
season 1 episode 1: BACK TO SCHOOL

Now this episode is about a boy named William Barker

Who has a crush on Issac Milton?

Willliam Barker woke by his alarm he looks at the clock and sees that he is late for the first day back to school. He hurries out of his bed and gets his clothes ready for school. William went downstairs to his mom

and said good morning mom and his mom said you're late for school William. I know mom. Mom said, I know you were on your phone again William said how do you know that mom? his mom Said am your mom I know everything, now go to school you going to be late for school. Oh, and stay out of trouble William said I will mom.

his friend Cyrus Miller, William's best friend picks him up, and William's side wow! I love your car Cyrus said thanks, love your hair William side ah ah funny Cyrus said come on getting in. "Music playing in car name is better in stereo". Arriving at school William is nervous Cyrus side hi you ok? William said yes just remember last year, Cyrus said don't worry am here for you no matter what your my best friend ok. William gets out of the car.

Willia was bullied last year. Mettew said Hey guys here is the gay dude and everyone laughed William said ah ah it's not funny. Then William entireiintooo school walking to his locker when his friend Thomas's slate came b and said how were your summer and William ok how was your a said it was great I want New York and I want Harry styles concern and it was amazing and William what great and Thomas said thank,s man. Ziggy Berman is over in the mood and William says ziggy u ok? Ziggy said no I have literaturefirsthandI have notWrittenen y paper yet. And William let me seI and give him the question paper and William said I will help you e and William yes ziggy said you don't even do literature and William it is easy I have read about Queen Elizabeth I. It's not hard for me iggy said but I have the class first and William said we have 10 minutes I can do it. Ziggy said ok and they all went to the library. After William and his friends get to the library William starts writing the assignment given over the summer to his friend.

Issac ask ziggy how wer summer Matthews said it was greagreatrlie D'amelio and William said really what did she like William ask, ziggy said she was nice I ask for her autograph and she give it to me and William said wow great. The bell rings and William said finish here you go ziggy said wow thanks William is tace friend William and his ffriend'sant to their classes William walks to the bttheobiologyss and said to the biology tea and says good re you doing Miss Miller said great you and William said same, I hope you have a great summer Miss and Miss Miller said yes I did and William sit down and a boy walks in and ask Mis Miller it the biology class and Mis Miller said yes it has Mr the boy said oh My name is Issac, Issac Milton, Miss Miller said ok have a Sat Issac walk over to William and sat beside im and say hi and William said hi. During lunch William seat with his friends ziggy, Cyrus, and Thomas. Cyrus notices that William is looking at Issac while he plays football, Cyrus asks William I see you been steering at Issac. Do you have a crash?

William replied by saying no! Ok yes I do. ziggy said omg. Thomas I said is he like straight. William said I know but I like him so much just look at him. Cyrus said just be careful I don't trust him. William

Said ok I will after school William and his friends get driven by Cyrus after William gets home he wants to the kitchen and see a note on the refrigerator ae read t the note said I will be back by 9 so help elves order pizza the money is on the counter William saw his sister Cindy d William said Jesus christ Cindy why you do that and Cindy said you going to order pizza William said yes I am going to order pizza! Cindy said ok and she went to her room after the pizza was ordered William found Issac n Instagram and accidentally liked one of his posts. Issac says it and texts William saying hi and Williamrepliedd y saying hi.

In the end, Music played by clean baned:higher


wow it is true love omg

CHAPER 2 September 2

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