
Lover x Lover

Rhyme and Holy Night have been rivals since they were kids, competing in everything from academics to sports. But when Moryn, their childhood friend since kindergarten, becomes the object of their affection, their rivalry takes a complicated turn. Holy Night is a homosexual woman, adding another layer of complexity to the love triangle. Moryn, unsure of how to handle the situation, finds herself torn between two people she cares deeply about. Despite Holy Night's efforts to surpass Rhyme and win Moryn's heart, Rhyme always seems to come out on top. As tensions rise and emotions run high, the trio faces the challenge of understanding and resolving their complex feelings in order to find a way forward.

Koi_Shiron_Mendoza · Teen
Not enough ratings
19 Chs



As I stepped into the roller coaster seat, a mix of excitement and nervousness washed over me. The safety harness clicked into place, and I could feel my heart racing in anticipation. When I was just watching the people riding earlier, it didn't seem scary. But it's different when I'm actually in this position, it's not easy after all. 

As the coaster slowly ascended to its peak, I couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking view unfolding before me. The strong gust of wind greeted us as we reached the top. I glanced at Moryn sitting beside me, her smile still unwavering. Ahead of us were Leah and Rhyme. Rhyme seemed calm, and it appeared that he wasn't scared. Because of that, I gathered the courage not to be defeated by him.

And then, suddenly, we were plummeting down at an exhilarating speed. My companions, especially Leah and Moryn, started screaming. As the roller coaster went through each loop and inversion, my stomach felt like it was doing flips. It was a strange sensation, like butterflies fluttering and dancing inside me. The forces pushed against my body, making me feel both weightless and grounded at the same time.

I couldn't help but let out a scream. This is what Rhyme was expressing while we were still on the carousel. He was absolutely right, it's not as simple as it appears. It's like I don't want to continue anymore. And it feels like I want to scream to the whole world that I've had enough. But all that escapes my mouth are screams. Unlike me, Rhyme remained composed. However, what I thought of as fearlessness suddenly transformed into screams. "I can't handle this anymore! Leah, make it stop!" Rhyme exclaimed, as if his throat was on the verge of bursting. "What! Why me! I'm not the one in control!" Leah retaliated with a shout.

I feel extremely dizzy. I swear, I will never ride a roller coaster again. Who would have imagined it would be like this? It appears so thrilling when you witness others riding it, just screaming all the way. It's absolutely insane! It's a traumatizing experience. I feel like I'm about to scream for help. Even after the rides, I still feel shaky and nauseous. "Are you alright?" Moryn asked as she gently rubbed my back. I simply nodded, but the truth is, I'm truly not okay. I covered my mouth and hurriedly made my way to the nearest trash bin. I couldn't handle it, so I ended up vomiting there. Leah and Moryn approached me with genuine concern.

We decided to head to an outdoor dining area, but due to the fact that I was the one who vomited after the roller coaster ride, It's frustrating since ice cream is what I've been looking forward to have earlier. Even when Moryn or Leah tried to share their ice cream with me, Rhyme wouldn't allow them. He's really annoying. I just want to give him a good punch.

"This ice cream is so delicious!" Rhyme exclaimed, clearly attempting to provoke my jealousy. He was seated next to Moryn, while I was positioned across from Moryn with Leah by my side. Rhyme let out a satisfied moan as he savored the delicious chocolate flavor. I couldn't resist stealing glances at them while munching on my popcorn. It's incredibly envy-inducing. I feel a pang of envy so strong that it brings tears to my eyes. Leah's pandan-flavored ice cream emits a delightful aroma, while Moryn's strawberry-flavored treat intensifies my envy even further with its irresistible appearance.

I wanted to walk out, but I was afraid Rhyme would think I'm even more of a loser. "The ice cream is amazing, isn't it, guys!" Rhyme taunted once again. "Would you please shut up and just eat!" Leah retorted. Even though I looked away from them, I could still hear every sound of their eating. I bowed my head, continuously munching on the caramel-flavored popcorn in an attempt to ignore everyone, particularly Rhyme. "Hey, why are you crying!" I heard Moryn say with concern. I lifted my head and noticed the three of them staring at me with worry. Instinctively, I touched my face and realized there was moisture on my cheek. Oh no! I'm crying!!

