
Lover x Lover

Rhyme and Holy Night have been rivals since they were kids, competing in everything from academics to sports. But when Moryn, their childhood friend since kindergarten, becomes the object of their affection, their rivalry takes a complicated turn. Holy Night is a homosexual woman, adding another layer of complexity to the love triangle. Moryn, unsure of how to handle the situation, finds herself torn between two people she cares deeply about. Despite Holy Night's efforts to surpass Rhyme and win Moryn's heart, Rhyme always seems to come out on top. As tensions rise and emotions run high, the trio faces the challenge of understanding and resolving their complex feelings in order to find a way forward.

Koi_Shiron_Mendoza · Teen
Not enough ratings
19 Chs



Who would have expected that my companions would be this scared? They know that everything around us isn't real, yet they're still terrified. What's annoying is that all four of them are clinging onto me. I couldn't even breathe properly because of how tightly they were holding on. After that skeleton startled us, that was when these ghosts with terrifying appearances started to approach us. Some of them are wearing long white dresses while their hair is extremely long and dark. My companions are getting restless. Every time a ghost touches them, they scream and jump out of fear.

It feels like I want to sprint out of this horror booth. I feel like my t-shirt is about to tear from being pulled by them at its hem. I wish I could envision this scenario as a playful harem situation, but unfortunately, it's far from that. Whenever they encounter a ghost, they react by attacking me and occasionally even pulling my hair. I fear that by the time we escape from here, my clothes will be torn to shreds, as if I've been ambushed and scratched by a group of unruly cats. Why does it feel like I'm the one being punished here?

Afterward, we proceeded to the second zone known as The Gore Chamber, as indicated on the map. The moment we stepped inside, the sight was utterly disgusting. There was a table displaying internal organs, and along our path, there were numerous bloody intestines hanging. My companions and I instinctively crouched, trying to avoid them brushing against our heads. I don't know what things they used, but it really looks authentic as I examine these fake human internal organs.

As I reached out to touch one of the organs, I was met with a coldness and a slight squishiness, mimicking the texture of real organs. This section was undeniably revolting. Suddenly, my group was startled by the sudden appearance of a bloodied man wielding an axe, causing my companions to scream once again. They suddenly started running and screaming when the man charged at us, so I followed them. I stopped when they suddenly stopped from running. I furrowed my brow and glanced at what they were looking at, which was the reason why they stopped running. We saw two women with bloody clothes pretending to eat fake body parts.

They screamed again and ran in a different direction. "Guys! Can you please calm down!" I shouted, panting as I followed them. But they seemed not to hear me as they continued to run. We were being chased by people who looked like they wanted to eat us. "Hey!" I called out to the four of them again, but they still ignored me. Those ugly cannibals only stopped chasing us when we ended up in the last zone. I looked at the map and glanced at the last part of this horror booth, which is The Nightmare Realm. "Who wrote this stupid concept!" I crumpled the map and threw it on the ground in annoyance. I'm tired and I want to get out. This is really infuriating.

As we advanced to the last zone, we encountered many terrifying creatures, and my companions continued to do the same thing. There were times when they don't cling to me, but instead, they suddenly leave me behind. See? They're stupidly kind. We managed to escape the horror booth gasping for breath. I don't have a problem if I were to go through that horror booth again, but next time, I won't bring these four with me. I'd rather face the monsters inside alone. It's because of them that I was traumatized the most.

"Come here, Night. I'm going to measure you." Charbelle said enthusiastically as she pulled out a measuring tape from her pocket. I chuckled. Charbelle really came prepared. And since it's obvious that Night is the loser, starting from the return of regular classes, she will have to wear the girls' uniform. "Stop it, Charbelle. You're too excited." Leah scolded her. "Alright, I just wanted to ensure that I'll be the one sewing her uniforms," Charbelle reminded everyone.

We wandered around the entire campus for a while. We tried different foods. We didn't miss any stalls, until we stopped at a booth called "Destiny's Crystal Ball." It sounded interesting, so the five of us entered. We put our sights in different directions as we intered the booth. The walls were adorned with draped fabrics, embellished with symbols that I couldn't quite decipher. These curtains may look dark because of the darkness of the surroundings and only the light from the candles lined up along our path provides the unique illumination. A figure dressed in mystical attire welcomed us, and I couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement.

