
Loveless Years; Until We Meet Again

Selina Fox thought she had finally had everything she ever wanted in life the day she married Zane Morris, the CEO of RIS EMPIRE Ltd, and was expecting a child with him. However, Selina's world came crashing down when she discovered Zane had no interest in having a child with her and had chosen his mistress over her. Selina couldn't endure his aloofness towards her and his hedonistic lifestyle any longer, especially living as an infertile woman. "I want nothing else from you except a divorce! Let's get divorced!" Selina demanded. Although Zane admitted he failed to love and respect her as his wife, he was determined not to break the vow's irrevocable part: “Selina, till death do us part. So, don't tempt me to violate that beautiful vow. No matter what you do, I will never break it,” Zane stated, reiterating that he would never meet Selina's demand.

LilyKim · Urban
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21 Chs

Second chance

A devilish grin settled on his lips as he saw the lingerie he had bought for her, fitting snugly on her sassy hip.

Selina finally allowed herself to know what she was feeling right now. This would be the last time they were going to be intimate, she thought.

She felt his finger going rough on her clitoris while his other hand squeezed her breast mischievously and mercilessly.

Feeling the rough movement in her clitoris from his two fingers, her eyes went open and a small moan escaped her lips when his hardened and mighty cock entered her while he was riding her violently and unleashing his anger on her like always.

"Zane…." Selina moaned and Zane didn't give a chance for her to call his name as he took her lips, kissing her steadily and slowly while a soft moan filled the room.

"F**k!!!" Zane moaned as he gripped onto her round plump breast and played with her nipple mischievously for a long time before he sucked it, hungrily.

Zane couldn't control his pleasure, but he couldn't pour inside of her while going raw with her. He enjoyed it the most this way–feeling her sweetness every time. He didn't care about the outcome as long as there was a pill waiting for her to take after their intimacy.

His lips twirled up to the corner, listening to her moans and soul calling out his name was what he enjoyed most as well.

After a long ride with her, Zane let go of Selina, who was lying naked on the bed, feeling her body so exhausted that she couldn't make a move on the bed.

An intimacy she was having without a single feeling of love she had felt from him. Instead, she was needed any time he wished to have her.

How long would she continue in this hell?

She grew worried at the second thought of her unborn well-being and hoped his violent ride would not affect her child.

"Be sure to take the pills," Zane reminded her while he stood up from the bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

Selina stared at the pill placed in the drawer. She had been taking pills to prevent herself from getting pregnant after their intimacy, and his constant reminder made her feel unworthy of his love.

Noticing his presence was not here, Selina burst into silent tears. She couldn't hold back her tears from pouring out right now.

Resentment tried to flame up against Zane in Selina's heart, but she kept hindering herself from hating him. This feeling became an old friend waiting to free her from her hell, but she couldn't let it find a room in her heart.

"Why not hate him, Selina?" She muttered while sobbing uncontrollably on the bed, she was laying on.

The following morning, the sunlight found its way into the room through the open window and curtain, brightening the room with a fresh new forgetfulness of the previous day.

However, Selina still couldn't forget Zane's decision to raise Jane's baby with him. Her hands trembled with the necktie she was fixing around Zane's collared shirt to add elegance to his outfit.

"What are you thinking, Selina?" Zane asked with furrowed eyebrows when he noticed Selina's dazed expression and she was incorrectly making the necktie.

Selina jolted to her senses at his crisp voice, puzzled as she misheard him. She lowered her gaze and noticed she had been trying the necktie wrongly all this while.

"The tie, It was a mistake," Selina said subconsciously. "I will redo it."

"Let it be." Zane stopped her and worked on the necktie himself, as he was late for work because he slept beside Selina and didn't know when it was dawn. "You look pale and unwell. Are you sure you have been taking the pills all this time?" He asked, scared his worst nightmare was not happening.

Selina was mute for a short time, staring at him unbelievably. "It seems you are badly scared of me conceiving a child for you. Do not worry, I took extra pills." Selina answered, seeing how uneasy he appeared with whatever thoughts running in his head. She had stopped taking the pills for a month now and would never think of continuing it again.

"Since Jane's baby is on his way, I don't want you to add needless distractions or double responsibilities on me. So, it would be kind of you to let Jane give birth to our children instead." Zane said firmly, trying not to get affected by her sad heart speaking.

Selina scoffed at his words. Tears started surging up in the corner of her eyes. "My fertility results say that I'm fertile and healthy enough to become a mother. Then why should I let another woman conceive a child for my husband? How much do you despise your seed to grow inside me?"

"My animosity for you shouldn't be your concern," He answered in a frosty tone. His emotionless eyes were piercing into her innocent, moist gray eyes.

"This is my concern because I'm the one suffering from it!! Tell me you don't want me anymore, and I will stop loving you and leave!" Selina had grown fed up with her one-sided love and was ready to leave once he said what she wanted to hear.

Zane stared at her, speechless. He didn't think he would ever let her go, nor could he let her know his reasons. "I'm leaving to arrange a gynecologist for Jane. Also, spend my day with her after that, so don't wait for my return tonight." He diverted their conversation as he moved to the drawer, picked up his car keys, and strode towards the exit.

He opened the door and was about to step out, but halted his step when he heard Selina asking.

"What if there has been a child growing in my tummy? Won't you give us a chance to start our marriage afresh? It would be sad to raise a child alone without both parents' love." Selina said, her heart desperate to blossom her marriage and feared to drown in abyssal loneliness.

She didn't want her child to grow up without her father's love, just like her. For the sake of her unborn child, she wanted to give her marriage a second chance and prayed Zane would accept it.

Zane gulped down as though there was lump in his throat, making it difficult for an answer from him. His jaw clenched, and his grip on the doorknob was fierce as he had an uncomfortable flashback.

"Then get rid of the child if there is already one inside of you. Let me tell you, Selina, you can't be the mother of my child," Zane said coldly, making it clear to her that he didn't want her to birth his kids.

As he finished speaking, he strode out of the door before banging it close behind him.