

A story about blind love. Imagine meeting your soulmate, but differences stop you from being with them. This is a classic love story with a twist. Kayla met Alek at a time where nothing seemed right in the world. She knew this. However she hadn't prepared to fall so blindly.

ButterflyPoettt · Teen
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Chapter Seven

I paused for a moment, not sure whether to continue looking or to break eye contact. I hadn't even answered that question in my head before I'd averted my gaze back to Elena, Who at this point was giggling with Lia. they were laughing at some guy dancing in the middle of the room he was currently doing the jellyfish dance. I smiled to myself and started to walk towards them when in that moment I felt two hands cover my eyes. I gasped slightly tensing as my back had hit the chest of someone. I heard chuckling and sighed in relief realising I knew this person. "Woah Kayla I really caught you off guard", Isaac whispered in my ear. I turned instantly, "Isaac you scared the shit out of me", I exclaimed punching my fist on his chest. In which he just grabbed my wrists holding me in place playfully.

He was feigning being shocked with his mouth wide and a devious expression on his face. I could tell he found my attempt to fight him funny. Isaac was about 6ft so he towered me, I always felt tall for a girl because most my friends had been shorter than me. But he always made me feel small, he had light brown eyes and his hair was a tangle of curls.

We had been friends for years throughout school, however he had joined a new college. So we only spoke from time to time checking on one another when we could get the chance. Today was the first time I had seen him since we had finished year 11. "This is funny to you isn't it", I asked him narrowing my eyes. He paused "how are you", he replied pulling me into a tight hug casually ignoring my question all together. One of the things I loved about Isaac was I always felt comfortable with him. No matter how much time passed it always felt normal, he was just that kind of friend. "I'm great, I just got here when did you turn up", I asked him. I hadn't seen him at all when coming into the house, "I got here not long ago just been chilling", a boy from across the room began to call Isaac over at this point. He paused looking at me, I could tell he wanted to catch up. "You can go we can catch up later on" I said to him answering the question in his eyes. "Are you sure, i don't mind staying", he replied. "No it's fine honestly I haven't even said happy birthday to the birthday girl", I giggled in which he did too. He began to walk towards the table at this point.

I stalked towards the entrance to the garden and joined the girls standing under the canopy. "Happy birthday!", I shouted as Elena jumped in surprise. "Oh my god, Kayla!" She screamed and grabbed me into a hug. "Thank you so much, you know how much I love you", she continued and I giggled as I could tell the birthday girl had probably been sipping  the cocktails placed on the table. "You look gorgeous", I stated to her taking in her white outfit it was truly stunning. Lia handed me a drink and told me to hurry and catch up to them. I glanced into the cup i am pretty sure I saw it bubble a little whatever concoction was in this cup was deadly. I grimaced as I took a sip it tasted horrible but from the smiles on everyone's face I knew it would be worth it.


"Guys everyone in the front room, let's play a game", Lia shrieked as she ran into the front room we had just cut Elena's birthday cake. Everyone followed Lia into the room. It was midnight, by this point there was only a few of us still here. I glanced around the room as I saw Alek join us quietly, I noticed that the guy he was with earlier was no longer here. We all sat in a circle, Isaac and Jonathon sat opposite me and the girls. It was strange us all sitting here, it reminded me of when we were in school it was nice though. The only difference being the new boy Alek. I looked over at Lia, "So Lia how do you play this game of yours", I asked trying to get this started so it could be over and done with. "Well it's not really a game it's more a debate, we ask tricky questions and go round the room answering what we would do", Lia replied to me, I knew this game we always played it and it was interesting I had to admit.

"Questions like what", Jonathon chimed in sounding confused by what was just explained. "Anything, soo for example would you rather have 1 million pounds or find true love", I rolled my eyes at the true love part. Well obviously I would take the 1 million pound i thought to myself. "Well obviously I'd take the 1 million", Isaac exclaimed chuckling. "You literally just said what I thought", I replied to him throwing a pillow at him. "Guys guys okay would you rather cut your own finger off or cut your toe off", Lia started to say but stopped when everyone burst out laughing. "What kind of question is that", Sabrina cackled. "Well is anyone going to answer, I would say my finger", she stated already made up her mind. I knew she probably made it up as soon as she asked the question. "I would cut off my toe, I need my hands", I glanced up as I heard Alek say this. I had been avoiding looking at him, he always made me forget my train of thought. "Oh so you use your hands a lot", I asked before I could even think.

I think the tequila had kicked in because I didn't know where this confidence had come from. "Define a lot", he asked as he took a swig of the bottle of desperado he was drinking. I could feel my cheeks warming, I realised no one was really focusing on this little discussion we were having. But the intensity felt like everyone was listening. "I got a question, this is tricky okay so would you rather date an Amarian or date a camel?", Jonathon shouted and laughed. I looked around the room and could see some people entertaining this question they were chiming in with giggles. I focused on Alek he looked bothered tensing his jaw slightly. "No offence opposite", Jonathon continued. "I mean how can I not take offence to something offensive", Alek muttered sarcastically. "Wow so the Amarian actually has a voice", I could tell Jonathon was getting angry but from the look on Alek's face I could tell he was more affected. "Drop it J", Elena said as Alek began to stand up by this point both boys were chest to chest.

I was confused how it had got to this but I could feel the tension bubbling. "Cmon guys theres no need for that it's a simple question anyways", I looked at Isaac I was upset with his comment it wasn't a simple question it shouldn't have even been a question. "Simple question", Alek laughed as he said it but I knew he wasn't laughing because he found it funny. In that moment Alek walked towards the door and out of nowhere, I mean nowhere he punched his fist against the wall causing a dent to mould to it. His eyes looked dark, he looked dangerous. He looked pained. Everyone paused in shock as he continued to exit the house like nothing had even happened his face blank. I didn't see him again that night.