
Loveful Heart

We've all had childhood crushes, right? Some turned out well, while others did not. Unfortunately, in this story, things don't work out so well; it starts out great, but the end... well, you'll see for yourself. This story begins with Childhood friends, who soon turns into a crush. (Based on a true story)

Miaarora_1216 · Teen
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9 Chs


Chapter 4

Nisya found his school email and sent him a message saying, "Hi, this is your old friend Nisya. It's been forever since we've talked. How are you?" then hit send in the hopes of getting a reply. After that, she got a message from Lydia saying that Aayan had actually messaged her on Instagram, saying that "you are pretty". Nisya was surprised to hear that, so she quickly checked her Instagram, but there was no such message there.

She texted Lydia, saying, "Are you sure I didn't get any messages from him, and where did you even hear this??"

She replied, "Oh, well, that's what Devin told me".

Then Nisya replied "Well, there's nothing here, so he was obviously lying".

"Ughh, ofc..," Lydia replied.

Nysia was disappointed but didn't want to give up just yet. The next morning in class, Jasmine and Myra asked Nisya about how the meet-up with Aayan went. She told them that he never showed up because he went home for lunch. That's when Jasmine told her that she actually saw him at lunch at the plaza, hanging out with his friends. Nisya was in disbelief and questioned her if she was sure that that was really him, and Jasmine was certain and knew exactly what she was talking about, even claiming to state that she remembered his face exactly from the picture that Nisya had shown her. Nisya did believe her, so she decided to text Lydia about the news that she had just heard. Lydia texted Devin about the situation and demanded clarification because she was equally shocked. Later on, once everything got cleared up, Lydia asked Nisya to meet her outside the cafeteria at lunch so she could take her to meet Aayan. Truth be told, Nisya was actually quite anxious to meet him because it had been so long since she had spoken to or seen him face-to-face, and she was unsure of what she would say when she saw him again. Without Lydia, she would never have carried out this plan. So after 30 minutes had passed, they once again started looking for Devin and Aayan, and surprise, surprise, they were nowhere to be seen. Both of them were fed up with the guys not showing up, and Nisya was pissed off at Aayan for not showing up two times in a row and wasting her time. She also never got a reply from Aayan through email. Thinking that it made sense since neither she nor anybody else ever checked their emails, she deleted the message she had sent to him.

The following day at lunch, her friend Myra once again asked whether she had finally had the chance to see Aayan. Nisya disappointingly said no and explained how he had been putting her off for the past two days. Myra was merely irritated by this and thought Aayan was a jerk for neglecting to show up. Nisya told her that she planned to "try" meeting him once more today in the hopes that he would actually show up. So 30 minutes later, Nisya waved bye to Myra, and she wished her luck. Nisya was on her way to wait for Lydia at the cafeteria when she unexpectedly spotted Aayan outside the cafeteria with his friends. She was so startled that her heart began to race, and she panickedly started texting Lydia, telling her to hurry and show up right away. Nisya was so anxious, and it didn't help the fact that Aayan was looking directly at her; she prayed he didn't recognize her, at least not yet. She turned away from his gaze and continued texting Lydia. He stopped staring and followed his friends once they called for him. She was relieved to release the strain as she saw Lydia coming. After hearing from Nisya that she had just seen Aayan, Lidya was eager to head to the gym's locker area. Lydia and Nisya saw Aayan talking to his friends as soon as they reached the locker area. She was ready to leave and refused to do this at all because she was so hesitant to go up and talk to him. However, Lydia didn't want her to give up after making it this far, so she encouraged her by telling her that she wouldn't have another opportunity like this. After hearing it, Nisya knew her friend was right, so she pulled up the courage to walk up to him. Their conversation wasn't what her expectations had lived up to but then again, when are our expectations ever the same as reality?