

We just docked at the island a little bit ago. One of the sea kings did come up to the ship but I told her to let everyone know that this ship was fine and that I would be staying on it now. My cabin was farther into the middle of the island shrouded in the pine trees and farther in there is as waterfall that I use to bathe in.

"Is all the stuff in this cabin, looks cozy" shanks said as he tapped the pole of the porch.

"No" I turned around and walked around the campfire I had infront of the cabin with a bunch of logs cut in half as benches. I had little hidden Dimonds on the ground. You can't see them but I can feel them, being as how they are a part of me. I could feel his crew was following behind me to carry some of the stuff to the cabin to party and some to the ship. Once I reached the right tree I bent down and moved some of the moss and leaves to make sure the door was there. Once I saw it I coated my fist in Dimond and punched it.

"Shatter" the door that I covered in Dimond well... shattered and fell away showing stares. I moved to the side and motioned to the men with my arm.

"Food, booze, and treasure is down there, I dont know what else so I'd just say grab it all" lucky waved his hand.

"Come on guys, the faster we get this done the more we can party" everyone cheered and started going down and grabbing stuff.

The trees wernt too thick so you could see the ship and the cabin. I walked back to the cabin that shanks just walked into. It wasn't much, I had a queen bed in the corner and a few trinkets. In the other corner in my kitchen area was a nice medium table with a few chairs and mihawk sitting in the one closest to the wall reading a book. I had a little desk in the othe- MIHAWK IS IN MY CABIN.

"this is breaking and entering mihawk, should I punish you myself for being so rude" he flipped a page in his book.

"I didn't break anything, the door was unlocked" shanks spread his arm out.

"Old buddy, its been so long, you can party with us now"

"Is that all you do, also I saw you a few weeks ago"

"Why are you here, you always have a reason, or do you just love being in my presence that much" he didn't look up from his book. Now that I take a closer look it's my book on the lovers marks that he's reading.

"I didn't realize how many books you have. It explains why you like to sneak into my library" I walked over behind him to see where he was at in the book.

"Did you come here to fight me again, cuz I told you before. If you want to fight me it's not on this island, I dont need you to cut the trees down." Once I got behind him I saw he was at the part talking about what it means when a mark turns to blacks and grays instead of being its normal color. He closed the book seeing as how he hates when someone, or rather I, read over his sholder.

"I don't have a need to fight you anymore" he put the book on the table and stood up.

"You can have that if you want, I dont need it anymore" he looked at me for a moment before he hooked his arm around it and started to walk out of the cabin.

"Wait, you don't have a need to fight me anymore? You never had a need to, its not like I'm a sword fighter. That can't be the only reason why you're here" we walked out of the door and he sat down on one of the log benches. It was starting to get dark out, someone made a fire as I noticed more guys spread out around the ground talking, eating, and drinking. Benn sat on another bench cleaning his gun with yasapp sitting on the ground leaning on it. They didn't have their capes on, now I can see the grey lovers Mark on yasapps arm. That must be hard to live with. I sat down on the bench across from them and close to the one mihawk was on. Shanks sat down next to me and put his arm around me pulling me under his cloak a little.

"I didn't know who it was. It makes sense now that I felt the same thing from you seeing as how you share a connection with red hair. That was why I felt the need to always fight you, I dont now knowing that it's not you" lucky came over with a mug for me, shanks, and mihawk.

"And here I thought you always came by cuz you loved me hawky" he looked at me and snorted before he took a drink.

"You're much too immature for my likes, you fit well with red hair. You two are very similar." I took a drink and cocked a brow at him.

"Should I be insulted" I said with a smirk.

"HOW DARE" shanks pouted like a kid dramatically making his men laugh and chuckle at him.

"stop laughing at meeee"


It was much later, the stars came out some time ago. Everyone had a lot to drink. Mihawk left some time back when everyone started to get rowdy.

"Your so pretty *hick* how are you so pretty *hick* it's not fare" I said as I played with shanks hair and face. I was sitting on his side with his missing arm so he would stop spilling booze on me.

"I think the little lady had too much to drink" benn said with a chuckle.

"I'll say, you're ugly boss" yasapp laughed making the rest of the men laugh, including shanks.

"You're soooo meeeean yasapp *hick* OH" I yelled then shot up with wide eyes to run back into the cabin, tripping over the bench that I was just on and falling on the ground. I watched my mug to make sure I didn't loose any of my booze.

"Yay no spills, I'm awsome" I cheered as I got back up and went into the cabin searching through my desk drawers.

"Found it *hick* yay" I happily yelled making my way back out to sit next to shanks.

"You ok there princess" he asked with a chuckle.

"Splendid" I said as I looked up to him with big doe eyes and a big smile on my face making him smile and his face go red.

"LISTEN" I turned to yasapp yelling at him as I clicked the button on the shell.

