
Lovely Girl from Mestonia

Petra relocates to the city to pursue a Metropol High School scholarship. That's where she met Lyon. The wealthy and cool young man. As if that wasn't enough in the name of destiny to secure Petra a lifetime contract with Lyon. Lyon's future wife.

Ningsih_Nh · Urban
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351 Chs

LGfM 267 Don't go far away 

LGfM 267 



What can Lyon do if Lisa is already screaming in a phone call? 



Of course, Lyon had to come and obey. After a long time, not more than a year their parents left and now suddenly came home and asked to come. It was like Lyon was getting an unpleasant surprise. 



Unfortunately, before Lyon could reply to Lisa's screams, her cell phone battery ran out and the call disconnected by itself. Lyon sighed between relief and worry. However, there was nothing he could do but charge the phone with the power cord. 



"Looks like, I won't be able to work on this project any time soon. I have to tell Paul about this." Lyon muttered, getting out of bed and walking back to the room Paul was in. 



"Why did you come back again?" said Paul, aware of Lyon's presence.