I stared at the crystal ball, shimmering in the soft glow of twinkling lights. and the sound of soft, ambient music filled the air, adding to the mystical atmosphere. The five of us took a seat facing a woman who was acting as the future teller, even though we knew she was just one of the students here. But I was still curious about how she would predict our future. "Good day to all of you. I am Mistika. I am here to delve into the hidden mysteries behind your future," the woman said in a lower voice.

"Really, Elizabeth?" Charbelle raised an eyebrow. It seemed like she knew the woman in front of us. Maybe they were just classmates. I noticed Leah elbowing her to reprimand her. "Mistika, tell us who among these two will end up with Moryn so we won't get bored waiting for updates on this story," Leah commanded. Mistika held the crystal ball and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and lifted her head. What a good actress.

After that, she looked at each one of us. "Neither of them will end up with Ms. Moryn." Even though I knew that this fortune telling had no truth to it and was just a game, I was still surprised by what she said. Charbelle suddenly burst into loud laughter. "How unfortunate!" she exclaimed. Leah and I looked at each other. "Did you hear that, guys? None of you will end up with Moryn, so stop competing with each other. It will only bring bunch of headaches," Leah said. 

"So what?" We all looked at Night. "I don't care about her prediction. I will still do everything to make Moryn mine," Night added with determination in her voice. I just shook my head. I didn't want to speak anymore. I was too tired for arguments. "Someday, the person Ms. Moryn despises will come into her life, but will eventually be the one she loves in the end," I furrowed my brow at what Mistika said. It seems like this game is getting serious.

"Oh, come on, Elizabeth. Stop doing that. You're causing the kids to overthink." Charbelle scolded. I saw Mistika suppress her laughter. So her real name is Elizabeth, huh. I'll definitely remember that face. We exited Destiny's Crystal Ball. The sun was setting, but the school events were still ongoing. There was going to be a concert featuring a famous P-POP artist in the Philippines. I knew it wouldn't start until later, but Leah and Charbelle were so excited that we were heading to the school quadrangle where it will be held.

I understand them, thinking that it would be good for them to enjoy too. I was aware of the immense exhaustion that the student council members went through just to organize a week-long school festival, and I know it's not an easy task. I was taken aback when someone suddenly handcuffed my hand. "What the!" It was my immediate reaction. Charbelle laughed at me. What does this mean? I noticed that Night was also handcuffed. Oh no, I have a bad feeling about this. I wonder who is behind this again.

"What are you doing, let me go!" Night struggled against these people wearing black polo shirts with "Ninja Love Police" written on their back. If I weren't handcuffed right now, I would definitely facepalm at how lame their name is. Their polo shirts werre tucked into their black pants. They were also wearing black masks and caps. I glanced at Charbelle, who was the only scatterbrained one among us. "Opps! I have nothing to do with this," she defended herself even though I hadn't said anything yet. Even Leah and Moryn avoided making eye contact with me.

They blindfolded me, so I couldn't see where they were taking us. "Let me go!" Night continued to shout relentlessly. "Would you please shut up!" I said irritably. "As if they're going to kill us and sell our organs on the black market!" She's so over reacting. We entered a room, they made me sit down, and when they removed my blindfold, a large mirror greeted me. I rolled my eyes and sighed with annoyance. I already have an idea where I am right now. I bet this is the inside of a wedding booth. Getting married tonight, huh? What a pain.

They had me put on a white wedding tuxedo, applied a bit of makeup, and styled my hair. "So, who's this lucky girl I'm marrying tonight?" I asked the woman who was still fussing with my hair, just to break the silence. She didn't respond, seemingly too focused on applying the hairspray to hear me. "Excuse me," I said again. "Oh sorry. Come again," she seemed to be preoccupied with something else. "I said, who am I marrying tonight?" I repeated. "Yes sir, with Night!" she answered quickly and enthusiastically.

Wait, what? Even though she didn't quite get the exact point of my question, at least she answered it, and I got her point too. But it seems like I still didn't want to let it go. "No. What I mean is, this night." I was starting to get irritated again. "Yes sir. That girl Night!" I groaned in annoyance. "Never mind!" I gave up. She was just too frustrating to talk to.