Y/n- just talk like you would to someone normally

U- how does that work

Y/n- it will record your voice and I'll give it to your dad when I go to shanks





A- you did this to yourse- HEY DONT USE ME AS A SHEALD


Y/n- there, that should keep him busy

N- that was your plan, to make those two fight

Y/n- not really but it works, HEY GET OUT OF THERE

U- they are going to kill me one day

Y/n- eh maybe, but at least you'll have fun


Y/n- ya, ya, ANYWAY say something to daddy usapp

N- save the daddy talk for shanks


N- what are you saying you wouldn't call him daddy if he told you to

U- I do not want to be a part of this conversation

Y/n- there is no conversation, now talk to your dad usapp, maybe nami I don't know yet



U- you people will be the death of me, um hey dad ummm this is weird I'm just talking to a sea shell

Y/n- and you pretend that shell is your dad

U- that's just weird

Y/n- OK.... alright act like your talking to him on a transponder snail but the one that he is on is crappy so he can't talk back, is that better

U- i... I can't it's too weird






*fighting* *girly screaming (from usopp)*

L- hey shanks, it's weird talking to a shell but if you'll hear it that's OK. I'm going to be so strong when I see you, you won't even recognize me. Oh hey I'm going to beat up this sand guy soon, it's going to be awsome.


L- OWWW, why are you so strong

Y/n- cuz IM awesome, now fucking say something sweet to your dad or so help me

U- I don't want to sound like an idiot

Y/n- too late, it has been recording this whole time


A- ya she click the button a while ago, you won't have much time left. Once something is recorded on it you can't get rid of the recording

U- AHHHHH, umm, hi dad, how you doing, I'm great, being amazing as always, hey I'm luffys snipper now, it's awsome, except for them almost killing me at every turn

Z- stop being weak then

U- I AM NOT WEAK, ok maybe I am but I can hit any target with my slingshot


N- actually that's true, it doesn't matter how far away it is, how fast it's moving, or how small it is, usopp always hits his mark

L- it's true and he makes all of his own ammo, like the exploding one

Y/n- that's pretty cool

L- ya, I need the best if I'm going to be pirate king, best sniper, best navigator, best cook, best swordsmen

S- he's not the best

Z- not yet shitty chook, when I see mihawk again I'll wipe the floor with him

Y/n- wow you fought mihawk, and he didn't kill you, he must like you

N- he almost killed him with that cut across his chest

Y/n- trust me, if he wanted you dead, you would be dead

Z- like you would know, OW DONT HIT ME

Y/n- I would know thank you very much, he comes to my cabin a lot

Z- there is no way th-

*voices fade as a door closes*

U- damn they are loud. I can't wait to see you again dad. I miss you. Don't worry when you see me ill be a fearsome worrier of the sea.. just like you... not the weakling that I am now... these guys are super strong, but don't worry, I'll work hard to be on their level, we'll make mom proud

*soft crying*

I saw yasapp rub his faded mark.

"Can't wait to see her and have that pie again" I dropped my mug and stared at him. He didn't know, he didn't know, he didn't know.

U- I'm sure you already know but we buried her under the tree that you would take me to practice my aime, I hope she's as proud of me as she was of you when she died.

The smile faded from his face as the words hit him. I jumped up tripping over my feet and hugged him. Once it starts, you can't stop the recording, it has to play all the way though.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know he was going to say something like that. I wouldn't have brought it out if I did" nothing like seeing and holding a grown man as they break down to sober you up.

U- I hope you didn't worry about me, I grew up just fine.... though I didn't have many friends.. but making kya smile everyday was enough for me... I am kind of sad that she's not my mark, but It doesn't matter. I love you dad

L- there you are, y/ns going crazy looking for the shell

U- oh luf-

*adieo stops*

"She... she... died" yasapp mumbled as I held him, I could feel that tears were leaving his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew"

"How would you know that"

"Thats her mark right..... it used to have color didn't it"

"Ya, but like a year or so after I left.... it lost color one day... I thought it was just cuz I was away from her for so long" I rubbed his head and back. He didn't return my hug, just let his arms lay at his sides.

"The mark fades when the owner dies.... the day it lost color was the day she passed..... breath... it's OK to cry" he started to breath heavier and deeper until he just started balling in my chest as he then returned my hug. I held him just a little tighter as I rested my head on his and continued to rub his back. After sometime of him crying he started to sniffle and move me away from him.

"I need to go for a walk.... I'm taking this with" he reached for the shell that I knocked on the ground and I grabbed his wrist.

"Dont do something reckless" he chuckled sadly and ruffled my hair.

"She would hate me if I did" and he turned to walk into the woods as I could hear him play it again. Luckly it was just me, shanks, benn, and lucky that didn't pass out at the end of the recording. I dont think he would have been too keen on the whole crew hearing that. I felt a hand on my back and knew it was shanks without needing to look, but I still did. He had a soft sad smile on his face and moved his hand to brush some tears from under my eye that I didn't know were there.

