Zero's POV
When trying to wake me up, pretty easy. When trying to wake me up when I'm upside down, no. My master dumps me with water instantly waking up. I look up to sense my master standing in front of me. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm blind. And mute. How and why? They say my throat was damaged. And my eyes were just like that. "You awake, Zero?" 'Yes.' "Good job winning." 'Yes.' "Then, I expect you to be ready by 5. We have an audience to fulfill." He then leaves and I stay awake thinking of what to do, so I turn to sleeping. Next thing I know is my master coming in and unlocking some locks so I'm not attached to the ceiling. And he motions me to follow him getting a remote to unlock the rehibitor on my neck. We walk to a gate I know too well. "Get out there and show no mercy, or I'm not going to show you mercy." I nod in response to his orders before he leaves probably going to the "grand" section. The announcers talk and then I hear my name called so I walk through the gate and into the the arena. They talk a little more before they announce a one v one. Anyone can go against me, just be prepared for ending of your or the opponent, which is me, in hell. And some person volunteers to go against me. I activate a spell, Invocaro, which allows me to see, a strange women with blond almost white hair and vibrant yellow streaks. She is wearing a very big and long trench coat with a rapier strapped to her left, and a battle axe on her back. Before we even get ready, she grabs a hidden gun out of nowhere and shot it in the sky and her appearance changes, the same hair colors, but everything else was different.