
Lover's Life On Line

"Scarlett, don't be scared. Its just me." He assures me, sliding a hand on my nape. Dangerously, sending shivers down my spine. "No, it's not you. You are not the one, I always knew. And if this is your true side, then maybe I did not know you at all." Not Everything Is Perfect. And if it is, it's not a thing at all. Scarlett Holmes. Has a perfect life. A well-to-do lifestyle. An understanding mother. The best friends, everyone envy. And the looks to die for. But, the New Yorker still longs for something. One true love. After all, who's life is complete without it? A bonfire trip to an isolated forest brings back old memories. But, also gives her what she was truly waiting for. Now, the question is. To get what she wishes for, will she sacrifice her everything that is worth admired for? Lives will turn upside down. Secrets will unfold. Hearts will break. Tears will be shed. A psychopathic killer on the loose. A lover she trails. Risking the lives of her friends. What will she choose? So, just in case. You want something. Always remember. "Be Careful What You Wish For."

xoyashire02 · Teen
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32 Chs

Author's Note

Please clearly and open-mindly read. The following rules and regulations. For reading on wattpad, my story. Or anyone's story in particular.

Anyways, just read these:

1. Firstly, I would like to mention. That this is MY story. An original. So therefore, not a copyrighted material.

2. Secondly, this story, does NOT speak against any religion, customs, status values, country, city, continent, towns or area. And not about any author or any person in particular.

3. Most importantly, you should note. I am a calm and friendly person. Am helpful and someone known as a 'Problem Solver'. So if, I caught you, any over smart reader. Copying my hard work. Believe me, it won't end well.

'Cos I can be daring, when I want to be.

And don't take it, as a request. Take it as a warning.

4. If anyone, of you dear readers. Catch someone doing wrong, quickly report it, to wattpad's help line centre. And this rule, is not only for me, but also for other authors.

5. Lastly, follow the four rules. As it is strictly prohibited.

And anyways, I know. You guys are geniuses and einsteins. And obviously, have better imaginations than mine. Then, why don't you use it? Post a story, like mine. If you think, you are not good enough. Then, pfft. Think again. As my dearest readers, you are. Because.

Every person has a place in their mind, that thinks crazily. And that is your wildest imagination.

So, be creative. As you are. And please read my story. With apologies, I notify. Forgive me, for my grammatical mistakes. Or any spelling errors. And lastly, love you a lot and have fun.