"Come on, time for bed" he motioned with his head to the cabin. I looked down and nodded my head with a sniffle before I got up to walk to the cabin with shanks hand on the small of my back.

"I'm an asshole" I finally mumbled as he closed the cabin door.

"You're not, he needed to find out, I had a feeling that was it. If it was because he was away from her for so long. Your mark would have fadded on me, but it didn't. I didn't know for sure though" he came over to me and rubbed my cheek.

"But I ruined everyone's good time" he shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"It happens" his words made me chuckle and I lightly smaked his arm.

"That doesn't help"

"Sure it does, look at that smile" he chuckled as he leaned closer to my face.

"Shut up, I hate you" I mumbled with a blush as I tried to push away from him.

"That cute face you're making says otherwise" he got closer to my face and I leaned in to kiss his lips but he bent down and put me over his shoulder.

"Shanks" I sqeaked not ready for it.

"Bedtime" he said in a childish voice as he ploped me on the bed with a bounce before he got in next to me closing his eyes with his hand behind his head.



"I never saw my mark on you" he peaked his scared eye at me.

"Ya and"

"Can i... please" I turned to face him with my hands under my face. He turned on his side to face me, the one with his missing arm.

"You don't need to ask me something like that. If you want to see it, just look. I won't tell you not to" he smiled at me, but it seemed a little different. I moved my hand up and hooked my finger in his collar to pull the side down, but I decided against that and moved my hands to undo the couple buttons he had done on his shirt.

"What are you doing" I wasn't looking at his face so I didn't know it was red.

"I'm taking your shirt off so it's easier, plus we are going to sleep and I want you to be more comfortable" I undid the buttons and he helped me pull his arm out.

"Roll over"

"I'm not a dog" he said with a chuckle as he rolled on his back so I could get it off his nub of an arm he had. When I uncovered his nub I couldn't help but look at the scar tissue and kiss it.

"Thankyou... for that day... I was really scared..... and if you weren't there..." I shook my head any wipped the few tears that fell from my eyes as I pulled his shirt out from under him.

"From all I have heard about you being a shamless flirt and a man whore before you met me you might as well be a dog" his eyes went wide as his face got red, he wouldn't look at me.

"You heard about that hu... are you mad"

"No why should I be" I pulled his arm so he would be on his side again to face me. He got the message and rolled for me, that's when I could see the look of shame on his face.

"It was before me, plus if it wasn't. You were a grown man before I was here for you to love. I didn't exspect you to be a virgin or anything. Honestly, I would think it to be weird if you were with how long you have been sailing, apprentice" I smiled as I said the last part.

"How did you know about that" he seemed more humored by me knowing he was on Roger's ship.

"I talked to rayleigh, he's really nice. Made me think a lot about you, it's not surprising" he laughed at that. I proped myself up to look at my mark on his arm, it was... the same as the one on my leg... of my jolly Rodger.

"I didn't think It would be that" I mumbled with a smile on my face.

"Ya, I understood the Dimond bones and eyes, but why blood down the sockets" I traced my fingers over my mark and he seemed to shiver from the feel. It was like a warm tingle on my figures.

"Lets hope you don't find out with your own eyes" I glided my fingers up and down his arm and traded it for my full hand.

"Mmm, what are you doing" he voice sounded deeper as he turned on his back and looked at me with a smirk on his face. I traced my hand up to his neck as he turned.

"Admiring the view" I smirked as I run my hand up to cup his face and rub my thumb on his cheek.

"And enjoying your touch" I dolled out as I ran my thumb over his lips making him close his eyes and expose his Adam's apple to me.

"Mmm, seems like I'm the one enjoying your touch" I leaned down to his face and just barely touched my lips to his. When he felt my breath on his lips he opened his eyes just a little to look into mine. The look in his eyes filled me with a burning fire.

"Then how about we enjoy each other's touch" I whispered against his lips. He groan and pushed his body into mine before grabbed the back of my head and roughly pulled me down to mold his lips with mine. I was filled with such an electrifying feeling that made my body quiver having me whimpering. He growled as he rolled us over to have me on my back with the weight of his body on me making me moan as he slid his tongue into my mouth. I wasn't sure what to do so I just did as he did. I guess it was good cuz he groaned pushing his body into me harder as his hand traced down the side of my body. I couldn't help but trace my hand that wasn't lost in his hair down his chest, going lower and lower till I was almost touching his waistband. When he reached my hip he gripped it hard making us break the kiss as my body arched into him and I moaned out loving the fire it made. However, as he pant hard above me he layed his forhead against mine.

"Not tonight....... we will get there.... but not tonight" he kissed my nose and layed on his side pulling me into his chest. I soon fell asleep tracing his abs.