
Lovely Rival - I fell in love with my Rival.

Andrea Gray is a very well known model and also the successor of the highest company in the fashion industry. Grays clothesline is very famous due to it's modern designs and beautiful models. But one day all of that changes after the sudden blow up of the clothes made by SKY a another clothing company. Greed eats up Andrea's Father, Bernard. He always wanted to be the highest person and he thinks that losing means your weak. He ordered his only daughter to seduce the great successor of the SKY company. Is Andrea willing to do everything to keep her father company on the top Or she will rather choose love and let her father's company go to waste.

Scarlet_Love14 · Teen
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11 Chs

I'll do everything, For my family's company.

I went home and saw my parents cooking together. "Hey mom, dad I'm home." I said with my heads down. I sat on the dinner table quietly. My dad sat beside me and said. "What happened?" "Huh?" He took of my hoodie and make me face him. "Who makes you cry?" "No one." "Tell me princess." I put my hoodie back and asked. "How's the company dad?" "Well.. as of now its doing great! We have an investor from japan and They said that they have some connection with a modelling company there. And I know how much you want to model." "So?" "After your High school life, You will move to japan and study how to be a model there." "I'll think about it." "Come on Darling, Just do it, be a model who will represent our company. Please." My dad said with a convincing tone. "Okay, I'll do it." "Thank you, princess." He said and hug me. I stand up and went to my room.


After our graduation I saw Andrea heading towards the parking slot. "Hey!" I said and grab her hands. "What do you need?" "Where are you going?" "Why do you care?" "Your friends are going to have party later, aren't you coming?" "I have many important things to do than that." She was about to enter the car.. But I stop her by hugging her. "Hey what are you doing?! Get your flithy hands away from me." "I know that you need somebody by your side, and I'm willing to be that person, I like you Andrea." I suddenly blurt out my feelings about her. We've been classmates for three years now and it seems like she didn't even notice that. I liked her since the first day of school, And today I gather all my strength to confess, hoping that she would like a loser like me. "Ew! get away from me! I will never like a loser like you!" She said and push me hard on the ground. She went inside the car and I watch her as she drive away. I knew it, I will never be love by her.


All my life, All I have to do is do what ever my father wants me to do. That is his rule for me to be his company's successor. People come to me, not to be friends, They want money. As a CEO's daughter with a lot of money, I can't just get well to everyone especially a person like Spencer. I don't really want to hurt him, after all he has done to me. But I have to, For my fame. He is known as the schools loser. And I can't be friends with a loser. Thats what they say.

I look outside the car's window. "Ms. Gray we will arrive at the airport soon." My driver said. I take my mirror and fixes my self. I noticed that my bracelet is gone. "I guess I push him too hard that even my bracelet is gone." Today, I'm going to meet with my fathers investor's Daughter who is also a model on the modelling company that my father told me.


I was about to leave, when I saw a bracelet on the ground. "Her bracelet, looks so expensive and beautiful. Just like her." I grab it and put it inside my pocket.