
Lovely Couple Dangerous Journey Ep4:The devils road

Devil Asta, Angel konan, warrior Shane, and the wizard Hollow head twords the Castle of Unity to rescue the princess...they saw a long road to the castle....

Hollow:"if we follow this road it would take us about a week to reach the castle!!!"

Shane:"she can't wait that long... We must get there as fast as possible"

Hollow:"i know but...."

Konan holds Shane hands and said..

Konan:"don't worry we will try to get there as fast as possible"

Asta:"but how?"

Hollow:"wait let me think...." Said the wizard

As the wizard was thinking,,,, they was suddenly attack by 3 Dragon that looks vicious,,,,


With fast speed Konan create a tough and strong light shield that repels the extremely hot fire that was blows out of the 2 dragon mouth....

Hollow was burnt by the extreme heat...

Konan quickly heal the wizard while Asta and Shane fights the Dragon....

With Shane determination to save princess Augustine he fights with all his might and slice the first dragon into half with a massive flame that prevents the dragon from regenerating, mean while Asta took care of the second Dragon, Asta was trying to create the same gauntlet that he accidentally made before but all the Dark magic went to his back, instead of a gauntlet the dark magic create a long red sword followed by a pair of devilish Wings....

With intense speed Asta cut the second Dragon into multiple pieces and because of the dark magic the dragon corpse dissolve by it self....

The third dragon laugh at the face of the one who killed his brothers...

As Asta and Shane about to attack the dragon suddenly become ginormous and hard skin...

Because of that they won't be able to cut it...

As soon as they think all hope was gone a witch suddenly appear and start chanting and created a big spikes made out of wood that goes through the dragon body....

The dragon scream in pain....

The witch run twords the adventures and said.,.

Witch:"are you guys okay?"with a worried look...

The wizard faint because of exhaustion after saying...

Hollow:"have... meet...before...."then faint

(End of episodes 4)