as soon as he loosened his hold on me and almost hit my face on the hardwood of the bathroom door

"Are you OK?" amber eyes asked for the second time today.

"Um yes, thanks" I tapped his chest lightly and smiled as I opened the bathroom door and entered.
