
Lovely Rival - I fell in love with my Rival.

Andrea Gray is a very well known model and also the successor of the highest company in the fashion industry. Grays clothesline is very famous due to it's modern designs and beautiful models. But one day all of that changes after the sudden blow up of the clothes made by SKY a another clothing company. Greed eats up Andrea's Father, Bernard. He always wanted to be the highest person and he thinks that losing means your weak. He ordered his only daughter to seduce the great successor of the SKY company. Is Andrea willing to do everything to keep her father company on the top Or she will rather choose love and let her father's company go to waste.

Scarlet_Love14 · Teen
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11 Chs

His voice sounds really familiar.

*Next day*

Andrea's P.O.V

I spent all night researching about the company but I don't know how to do it. I guess I'll be not able to make my Dad proud this time. I layed on my bed and my mind drifts in to the guy who saved me. I want to thank him again after the incident. When I was not crying. I don't care being seen by many people anymore. They already saw me modelling, Laughing, and this time crying. -"It's all good now.- I remember the guy who saved me said. "His voice is definitely familiar." I said to my self. Then suddenly.. -"I don't like to see people cry."- I remembered the nerd guy who stopped me from crying. "Is it him? Nah~ I saw his face before passing out, He's kinda handsome, A nerd can not be like him." I argue with my self. I keep on thinking about that guy when I heard someone enter my room. "Uhm.. Andrea, I just got another endorsment project for you." My manager said. "Sasha.. I told you, I don't want any works for now, especially on time like this. My father needs me." "I know but.. You might want to know the company name before you said no." "Okay, What is it?" "It's the SKY clothing line." "uhm.. let me think about it.. No." "Wait what? Did you just said SKY clothing line?" "Yes, Ms.Gray." She said smirking. "I'ma grab that." "I knew you we're gonna say that so... Guess what." "What?" "You will going to work this week. And mama will earn money." "If not only for the company, I will not do it." "But it's for your company." "That's why~ My father wants me to spy around like a little child on that SKY what so ever." I said. "So what's your plan on doing that?" "First, I will accept the endorsement then after that you know, Have some dinner with the CEO, Be as innocent looking lady as possible and lastly, Find something from them that our Company can use." "Great plan coming from a great model, But, Keep this in mind. Your whole career will be ruin once you get caught, so.. Be sneaky as possible, Get it?" "Wow~ I can't believe that even my manager is on this." "Answer me, Get it?" "Yeah, yeah, whatever." "Great, The first meeting with the CEO will be 6:30 p.m. at Atelier crenn." "Can you repeat that?" "Atelier crenn?" "No not that, the time." "Oh, 6:30 p.m." I look at my phone and see that its already 5:47 p.m. "Oh~ great, i only have about 40 minutes left." "Well.. that's what the CEO says, We can't say no." She said and left. I sighed. We have to be a innocent bad girl for the mean time. I arrange the clothes I'm going to wear and then went to my bathroom to take a fast bath.

After I've done everything I look at the mirror and put on my Pink lip gloss. "Perfect." I took my purse and head to the living room. "Sasha!" I yelled. She appeared wearing a formal shirt and pants. "Did you forget that you are a girl?" "Did you forget that if I dress like a girl I'll shine brighter than you." "Oh Shut up." She chuckled and I cling on her arms. Sasha is been my bestfriend/Manager since the day I started modelling. I trust her, and so does she. We entered the car with my personal driver and tell him where we're going.


Spencer's P.O.V

I was finishing the design Kayla taught me when my phone suddenly rangs. It's Dad. "Hello, Dad, What is it?" "I want you to come with me and attend a dinner with someone." "I want too Dad but, I'm still finishing the design I'm gonna present for the day after tomorrow." "Don't worry about it for now, You told the company about getting Andrea Gray as our endorser right?" "Yes and what is it gonna do about it?" "Tonight, We will have a dinner with Andrea Gray and try to convince her to be our endorser." Hearing that makes me put the mechanical pen i was holding. "Okay, I'll get ready now Dad." I said and Hung up immediately on him. I wanted to meet her again. After what happened yesterday, I want to check on her if she's fine. I hope she still remembers me.



If you're not from california like me, you may not know Atelier Crenn, Well I've done many research and found out that Atelier Crenn is a 3 Michelin Star Restaurant located in San Francisco, California. Also, I'm only gonna describe the restaurant based on what I saw from the images and from what i read on the reviews.)

*Note*: The reason why many companies or store wants Andrea to be their model because Neither she nor her family doesn't go so public that much. Andrea didn't tell the public that she is a successor of a company, Also for now her Father only wants her to focus on modelling and not much on handling the company.