
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Red eyes

Aria looked at him and asked "Now what do you want?"

"Mom's gonna ask you about the room. Please tell her you'll be staying with me, please?"

Aria felt her heart warmed up, she wanted to kiss that cute facw he was making but decided to tease him a little. She rolled her eyes at him and hopped out of the car. She turned to look at him and found him looking at her with the same pleading eyes. She shrugged her shoulders and said with a smirk.


And with that she ran to the door and rang the doorbell before Luca could be out of the sudden shock she gave him. Luca couldn't do anything.Marie opened the door and invited them both in. Arai hugged Marie and happily went in, but Luca only gave a forced smile to his mother and followed Aria in the living room.

He sat Aria's bags on the ground and Aria greeted Jason. Jason happily greeted her back. Luca also with an unhappy face

greeted his father. Aria looked at him and found a sad smile on his face. She didn't want him to be sad, she just wanted to tease him a little. Marie came into the living room and asked Aria

"I have settled a room for you, but Luca said you both will be living in the same room?"

Aria had a eheeky snile and said

"Yes, I'll be cool with him". Luca turn to look at her with a shocked look on his face, which was then turned into a big smile. Marie nodded and spoke again.

"Okay then, go and unpack your stuff. I'll send some snacks for both of you. The dinner will be ready soon".

Luca and Aria both nodded and he pulled her to his room. As soon as they stepped in his room, He locked the door and caged her

between his arms and the door. Aria looked at him through her long, thick lashes and her cheeks were pink. He leaned in and pecked her lips.

He then scooped her up in his arms and took her to bed. He gently put her on bed and took her bags. He went to his closet and set her things. He went back to Aria who was nervously playing with her fingers. He sat beside her and pulled her in his lap.

Her cheeks turned in a bit darker pink, she closed her eyes and buried her face in the crock of his neck. He chuckled, seeing her reaction. He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. They stayed like this for a while, without a single word, they sat together.

After sometime they made their way to the dining room. Luca sat on his chair and Aria took a seat beside him. Jason came and took his seat. Both luca and Aria greeted him he also greeted them back and they all waited for Marie to come to the dining room. Marie came and took her seat beside her


They all ate without a single word. After dinner, Aria helped Marie with the dishes and Luca sat with his father. Marie and Aria came into the living room and joined them. They talked for a while and then they all went to their rooms. Next night came and Luca took Aria to his room earlier.

She was confused but didn't ask him. Aria didn't know much but Luca knew it was a full moon night. And all the creatures would be blood thirsty. Although he was a Werewolf but because he didn't know the other half which he is he hasn't fully unleash his werewolf abilities and he seemed to use more of his unknown other half powers.

He came out of the bathroom, freshly showered and ready to go to bed. He was drying his hair with a towel when he looked at Ocean. She was lying on her stomach, her legs were hanging in the air. She was busy watching a movie that Luca played before he went to take a shower.

His heart skipped a beat when his eyes fell on her bare legs. She was wearing her father's t-shirt that ended till her upper thigh.

But she didn't realize that because of her current position, her shirt rose further up and her legs were fully on display for Luca.

He threw the towel and went to her. Just like that, he laid his body on hers, careful not to hurt her. She gasped as his thigh rubbed her bare, soft skin. He buried his face in her hair and spoke. "You're so stunning. I don't know

how I'm going to wait for us to turn 18. But I can't wait to make you completely mine".

Aria smiled and hid her face in her hands. She was blushing hard. Salty smell of her arousal hit his hostrils and he smirked, knowing his effects over her. She was turned on. He pecked her shoulder and moved away from her. He laid down straight on the bed. Aria quickly laid close to him.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head and inhaled her sweet vanilla scent deeply. They both were still watching the movie. A yawn escaped Aria's lips and she looked up at the Luca. He smiled and turned off the TV. He held her tightly and whispered softly.

"Good night my Aria"

"Good night my Luca".

With that, they both closed their eyes and fell asleep in each other's arms.


Aria called his name. It was dark and she was cold. She wasn't in bed anymore but in the forest. Her hands and feet were as cold as ice.


Her voice came out hoarse. She looked around and tried to remember her way back home but her mind was blank. Suddenly, her eyes spotted something, something red and was glowing. She clapped her hands on her mouth to block her sobs.

She started to move backwards. It was him. She saw him again. The man with red eyes. She turned around and started running away from him. She looked behind while running, he wasn't there anymore. She stopped and looked back again to confirm.

She was right, he wasn't there. She sighed in relief, turned around and was about to leave when someone grabbed her by her waist and said

"Where do you think you are going? I'm hungry, don't you know". With that he dug his fangs ih her reck and she gasped. She gasped loudly and sat up on the bed. She was breathing hard and her heart was wild in her rib cage. She looked around, she was still in Luca's room. She sighed and wiped her sweat with a tissue.

She filled a glass with water and downed it in one go. Still her heart was nowhere to be calmed. She decided to go out in the fresh air. She opened the door and went out of Luca's room. She went downstairs, opened the door and walked out. She was barefoot, the grass under her feet tickied her soft feet. She silently kept waking in the garden.