"Fine. It's all yours!" Rhyme suddenly declared, pushing his paper cup of ice cream towards me. "I just realized that I no longer have an appetite for ice cream," he added, avoiding eye contact. "Just a moment ago, you were thoroughly enjoying it. It seems like you change your mind quite quickly," Leah remarked. I didn't pay attention to them. My eyes and mouth were brimming with delight. I eagerly grabbed the spoon and swiftly scooped up a generous portion of the ice cream. Despite the large amount, I managed to fit it all into my mouth. Then, I heard both of them gasp simultaneously. I glanced at each of their faces. Why do they look so surprised?

"Why?" I inquired, keeping the spoon in my mouth. Leah moved closer to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Do you believe in the concept of indirect kisses? Well, you see," Leah paused as we heard a squeak. We looked up at Rhyme, who abruptly stood up from his seat and averted his gaze. "I'm just going to buy some potato fries," he stated before walking away towards one of the food stands. "Alright. Get some for us too!" Leah called out as Rhyme departed. "Hey, try this strawberry flavor," Moryn suggested with a smile. Her words filled me with even more delight. Any flavor would make me happy when it comes to ice cream.

It was already 5:00 PM, and we still hadn't obtained our tickets for the ferris wheel. The line was lengthy, and it appeared that most of the people in line were couples. Perhaps Leah was right, riding the ferris wheel at night would be more enjoyable. It seemed like others were also waiting for the nightfall. "We might end up waiting until morning," I grumbled, scratching my head. Moryn excused herself to go to the restroom, and Rhyme did the same.

We had been waiting for several minutes, but it felt like we were stuck in the same spot, making no progress. It was incredibly frustrating! I was eager to ride the ferris wheel, especially since it wouldn't be as dizzying as the roller coaster. Over an hour had passed, and we were slowly inching closer to the ticket counter. However, we had been wondering about Moryn and Rhyme since earlier, and they still hadn't returned. "Go check on them, they might have been flashed in the toilet." Leah suggested, causing me to chuckle. Taking her advice, I headed towards the restroom. But I couldn't locate its exact location, so I decided to ask people around for directions.

As I entered the ladies' room, Moryn wasn't there. The male and female restrooms were conveniently situated across from each other, so I waited outside, hoping they would come out. But they didn't. I tried calling Moryn, but she didn't answer her phone. I also didn't have Rhyme's phone number. I wandered around the vicinity of the restroom building, desperately searching for Moryn and Rhyme. Where could they have gone? I couldn't help but think about how Leah would become even more irritated. Then, my eyes caught sight of a bench nestled under the shade of a tree. Even though they were sitting with their backs turned towards me, I could still recognize them.

What on earth! They made me feel exhausted from searching, yet they had been hanging out here all along. There was a post situated near their backs, but it appeared that the light was not functioning as it remained unlit. I approached them slowly, intending to surprise them. "I like you." I froze in my tracks when I overheard Rhyme utter those words to Moryn.

Rhyme and Moryn faced each other, and their faces were very close. "I don't want Night to get hurt." Moryn expressed, prompting Rhyme to hold her hands. "I understand," he replied. "But I also know that someday she'll understand us too." He added. "No." Moryn withdrew her hands from Rhyme's grasp and stood up, taking a few steps away. Rhyme also stood up and followed her. "If that's the case, it seems like there is no place for me in your heart," he sighed. Moryn immediately turned to face Rhyme, locking her gaze with his.

"That's not true," Moryn asserted, drawing closer to Rhyme. "Ever since we were children, I've already fallen for you. You've always been there for me. Since you entered my life, I realized that I'm not alone after all." Although I wanted to give them privacy and leave, it felt as though my feet were rooted to the ground. "I feel the same way, Rhyme. And it's not just a simple liking. But I hope you understand that this isn't the right time for us yet," Moryn added, causing a tightness in my chest.

I was unsure of what to do in this moment. "And I will be here, waiting for you, forever." Rhyme's words brought tears to Moryn's eyes. They embraced each other, and I looked away when Rhyme kissed Moryn on the forehead. Unaware of my presence nearby, they departed from the bench. I was left alone, staring into emptiness, feeling as though tears were on the verge of streaming down my face.