
Lovegum Nuri

Nuri is a college student struck between her career and a urge to remove loneliness from her life.... Follow this amazing journey of emotions and explore a love angle...

Harshpreet_2281 · Teen
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44 Chs

Culture programmes and illness....

Next day, as expected Nuri fell I'll... she developed a fever of 101°.She hadn't told anyone about it except Jia.

"I thought you were a mature girl.. but look at you... you played like a little kid in that thunderstorm."

"You have been telling me the same lines since 5 in the morning"

"Because it's my responsibility to make you realise your mistake... I mean what was going on your mind? "

"Nothing much, just missing my family a lot"

"What about your dance performance now"?

"Oh! that cultural programme? .... nobody knows about my participation except you and Mr. Bharat"

(Mr.Bharat was ab Indian origin dance teacher in the university and Nuri was pleased to see a fellow Indian)

"Now are you gonna perform tomorrow morning"

"I feel I'll just rest today and I'll be ready to perform tomorrow".

" As you wish, take care"

"Don't tell Adrick about the fever he'll definitely approach you but a big no... Okay? "


Adrick called her but she lied to him about her short trip to Target. He insisted to accompany her but she told him:

"I need to buy some hygienic products, that's none of your work Adrick".

She was brave enough to just speak in the normal tone.

" Wanna hang out in the evening" texted Adrick.

"No just tired from the walk".

Next day she wore her White Ankarkali with Gajra on her hair tied in a high bun. She had to perform on famous Indian song " Teri Deewani".It was a Indian cultural Programme specially for Indian freshers.

"Can I accompany you? " asked Adrick.

"It's for Indians"

"I can be a Indian too in near future" smirked Adrick.

"Whatever, do you even know a single hindi word? "

Yeah! Namaste 🙏

"Never mind you can come"

"Can I ask you a question"? Is it my bad or you're sick today? "

"Your bad Adrick"

"I don't think you look good... I mean you're as hot as a frying pan on stove"he said touching her forehead. "No need to dance Nuri you're not well".

She went on to the stage. She danced gracefully which resulted in a great round of applause.As soon as she came down the back stage she fainted as if she was waiting for her performance to end.

" Call the doctor now"shouted Mr. Bharat backstage.

Seeing the doctor arrive. Adrick rushed backstage.

"I was telling her to stop it and she doesn't listen all" Cried Adrick

Adrick was literally crying like a baby.

"Is she well doctor? "

"Fever is near to 103...102.5 currently"

"We need to take her to dispensary".

" I'll carry her"

Adrick carried her through the 10 minute route to dispensary. They gave her some shots and medicines and kept her for observations for 2 hours and sent her back with Adrick.

"Nuri, what's wrong with you?... first you forced yourself in the rain and now this... what's wrong with you".

" I wanted to win the cultural competition..."

"You'll definitely win it but... "

"Now stop it... I need to rest"

He accompanied her to her room and insisted to stay there till Jia arrived. She laid on her bed and Adrick sat there till she felt asleep. The dose of paracetamol made her sleep within seconds. Adrick kissed on her forehead and laid on Jia's side of bed all night as Jia insisted him to stay with Nuri. (She had a late nights conference to attend which Adrick thought was her plan to just unite them).

Nuri woke up several times at night just screaming because of the heavy doses and everytime Adrick woke up and cradled her till she felt asleep again. Then he sat by her side and woke up all night until he discovered a box on the side of her bed.

"WITH LOVE AMIT...." were the words written on the box.

"He opened it and found a letter along with some items. It took him half an hour to complete the long letter... As soon as the letter finished he stared quietly at Nuri for 10 minutes and cried for the next 20. He closed the letter and the box and opened the closet and hid it behind a bunch of stuff and came back and sat there all night thinking about the letter...